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[Games] Re: Super Long Generation CAF
H [100] Daniel John Lake
W [97] Virgilia Salome {Poe} Lake -
S1 [76] John Nathaniel Lake
W [74] Dahlia Annabel {Daglish} Lake S [45] Abraham Richard {Lake} Twist
-W [42] Sarah Charlotte Twist
--S [16] Julian Matthew Twist
--D [13] Marion Elia TwistD [42] Josephine Eva Lake
-H [47] Isaac John {Austin} Lake
--D [23] Isabelle Alizee Lake
---F [23] Vincent Lancelot Elinsky
----D [2] Adriana Edith Elinsky
--S [18] Edward John Lake
--D [16] Talia Leonora Lake
--D [13] Ophelia Cora Lake
--D [9] Morgana Victoria LakeD [39] Frieda Clementine {Lake} Beauford
-H [40] Christopher Edmund Beauford
--D [17] Andromeda Lilia Beauford "Annie"
--D [15] Dominique Eve Beauford
--D [14] Prospera Ida Beauford
--D/D [11] Lillian Cleopatra Beauford / Cressida Hero Beauford
--S/S [1] Christophoros Daniel Beauford / Edwin David BeaufordD [35] Nina Harriet {Lake} Plainview
-H [33] William Alonzo Plainview
--S [6] Robert Mark Plainview
--S [4] Jason Louis Plainview
--S [nb] Russell Achilles Plainview S [33] Gregory Matthew Hathaway Lake
-H [39] Rafael Tobias Hathaway Lake
--D [1] Mirabella Alice Hathaway Lake "Ella" -
D1 [72] Juliette Naomi {Lake} Mulligan "Julie"
H [73] Maximilian William Mulligan S [38] Frederick Leonard Mulligan "Freddie"
-W [42] Giulia Louise {Field} Mulligan
--D [nb] Elsinore Alice Mulligan "Ellie" D [37] Meredith Edith {Mulligan} Weiss
-H [37] Leopold Theodore Weiss
--D [20] Kelila Eleanor Weiss "Lila"
--D [19] Diana Maria Weiss
--D [16] Rosamund Miranda Weiss "Rosie"
--D [13] Lalita Tania Weiss "Lily"
--D [10] Saphira Gabrielle Weiss
--S [8] Gabriel Robert Weiss
--S [3] Charles Arthur Weiss "Charlie"S [35] Daniel Robert Mulligan
-W [33] Hypatia Rose {Blixen} Mulligan
--S [10] Arnold Xavier Mulligan
--D [7] Theophania Hester Mulligan "Tiff"
--S [4] Reuben Demetrius Mulligan
--S [nb] Anthony John Mulligan S [32] Matthias Jerome Mulligan
-F [28] Zoe Mariana Harper
--D [9] Lauren Emily Mulligan
--S [2] Eli Walter Mulligan
--D [exp] Isolda Prudence Mulligan-
D2 [70] Victoria Rose {Lake} Arbogast
H [D] Thomas Jacob Arbogast D [30] Iris Harriet {Arbogast} Montalban
-H [47] Titus George Montalban
--D/D [10] Matilda Jean Montalban / Olivia Eugenie Montalban
--S/S [6] Leonard Carl Montalban / Miles Orson Montalban
--D/S [nb] Louisa Emily Montalban / Matthan Edward Montalban "Matt"S [30] Bartholomew Isaac Arbogast
-xGf [29] Valentine Charlotee Telesco
--S [3] Leon Charles Arbogast
--S [1] Benjamin Philip Arbogast "Ben" -
S2 [69] Alexander Rory Lake "Alex"
XW [70] Amelie Imogen Thermopolis D [46] Eleanor Millicent {Thermopolis} Green
-H [49] Morgan William Green
--D [13] Bridget Anna Green
--S [9] Alexei Jerome Green "Alex"
--S [7] Nikolai William Green "Nick"
--D/D [3mo] Arabella Iris Green / Sybil Ursula Green XW [62] Ophelia Juliet {Siegel} LakeD [38] Cecily Isabella {Lake} Mallard
-F [37] Edward John Mallard
--D [20] Viola Titiana Mallard
---F [27] Jasper Jonathan Winslow
--D [17] Isabella Joan Mallard
--D [15] Hermione Perdita Mallard
--S/S/S [7mo] Alfred Oliver Mallard / Julien David Mallard / William James Mallard W [49] Beatrice Adriana {Varney} Lake D [20] Cleopatra Arkadina Lake
-Gf [19] Elizabeth Alice Humphries -
D3 [64] Desdemona Bridget {Lake} Chernova
H [62] Arthur Jack ChernovS [34] Thomas Robert Chernov "Tommy"
-W [39] Augusta Jean {Calloway} Chernova
--StepD [18] Daphne Lillian Chernova
--StepD [17] Violet Mabel Chernova
--StepD [14] Minerva Emily Chernova
--D [6] Linnet Jean Chernova
--D [3] Rosalinda Sophie Chernova "Linda"
--D [1] Suzanne Mary Chernova S [31] Christoph Eduard {Chernov} McBee
-H [33] Friedrich Louis McBee
--S [4] Benjamin August McBee S [27] Abraham Jacques Chernov S [24] Ezra Sigmund Chernov Edgehill
-Gf [20] Francesca Clara Chernova Edgehill
--S [4] Leonard Reuben Chernov Edgehill S [22] Harry Charles Chernov D [19] Josephine Eleanor Chernova
-xBf [20] Samuel Hugo Deth
--S [3] Edwin Harry Chernov -
D4 [64] Lila Miranda {Lake} Archer
H [59] Tobias Arthur Archer S [40] Jack Richard Archer
-XW [39] Violet Inga Ivanova
--D [18] Esmeralda Margeret Ivanova "Esme"
--D [15] Camilla Imogen Flora Ivanova
--D [13] Irina Jacqueline Ivanova
--S [11] Howard William Ivanov
-W [37] Madeline Jean {McMahon} Archer
--StepS [16] Edgar John McMahon
--StepS [15] Matthias Luke McMahon "Matt"
--StepS [12] Horatio Francis McMahon
--S [3] Sean Joseph Archer
--D [exp] Emmanuelle Claire Archer "Emma"-
D5 [64] Penelope Viola {Lake} Vanderpark
H [72] Frederick Joseph Vanderpark "Freddie"D [23] Alexandrine Jillian {Vanderpark} Miller "Alex"
-W [23] Charlotte Polly Miller -
S3 [59] Charles Henry Lake "Charlie"
XW [58] Rose Amelia {Temple} Lake D [40] Margarita Anna {Lake} Woolf "Mary"
-H [44] Maximilian William Woolf "Max"
-D [8] Olive Katrina Woolf
--S [4] James Robert Woolf
--S [1] August Lee Woolf "Gus"S [36] David Howard Lake
-Bf [33] Quinten Cosmo Malakov D [34] Alice Elizabeth {Lake} Prior
-H [35] Samuel Thomas Prior
--S/S [14] Tybalt Henry Prior "Ty" / Roland Edgar Prior
--S/S [8] Thaddeus Damian Prior / William Daniel Prior
--S/S [1] Leonard Adam Prior / Nicholas Charles PriorS [31] Vincent Raphael Lake
-F [28] Gwendoline Margaret {Zissou} Lake "Gwen"
--S [2mo] Gregory Theodore Lake D [29] Amaryllis Emma {Lake} Stone "Amy"
-XH [37] Edvard Daniel Stone "Ed"
--S [7] Nikolaus Edward Stone "Nick"
--S [6] Edmund Theodore Stone "Eddie"S [24] Jerome Martin Lake
-XGf [25] Miranda Daisy Quickly
--D [7] Victoria Marina Lake
--S [6] Templeton James Lake
-XGf [24] Sally Elizabeth Bahr
--S [3] Robert Thomas Bahr
-Gf [23] Sybil Iris Sommersby
--D [9mo] Aurora Vasilisa Sommersby Lake "Aura"S [21] Anton John Lake
-Gf [28] Susan Teila Hertzeberg D [15] Naomi Katharina Lake -
S4 [58] William Martin Lake "Billy"
W [D] Caitriona Leena {Kensington} Lake "Cathy"S [39] Thomas David Phoenix Lake "Tom"
-W [41] Henrietta Elisabeth Phoenix Lake
--D [9] Rosalind Georgina Phoenix Lake "Rose"
--D [8] Viola Carol Phoenix Lake
--D/D/D [nb] April Jessamine Phoenix Lake / Petra Bridget Phoenix Lake / Raphaelle Katrina Phoenix Lake "Rae"S [37] Matthew Russell Lake "Matt"
-W [37] Suzanne Isabel {Breckinridge} Lake
--S [11] Isaac Walter Lake
--S [9] Timothy Patrick Lake "Tim"
--D [6] Gillian Alice Lake
--D [5] Ada Margaret Lake
--S [2] Robert Lucifer LakeS [36] Edmund Virgil Lake "Eddie"
-F [21] Silvia Isabel Jean {Gilmore} Lake
--S [exp] William David Lake S [31] John Charles Lake "Jack"
-Gf [33] Claudia Sarah {Spica} Lake
--D [2] Catherine Grace Lake F [34] Juliet Elena Harris Daniel and Virgilia Lake | John, Juliette, Victoria, Alexander, Desdemona, Lila, Penelope, Charles and William.John and Dahlia Lake | Abraham, Josephine, Frieda, Nina and Gregory.
Abraham and Sarah Twist | Julian and Marion.
Josephine and Isaac Lake | Isabelle, Edward, Talia, Ophelia and Morgana.
Isabelle Lake and Vincent Elinsky | Adriana.
Frieda and Christopher Beauford | Andromeda, Dominique, Prospera, Lillian, Cressida, Christophoros and Edwin.
Nina and William Plainview | Robert, Jason and Russell.
Gregory and Rafael Hathaway Lake | Mirabella.Juliette and Maximilian Mulligan | Frederick, Meredith, Daniel and Matthias.
Frederick and Giulia Mulligan | Elsinore.
Meredith and Leopold Weiss | Kelila, Diana, Rosamund, Lalita, Saphira, Gabriel and Charles.
Daniel and Hypatia Mulligan | Arnold, Theophania, Reuben and Anthony.
Matthias Mullian and Zoe Harper | Lauren, Eli and Isolda.Victoria and Thomas Arbogast | Iris and Bartholomew.
Iris and Titus Montalban | Matilda, Olivia, Leonard, Miles, Louisa and Matthan.
Bartholomew Arbogast and Valentine Telesco | Leon and Benjamin.Alexander Lake and Amelie Thermopolis | Eleonor.
Eleonor and Morgan Green | Bridget, Alexei, Nikolai, Arabella and Sybil.
Alexander and Ophelia Lake | Cecily.
Cecily and Edward Mallard | Viola, Isabella, Hermione, Alfred, Julien and William.
Viola Mallard and Jasper Winslow.
Alexander and Beatrice Lake | Cleopatra Lake.
Cleopatra Lake and Elizabeth Humphries.Desdemona and Arthur Chernov | Thomas, Christoph, Abraham, Ezra, Harry and Josephine.
Thomas and Augusta Chernov | Daphne, Violet, Minerva, Linnet, Rosalinda and Suzanne.
Christoph and Friedrich McBee | Benjamin.
Ezra and Franchesca Chernov Edgehill | Leonard.
Josephine Chernova and Samuel Deth | Edwin.Lila and Tobias Archer | Jack.
Jack Archer and Violet Ivanova | Esmeralda, Camilla, Irina and Howard.
Jack and Madeline Archer | Edgar, Matthias, Horatio, Sean and Emmanuelle.Penelope and Frederick Vanderpark | Alexandrine.
Alexandrine Vanderpark and Charlotte Miller.Charles and Rose Lake | Margarita, David, Alice, Vincent, Amaryllis, Jerome, Anton and Naomi.
Margarita and Maximilian Woolf | Olive, James and August.
David Lake and Quinten Malakov.
Alice and Samuel Prior | Tybalt, Roland, Thaddeus, William, Leonard and Nicolas.
Vincent and Gwendoline Lake | Gregory.
Amaryllis and Edvard Stone | Nikolaus and Edmund.
Jerome Lake and Miranda Quickly | Victoria and Templeton.
Jerome Lake and Sally Bahr | Robert.
Jerome Lake and Sybil Sommersby | Aurora.
Anton Lake and Susan Hertzeberg.William and Caitriona Lake | Thomas, Matthew, Edmund, John and Juliet.
Thomas and Henrietta Phoenix Lake | Rosalind, Viola, April, Petra and Raphaelle.
Matthew and Suzanne Lake | Isaac, Timothy, Gillian, Ada and Robert.
Edmund and Silvia Lake | William.
John and Claudia Lake | Catherine.

This message was edited 1/21/2013, 9:36 AM

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