[Facts] ATTN: Mike C
XOCHIPILLI is originally spelled with one L only. XOCHIPILI
This is because the Nahuatl language is mostly spelled and read with Spanish phonetics. So, the name XOCHIPILI is prn. sho-SHEEP-ee-lee and not sho-sheep-ee-jee, which is what it would be prn. when spelled with a double L (ll), as in Spanish, Ll = English, J
Hope you find this of your interest,
This is because the Nahuatl language is mostly spelled and read with Spanish phonetics. So, the name XOCHIPILI is prn. sho-SHEEP-ee-lee and not sho-sheep-ee-jee, which is what it would be prn. when spelled with a double L (ll), as in Spanish, Ll = English, J
Hope you find this of your interest,
Thanks Magia, I'll see if I can work that information into the entry. Xochipilli seems to be the predominant spelling now so I'm going to leave it spelled that way in the database.
I was checking my info on Nahuatl words and Xochipilli IS correct. I had it mixed up with Xochipil (little flower), which is a diminutive form of Xochitl (flower). Xochipilli and Xochipil are two different words. The PILLI sufix means "son" and the PIL sufix means "little" Being Xochipilli "flower son" as it is on your data base.
Sorry about the mix up, Mike.
As you were... :op
I was checking my info on Nahuatl words and Xochipilli IS correct. I had it mixed up with Xochipil (little flower), which is a diminutive form of Xochitl (flower). Xochipilli and Xochipil are two different words. The PILLI sufix means "son" and the PIL sufix means "little" Being Xochipilli "flower son" as it is on your data base.
Sorry about the mix up, Mike.
As you were... :op