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[Opinions] Re: Petra
I think Petra is a lovely name, but am slightly wary of using it because of "petrified"
Petra Anne - I don't like the a A together
Petra Annelise - ditto; I prefer Petra Anne to this
Petra Cecily - Pretty
Petra Dorothy - would honor a dear friend - it's just OK for me
Petra Eloise - pretty, but I don't particularly like the a E together
Petra Felicity - I love Felicity but this has a hint of "patrified"
Petra Liberty - nms but flows well
Petra Lucy - pretty
Petra Margaret - would honor a dear friend - nice
Petra Mary - would honor a great-grandmother - lovely; I really like this
Petra Melody - would honor a dear friend - lovely
Petra Opal - nms
Petra Rose - not very original but maybe pretty? - not keen on the flow
Petra Ruby - my birthstone - ditto, plus I hate Ruby
Petra Ruth - would honor a great-grandmother - ditto, re flowI like
Petra Bryony
Petra Caroline
Petra Helen
Petra Louise
Petra Mireille
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Thanks for your comments on the combos! I'm certainly re-thinking all of the R and A middle name for Petra, they either run together or just sound odd like you said. Thanks for your suggestions, I like all of the names you mentioned but Petra Helen and Petra Louise stand out to me the most. There's and aunt and a great aunt in my family that have Louise in their name so it might work.
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