Name: Marietta Angelina
Age: 32
Occupation: nurse
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: sewing, knitting, gardening, reading, traveling, biking
Significant other
Name: Peter Nicholas
Age: 33
Occupation: elementary school teacher
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: history, reading, traveling, biking, sports
Current children: Freya Natalie (9), Scarlett Alexis (4) & Oliver Noah (nb) - no disabilities
Others living with you: (names, ages, disabilities) none
Pets: Cat (Athena)
Type: Medium sized two-story house
Location: Elmhust, IL
Land owned: one acre
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Other: fairly large backyard, and big basement playroom
What is/are the household's religion(s)? Christian
What language(s) do household members speak? English, French and some German
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to? We travel a lot to various places in the U.S., but we also often travel outside the U.S. We're usually outside the U.S. once a year.
How many children would you like to adopt: Any amount
Age: 2-10
Nationality: preferably European
Languages preference: Doesn't matter
Religion preference: Doesn't matter, but will be raised Christian
Multiples: yes
Will you accept:
--siblings? yes
--kids with pets? (what kind and gender) yes, and doesn't really matter
--children with disabilities? (mental, physical, emotional and severity; terminal) preferably not
--pregnant teen/teen mother? no
--baby's father? no
This message was edited 6/22/2012, 6:23 PM