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[Games] Re: Build-A-Family Round 7 (College-Bound)
in reply to a message by estel
The Draven-O'Hara Family
DH: Conchobhar Urban "Con" (green, black)(42)
DW: Skylar Jenna (hazel, white blond)(40)
DS: Jago Leonardo (brown, blond)(19)
DS: Kyle Alexander (brown, blond)(17)
DD/DD: June Taylor and Sage Reagan (hazel, brown)(13)
DS: Luke Sebastian (green, brown)(6)
DS: Dashiell Maxen "Dash" (blue, black) (3)I've put the rounds in chronological order this time.
round 0
LN: Draven
DH or DW: Conchobhar Urban "Con"
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: black
Occupation: bartender at a nightclub
Character: Con is a charismatic guy, who is smart and stubborn. He is more of a bad guy than a good guy, but he has a good heart. He optimistic and funny, and he's easy to get angry.round 1
LN: Draven-O'Hara
Name: Skylar Jenna
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: white blonde
Occupation: highschool teacher
Character: She is a very stable person, very pretty and smart, she a caring person and loves to help people. round 2
Con and Skylar were very surprised when they first found out they were expecting a new family member, because he wasn't planned. Both parent were very exited and were looking foreward to the arrival of their first child. They named their son Jago Leonardo. Jago because they both liked the name a lot and Leonardo after both grandfathers named Leo and Lennard. It was tough for them when he was just born, they both never cared for a baby before, but now it's starting to work out. Skylar went back to work and it comes in very handy that one works during the days and the other parent work during the night, so there's always someone around to care for little Jago. They're both very tired and they mostly see each other sleeping or just for an hour or two a day, but they both agree that their son is worth the sacrifice. Jago is a very sweet child.round 3
Jago is now two years old and has become quite a handful. He's a happy child and laughs a lot, but demands a lot of attention. He loves to play with blocks and with balls. He often loses his toys and the blocks and balls can be found all around the house. He does not understand yet that his mum is expecting another child and that soon he won't be an only child anymore. The next baby will be named Kyle Alexander if he's a boy and Indiana June. Kyle is from a book mum is reading and they agreed that Alexander sounded nice with that, Indiana is from Indiana Jones (dad's fav movies) and June because all the grandparents were born in June. Con and Skylar can't wait until their new baby is born.round 4
Con and Skylar had twin girls and named them June Taylor and Sage Reagan. Skylar really wanted to honor their grandparents, June was the month all the grandparents were born, Taylor and Reagan were the maiden-names of the grandmothers. Con insisted on naming one of the girls Sage, just because he liked the name so much. The babies demand a lot of attention and they have a bad habbit of starting to cry when the other just stopped. Jago and Kyle are taking the arrival of their new sisters pretty well, at first Jago was disappointed they were girls but he likes them now. He started in the first grade and he likes being around other children. He doesn't have a lot of patience to sit still and learn, but he makes up for it by being a quick learner. The teacher has complained that he can't sit still and often get's out of his chair in the middle of class. Skylar and Con have talked to him about it and he says he finds class a bit boring, and that he can't sit still when he has finished an assignment. They talked to his teacher and now he gets extra assignments to prevent him from getting bored, it work out okay. Kyle started pre-school and he's becoming a troublemaker, he has friends, but he also has a few kids in his group that he clearly doesn't like. He fights with them a lot. Despite his friendly nature he gets into fights a lot, his father used to be like that at his age too. Last year he got into a fight with Jago and fell down the stairs. He broke his arm and Jago felt really guilty about it. After that the two of them became thick as thieves. Skylar is already happy that the two of them don't fight eachother anymore.round 5
Con and Skylar were surprised to find out that they were expecting another son. They decided that they were going to name him Luke Sebastian. They both really liked the name Luke and it went well with the other siblings and Sebastian is the name of a mutual friend of them, who has helped them both a great deal in the past and so they wanted to honour him in this way. The girls June and Sage are doing fine, they both like school a lot and are becoming quite popular. They love to play soccer and basketball with their big brothers. They love to sing and had let their parents know they wanted to play an instrument, so now June has piano lessons and Sage has guitar lessons, they like it a lot. Kyle got hiimself in trouble again, while playing soccer he got into a fight with two boys from the other team, when the referee (sp?)pulled the boys apart, Kyle was left with a broken arm (his right one this time). He couldn't do his school work properly for some time, but what bothered him more was that he couldn't swim. The doctor said he should recover well and that there should be no long term effects. Jago got himself into even more trouble. He got brought home by the police just the other day. Appearantly he had set fire to an abandonned house with some of his friends. Con was furious at him and all but literally threw him in his room. When Con had calmed down a bit he and Skylar had a very long talk with their eldest son about his behaviour. Jago was grounded and got no allowence for some time. Skylar and Con think he learned from what happened and think (and hope) he will do better from now on. In the mean time Jago has gotten a crush on a girl in his class. He's afraid to even talk to her, because he thinks he will make a fool out of himself in front of her. He's still working up the nerve to ask her to go somewhere sometime with him. Skylar doesn't like this girl much, she thinks her parents are (quote:) "simple creatures that lack the imagination to look past movies". This might be based upon the fact that Leia has 3 brothers: Obi Solo, Han Kenobi and Anakin Skai, the family also has 2 dogs R-2 and (you guessed it) D-2. Con thinks it's funny (Kyle was almost named after Indiana Jones after all), he says that it could have been worse (meaning that the kids could have been named R2, D2 and C3PO). Jago doesn't care about what his mum thinks because the boy is in love!round 6
Jago got his driverslicense and minute he had it he began begging Skylar and Con to buy a car for him. The thing is Jago's uncle Rod (Ormerod really, Con's brother) has bought a new car and is going to sell his old one, a Lexus IS200 sport, Jago is totally in love with this car. It is way to expensive for him, but Rod said that he would charge them less, because they are family. It's still costs too much for him, so that's why he has been driving his paretns crazy with his nagging and begging. Skylar said he would have to pay for a car himself if he wanted one, because they weren't going to give him a car just like that. Finally they worked out an arrangement: Con and Skylar would buy the car, Jago could use it and pay his parents back within two years or the car is gone again, with the condition that he would also help out driving the rest of the kids around (he gave in to that one as a trade for his parents to pay the insurance). He also finally worked up the nerve to ask Leia out on a date, to his surprise she had said yes. They went to the movies after eating something and at the end af the night he was rewarded with a kiss. They dated for a while, and after some dates they declared themselves boyfriend and girlfriend. Skylar wasn't happy with the news, but she respected her son's choice and never spoke of her dislikes to him again. Kyle has taking up swimming next to soccer and he's getting better and better at both. He's invited to audition for the school swimteam. A girl in his class was also invited to audition for the team and this they shared lead to a lot of conversations between them. Kyle has fallen for her. Her name is Keavy and she the only child of a rich banker. Skylar thinks this girl would be good catch... As it is now, the two of them are becoming friends and Kyle is enjoying the closeness they have now, he's afraid to tell her that he likes her for fear it will ruin their newly found friendship. June and Sage just turned ten. They went on a balloon ride with their dad to celebrate it. The girls were thrilled. There birthday party was a disco and they both had a lot of fun. June and Sage both play in a kids band with three others in their year, it's called "Minu Manami" (they found the names in an old name book of Skylar and they thought it sounded very nice). They perform in school concerts and they played in the cafe of the father of the boy who plays the drums. They are awesome together. While playing at the cafe a record producer heard them and he offered June to make a record. He says she playes incredible for a ten-year-old and has a beautiful voice. Con and Skylar think it's a unique oppertunity for her, but they are afraid the effects this will have on June, and the're also worried what this will do to Sage, because she was the one who always wanted to be a star and she's getting very jealous. Little Luke is getting very cute, he's really a miniature form of his father. He says he's got his drivers license just like Jago and tells people, his little tricycle is actually a big car disguised as a tricycle and only becomes a car when he's alone with him. Luke swears he's really a "big wed fewawi". He has also got a marble that's really a soccerball, a plastic spoon that's really a guitar and a tiny box that's really a piano. Skylar worries that he makes up so much, and that he might lose understanding of what's real and what's not real. Con thinks it's nothing to worry about and is confident he will grow out of it. Luke got a white stone from Kyle a while ago and Kyle had told him it had magical powers. Now Luke is dragging that stone everywhere. He even gave it a name: Rocky (or rather "Wocky") Skylar recently had the biggest shock of her life when there was a woman standing on the doorstep, demanding to see Con. When she told her he wasn't home, the woman asked who she was. Skylar told her she was his wife. At first the woman looked like she would faint and the she started to cry. Skylar invited her in and they started talking. It appreared that the woman was pregnant with Con's child. She wanted to see Con to ask him to come and live with her to take care of the baby. She had had no idea he was a married man with 5 children. Later that day, when the woman had left and Con had come home, Skylar told Con what she knew. He looked at her and started crying. Skylar was stunned, in all their years together she had never seen her husband cry. He couldn't even look her in her eyes and got up and left the house. Skylar saw him drive away in his car. She was sure her marriage was over and the tears streamed down her face. Half an hour later Jago came home and found his mother crying her eyes out on the couch. He went to her and tried to comfort her. When he asked what happened she told him sobbingly. Jago was furious and said he would kill his father the next time he would see him. So luckily for Con, his son was in school the next day when he came back. Skylar had called in sick and she had also told the rest of kids she was ill and that's why she was in her room the whole time and Jago had forbade the others to bother her. So when Con came home he found his puffy-eyed wife alone and sleeping on the sofa. He stooped to kiss her on her forehead and then went upstairs to pack.... (to be continued!)round 7 (I'm sorry I couldn't have the three years uneventful, because of what happened last round)
Con started filling up his bag with his clothes. "What do you think you're doing?", his wife in the dooropening. "I expected you wanted me out.", Con couldn't even look at her. "You're not going anywhere before we had a talk." Skylar walked up to him with tears in her eyes and forced him to look at her. He started crying too and put his arms around her. She let him. After a long conversation, Con had confessed everything he had done. He'd had an affair with the woman for almost a month and he had cheated on her before that too, never a long affair with any of those woman, but over the years he had slept with six other women. Skylar had known when she met the handsome charismatic bartender that he was sort of the bad guy type, but she never would have expected this! She had never been more hurt in her life. Con had said he was sorry and that he knew there was no way she could ever forgive him. He cursed himself for being the biggest asshole in the world. Skylar also thought that she could never forgive him. They did decide to stay together for the sake of the children and, although they didn't admitted it to themselves and to each other, because they still loved each other despite what happened.Skylar told Con to go to the woman and sort things out with her. The other woman (Evie) was devistated to hear what Con's decision was. She said she wanted to keep the baby and take care of it. Although Con didn't really like the idea that there would be a child of his running around in the world that he would never see, he had to respect her decision like she had to respect his. Skylar asked Jago not to tell the other kids what happened. He was really pissed of by that, he didn't even want his father to come back at all. He hates him for what he did (and he doesn't even know of the other women). A year later the police came to their door with a horrible story: Evie, the other woman, had her baby, she called the child Jabez Angra Mainyu Azazel. She couldn't handle being a single parent and never really had any real affection for her child. She killed herself. A woman from the child protection service, who had come with the police officers, asked if Con wanted to take care of his child. After talking this through with his wife, they agreed that he would become their son and would be raised in their family. (This sudden appearance of the child caused a lot of gossip around the neighbourhood) They gathered their children around and explained the situation to them. Jago didn't want to be there and walked away as soon as the child was mentioned, but the others took the news quite well. Their image they had of their father was ofcourse destroyed forever. Skylar wanted to officially rename the child, because now his name meant 'sorrow''evil spirit''scapegoat' and she thought that was no way a child begin it's life, having that on your shoulders already. She thought that the child was in no way to blame for what her husband had done, it would be difficult to have the proof of his cheating walking around every day, but she could accept it if the child should suffer for it. They named the child Dashiell Maxen, after no-one, they just liked the names. Jago is going away to college, he going to study in Antwerp, Belgium. He won't be going alone, because his girlfriend, Leia, is coming with him. Skylar is used to Leia by now and has gotten over her dislikes towards her. She was happy to find out she isn't really anything like her parents at all. Leia is going to study European History and Jago is going to study Business Economics. Con and Skylar are very pround of him, they do think he chose to go to Europe just to get away from the family. Especially Con has a hard time dealing with that. He is finaly realizing everything he has destroyed in the family by his behaviour in the past. He has promised himself he would never do anything that might damage the family again, he got a wake-up call and now he knows how much he loves all of them.Kyle is trying very hard to be a painter, not just any painter, he wants to paint art on walls, trompe-l'oeil is what he calls it. If you stand in front of one of his wall-paintings you can see a depth-illusion. He's painting the wall of his room over and over and taking picures of the paintings to have a porte-folio of his work, then he goes to all kinds of places to look for work. This is how he met his girlfriend, she painted ceilings. Her name is Ilinca, her father is Romanian and her mother is Italian, she's a very cute girl. He didn't get in the swimteam of the school, he was upset about it, but when he met his girl he all but forgot about the existence of sports.June had been allowed to make a record and she turned out to be quite the superstar. Her record became a hit. Now she wants to act as well, because some of the other teen stars she has become friends with have triend acting and were really enthousiastic (sp?) about it. Skylar and Con weren't too happy about it, but they agreed that she should do what she wants. As long as it doesn't harm her, she should make her own choices. June has got a crush on a boy in her class, his name is Indiana (Con likes his name ofcourse). He's very good at singing and June hopes to make a song with him, she would love it. Sage has a crush on a classmate too, Chris. She often plays basketball with him, because she's playing in the girls basketball team and he's the son of the trainer. Luke started school and it's not going well. He still lies a lot and it gets him into trouble. And the way he solves his problems is with his fists. He had already hit half of the boys in his class by the end of the second month he was in school. The teacher doesn't know what to do about him and he thinks he needs therapy. Skylar and Con know their household hasn't been a stable place for him the last few years. It seems that it had very bad effects on their son. They are still discussing wheter or not to put him in therapy.
Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength
-Eric Hoffersee my profile for my punctuation pets :)

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