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[Games] Historical name-bank CAFs - lots of 'em :)
I've been lurking on a historical name/records site for a few days and I thought it'd be fun to make a few small CAFs with them. I know naming habits have changed a lot, and middle names certainly didn't exist then (and some of these names are a little bit odd on occasion) but... eh, if authors and artists can have a bit of historical artistic freedom from time to time, so should we. Sorry for the massive name-bank dump... you can do as many or few as you like... have fun :)Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH:
M: Adam, Albrecht, Antoni, Augustin, Baltsar, Bartelmes, Berchtold, Bernhart, Caspar, Casper, Clas, Conra, Conrade, Conrat, Contz, Crafft, Cristoff, Cristoffel, Eberhart, Endres, Engelhart, Erhart, Ewkarius, Felix, Frantz, Friderich, Fritz, Gabriel, Gabriell, Gotlieb, Haintz, Hanns, Hans, Hector, Heinrich, Heintz, Herman, Hermann, Hermen, Herwart, Jacob, Jeronimus, Jobst, Johann, Johannes, Jorg, Kilian, Lamprecht, Laux, Linhart, Lorentz, Lucas, Ludwig, Marschillius, Martin, Marx, Mates, Mathes, Merte, Mertin, Michel, Michell, Mickel, Moritz, Nickell, Niclas, Niclaus, Paulus, Peter, Philip, Ott, Oßwald, Raphael, Ruldolff, Ruprecht, Seitz, Sewastian, Sewolt, Seyfrid, Sigmund, Simon, Six, Steffan, Symon, Thoman, Tiling, Ulrich, Urban, Utz, Vallentin, Veit, Volckhart, Walther, Wendel, Wentzel, Wilhelm, Wolff, Wolffhart, Wolfgang, ZachariasF: Affra, Agnes, Alheit, Allet, Ann, Anna, Angnes, Apell, Apolonia, Barbara, Brigita, Clara, Crista, Cristina, Dorothea, Duretta, Ella, Els, Elsbeth, Elßbeth, Engell, Fela, Geras, Helena, Jeras, Katerina, Katherina, Kattera, Katrina, Kuen, Kungund, Kunlein, Madalena, Madlen, Margareth, Martha, Ottilg, Peternella, Sibilla, Ursel, Ursula, Walpurg, WlpurgSurnames: Adelman, Alfolck, Aman, Amon, Arnolt, Bair, Baumgartner, Bayer, Beringer, Beßler, Buchner, Czeidler, Czimerman, Daucher, Ditterich, Dorn, Ebersperger, Eck, Ehenvelder, Engelhart, Ernst, Feyerlein, Fischer, Fleck, Flock, Forster, Franck, Gast, Gocz, Haden, Haffner, Herbst, Hoffler, Hoffman, Kern, Keßler, Kolb, Koller, Kraus, Mair, Muller, Mulner, Nagel, Ott, Pader, Pauer, Peck, Pfister, Praun, Römer, Rott, Scheffer, Schiller, Schmid, Schmidt, Schneider, Schuster, Singer, Stadelman, Vogel, Wagner, Weber, Weyß, Widman, Wolff
( Women seem to add -in to the end of the surname, so Vogel becomes Vogelin, Daucher becomes Daucherin, Pader becomes Paderin, Gast becomes Gastin and so forth) Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH:
DD:M: Abel, Adam, Alain, André, Anthoine, Benigne, Charles, Christofle, Claude, Denis, Dreux, Edme, Estienne, François, Gabriel, Gerard, Guillaume, Guy, Hector, Heyle, Jacques, Jehan, Joachim, Jules Cezar, Leon, Loth, Loup, Loys, Mathieu, Michel, Nicolas, Nicole, Octavian, Odart, Paul, Phelippes, Philebert, Pierre, Regnauld, Robert, Roger, Sancy, Sebastien, Thomas, Tristan, Victor
F: Anthoinette, Catherine, Cecille, Claude, Dargy, Françoise, Geneviefve, Jehanne, Madeleine, Marie, Symonne
SN: Bazin, Bureau, Chevalier, Clement, Coressin, d'Ancienville, Dauvet, de Brichanteau, de Fleury, de la Vallée, de Longueau, de Louviers, de Madeuil, de Rommenelles, de Sablonnieres, de Sapincourt, de Seraucourt, de Soisy, de Venderets, Durand, du Roux, Guarin, Hennequin, Janvier, Laudin, Trousillion, YverFamily #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DD/DS/DS:M: Abraham, Adrien, Alsie, Alscot, Ambroise, Anthoine, Audrien, Augustine, Barthélémy, Benoît, Benoist, Bernard, Blaise, Charles, Claude, Crespin, Eloy, François, Germain, Gilles, Guillaume, Henry, Hiérosme, Hubert, Ignace, Isaac, Jacques, Jean, Jehan, Lancelot, Laurent, Louis, Luc, Marineau, Martin, Mathelin, Mathieu, Melchior, Michel, Nicaise, Nicolas, Noël, Philippe, Pierre, Quentin, Raoul, Raphaël, Raulguin, Rémy, Robert, Sébastien, Simon, Thobie, Thomas, Toussaint, Vincent
F: Adriane, Angélique, Anne, Anthoinette, Barbe, Basile, Blaisette, Charité, Charlotte, Crespine, Denise, Elisabeth, Estiennette, Françoise, Gabrielle, Guillemette, Isabelle, Isabeau, Jacqueline, Jeanne, Jehanne, Judith, Julienne, Louise, Madeleine, Marie, Martine, Michèle, Nicole, Nicolle, Pacquette, Restitue, Robinette, Sandrine, Sébastienne, Simone, Suzanne, Toussaine
SN: Béguin, Cabo, Charpentier, Daragon, Dargnier, de Chouy, de Faumont, de la Tombe, Demont, Desmargoteau, Igneu, le Clercq, le Mercier, le Preux, Mommacque, Pélerin, Petit, Regnard, Roussin, ValloisFamily #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH:
DD:M: Andreu, Anthoni, Anthonis, Armant, Azamet, Bernat, Bertheu, Berthomeu, Bertrant, Blazi, Bonet, Clemens, Durand, Durant, Falco, Falcon, Flori, Floris, Frances, Gerard, Gerart, Gregori, Gualhart, Guilhem, Guilhelm, Helias, Heliot, Hugo, Johan, Johanet, Laurens, Matheu, Mathias, Michel, Peire, Philipas, Raimont, Ramon, Raulet, Raymont, Rollant, Steve, Timbalt, Vidal, Vincens, Yter
F: Agnes, Aiglina, Aldeta, Angelina, Anthonina, Astrina, Beatris, Boneta, Catarina, Cebelia, Corteza, Dalphina, Esperta, Floretas, Flors, Franceza, Garina, Guilhelma, Guiomars, Halena, Jacma, Jona, Juliana, Luquetas, Margareta, Margarida, Marta, Philipa, Raymonda, Saura, Ysabels, Yzabela
SN: Aimerit, Arnalt, Bechada, Beguo, Belina, Boscho, Chavada, Costa, Daude, Dobax, Fabre, Jovenros, Merceir, Noel, Richart, Saysset, Sinada, VerniFamily #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH:
DS:M: Alonso, Aluar, Aluaro, Andres, Anton, Bartolome, Chrisoual, Diego, Esteuan, Fernando, Fernanz, Françisco, Garçia, Gil, Gomes, Gonçalo, Grauiel, Juan, Jorge, Lope, Lorenço, Luys, Manuel, Marcos, Martin, Mateo, Miguel, Pedro, Rodrigo, Ruy, Sancho, Sebastian
F: Ageda, Aldonça, Argeda, Beatris, Beatriz, Blanca, Catalina, Ceçilia, Constança, Costança, Eluira, Florinda, Graçia, Guiomar, Juana, Leonor, Loçia, Luysa, Mari, Maria, Marina, Maior, Teresa, Violante, Ynes, Ysabel
SN: Alonso, de Alcaras, de Andujar, de Baeça, de Benauides, de Caçorla, de Jahen, de la Puebla, de Oliuares, de Santisteuan, Dias, Ferrandes, Gonçales, Lopes, Mercader, Rodrigues, Sanches, Villarreal Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
DS:M: Acittus, Albericus, Albertinellus, Albertinus, Albertucius, Allesander, Amadore, Andreas, Andriolus, Anselmus, Anthonius, Auliverius, Aymericus, Bandinus, Bartholinus, Barthollomeus, Bencevenne, Benedictus, Benvenutus, Bernardinus, Besius, Bonafides, Bonaventura, Çançus, Çanes, Cassianinus, Cechus, Cenne, Cichus, Ciscus, Coradinus, Dadeus, Damianus, Deutaide, Dominicus, Donatus, Drudolus, Federicus, Feraldinus, Franciscus, Gandolfinus, Gardus, Gilius, Girardus, Guido, Guiducius, Guillelmus, Iacobus, Jacobucius, Johannellus, Johannes, Laurencius, Leonardus, Malgaritus, Marchus, Martinus, Masius, Mathiolus, Mellus, Mercadante, Michelinus, Nannes, Nasimbenne, Nicholaus, Palmirolus, Paulus, Pellegrinus, Petrus, Phillippus, Pirundus, Rodulfus, Rubeus, Ruffus, Sanctolinus, Sanctus, Symon, Tura, Ugo, Ugolinus, Veneticus, Vitalis
F: Adalina, Adallasia, Agnesia, Agnesolla, Anfelisia, Anthonia, Aulina, Aymelina, Bartolina, Beatrisia, Bella, Bellaflore, Benvenuta, Berta, Blasia, Bonaventura, Bonavisina, Carmesais, Cathelina, Cecilia, Certa, Cicilia, Consola, Corelia, Corina, Damiana, Dana, Deutacora, Dina, Dominica, Drusia, Fina, Fiordelisia, Flora, Francisca, Galiana, Gardina, Gisila, Gratiana, Honorata, Iacobina, Imelda, Imeldina, Imigla, Iuliana, Jacobella, Jacobina, Johanna, Juliana, Lasia, Lucia, Madiana, Malgarita, Matalia, Mathea, Mirabillis, Misina, Palma, Pellegrina, Persa, Phillippa, Pirola, Recordança, Richa, Romengarda, Rosa, Samaritana, Sena, Sibona, Taudisca, Thomasina, Usbilia, Ventura, Vinca, Ymeldina
SN: Bonaventure, Corbolini, Danielis, de Florentia, de Parma, Deudati, Jacobeli, Maldetti, Mariscotti, Ravignani, Signoretti, Ugolini
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497LN: FischerDH: Ludwig Sigmund
DW: Ursula AgnesDS: Wilhelm Bernhart
DD: Barbara Sibilla
DS: Augustin Johannes
DS: Hermann Paulus
DD: Dorothea Helena
DS: Erhart Ruprecht
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587LN: de SoisyDH: Adam Benigne
DW: Claude AnthoinetteDS: Francois Sebastien
DS: Thomas Charles
DD: Catherine Madeleine
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604LN: de FaumontDH: Adrien Jehan
DW: Francoise GabrielleDD: Jeanne Louise
DS: Audrien Charles
DD/DS/DS: Marie Isabeau / Melchior Barthelemy / Mathelin Philippe
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383LN: AimeritDH: Laurens Blazi
DW: Cebelia DalphinaDD: Aiglina Saura
DS: Helias Bonet
DD: Esperta Jacma

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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Simon Walther
DW: Katherina ElspethDS: Wolfgang Cristoff
DD: Apoliana Clara
DS: Felix Gabriel
DS: Augustin Raphael
DD: Dorothea Madalena
DS: Casper AdamSurname: Bayer
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Pierre Claude
DW: Geneviefve MadeleineDS: Leon Charles
DS: Joachim Mathieu
DD: Symonne CatherineSurname: Trousillion
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DW: Jacqueline Isabeau
DH: Benoît MathelinDD: Toussaine Gabrielle
DD/DS/DS: Estiennette Charité / Abraham Barthélémy / Rémy LancelotSurname: le Mercier
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Falco Azamet
DW: Beatris LuquetasDD: Halena Franceza
DS: Mathias Vidal
DD: Philipa CatarinaSurname: Sinada
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Sebastian Aluaro
DW: Luysa EluiraDD: Leonor Marina
DS: Mateo GarçiaSurname: Ferrandes
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
DH: Bonafides Masius
DW: Adalina BeatrisiaDS: Cassianinus Amadore
DD/DD: Cecilia Bellaflore / Mirabillis Lucia
DD: Rosa Mathea
DS: Leonardus Vitalis
DD: Corina Samaritana
DS: Ruffus AllesanderSurname: de Florentia
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Jobst Augustin Adelman
DW: Duretta Elsbeth (Eck) AdelmaninDS: Thoman Friderich Adelman
DD: Margareth Ursel Adelmanin
DS: Cristoffel Simon Adelman
DS: Jeronimus Peter Adelman
DD: Apolonia Helena Adelmanin
DS: Ewkarius Raphael AdelmanJob and Etta
Thom, Margo, Cris, Jeron, Lia, and Kari
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Dreux Francois
DW: Hennequin LaudinDS: Octavian Phelippes
DS: Guillaume Regnauld
DD: d'Ancienville JehanneDreux and Quin
Tavi, Guill, and Villa
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Mathieu Audrien de Faumont
DH: Sebastienne Basile (Vallois) de FaumontDD: Jehanne Sandrine de Faumont
DS: Jean-Louis Toussaint de Faumont
DD/DS/DS: Blaisette Crespine de Faumont / Raoul Marineau de Faumont / Thobie Noel de FaumontMath and Tienne
Sandrine, Louis, Blaise, Raoul, and Thobie
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Azamet Gregori Saysset
DW: Dalphina Margarida (Fabre) SayssetDD: Beatris Cebelia Saysset
DS: Timbalt Raymont Saysset
DD: Aiglina Guilhelma SayssetAza and Phina
Bea, Tim, and Lina
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Barolome Francisco de Baeça
DW: Locia Teresa (Alonso) de BaeçaDD: Gracia Eluira de Baeça
DS: Lorenco Mateo de BaeçaBaro and Locia
Gracia and Lorenco
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Coradinus Deutaide Maldetti
DW: Recordanca Samaritana (de Florentia) MaldettiDS: Iacobus Donatus Maldetti
DD/DD: Gratiana Fiordelisia Maldetti and Honorata Romengarda Maldetti
DD: Ymeldina Corelia Maldetti
DS: Damianus Guiducius Maldetti
DD: Adallasia Iacobina Maldetti
DS: Sanctus Veneticus MaldettiCorad and Danca
Iacob, Grati, Honor, Ymeld, Damian, Asia, and Sanctus
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Family #1 comes from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Lucas Casper
DW: Anna MadalenaDS: Adam Philip
DD: Helena Clara
DS: Gabriel Peter
DS: Jacob Martin
DD: Katerina Agnes
DS: Simon RaphaelLucas & Anna; Adam, Helena, Gabriel, Jacob, Katerina, and SimonFamily #2 comes from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Gabriel Mathieu
DW: Catherine CecileDS: Nicolas Adam
DS: Thomas Joachim
DD: Madeleine MarieGabriel & Catherine; Nicolas, Thomas, and MadeleineFamily #3 comes from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DW: Adriane Elisabeth
DH: Raphael JeanDD: Isabelle Madeleine
DS: Henry Simon
DD/DS/DS: Charlotte Gabrielle / Isaac Martin / Abraham Nicolas "Abram"

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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497
DH: Conrat Simon Römer
DW: Kattera Ursel RömerinDS: Niclas Martin
DD: Allet Brigita
DS: Peter Seyfrid
DS: Linhart Clas
DD: Sibilla Elsbeth
DS: Ott Albrecht
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: André Loth de Fleury
DW: Geneviefve CecilleDS: Gerard Sebastien
DS: Tristan Phelippes
DD: Symonne Anthoinette
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DW: Charlotte Isabeau Pélerin
DH: Ignace BenoîtDD: Charité Sandrine
DS: Luc Nicaise
DD/DS/DS: Audrian Laurent/Mathelin Claude/Crespin Melchior
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Timbalt Matheu Sinada
DW: Aiglina FlorsDD: Corteza Yzabela
DS: Rollant Gergori
DD: Saura Luquetas
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Bartolome Diego de Alcaras
DW: Costança YnesDD: Catalina Beatris
DS: Lorenço Anton
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
DH: Iacobus Allesander de Parma
DW: Honorata CoreliaDS: Vitalis Symon
DD/DD: Richa Pirola/Rosa Pellegrina
DD: Sibona Mirabillis
DS: Guido Coradinus
DD: Lasia Bellaflore
DS: Rubeus Amadore
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The Franck family comes from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Ludwig Cristoff Franck
DW: Ella Katerina Franckin (Hofflerin)DS: Raphael Ulrich Franck
DD: Clara Margareth Franckin
DS: Johann Baltsar Franck
DS: Moritz Gotlieb Franck
DD: Agnes Helena Franckin
DS: Casper Wolfgang FranckThe de Louviers family comes from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Alain Victor de Louviers
DW: Jehanne Catherine de Louviers (Laudin)DS: Sebastien Jehan de Louviers
DS: François Mathieu de Louviers
DD: Anthoinette Marie de LouviersThe Regnard family comes from Ambleny, in the year 1604DH: Blaise Nicolas Regnard
DW: Gabrielle Judith Regnard (Dargnier)DD: Julienne Denise Regnard
DS: Raoul Philippe Regnard
DD/DS/DS: Adriane Simone Regnard / Louis Mathelin Regnard / Quentin Bernard RegnardThe Saysset family comes from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Hugo Durant Saysset
DW: Yzabela Flors Saysset (Verni)DD: Dalphina Marta Saysset
DS: Timbalt Helias Saysset
DD: Jacma Corteza SayssetThe Villarreal family comes from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Mateo Bartolome Villarreal
DW: Leonor Teresa Villarreal (de la Puebla)DD: Catalina Ynes Villareal
DS: Fernando Andres VillarealThe Maldetti family comes from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Anselmus Petrus Maldetti
DW: Lucia Ventura Maldetti (de Parma)DS: Vitalis Paulus Maldetti
DD/DD: Damiana Certa Maldetti / Adalina Flora Maldetti
DD: Blasia Imelda Maldetti
DS: Ruffus Andreas Maldetti
DD: Sibona Thomasina Maldetti
DS: Marchus Laurencius Maldetti
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Thoman Philip Koller
DW: Ursula Kattera Fleckin Kollerin DS: Steffan Ulrich Koller
DD: Katerina Ann Kollerin
DS: Kilian Urban Koller
DS: Niclaus Michel Koller
DD: Helena Elsbeth Kollerin
DS: Zacharias Lucas KollerThom 48 & Ursula 45 Koller
Steffan 17, Kat 16, Kilian 15, Nic 12, Lena 11, Zac 10 Koller
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Alain Pierre Chevalier
DW: Catherine Dargy de la Vallée Chevalier DS: Sebastien Nicolas Chevalier
DS: Tristan Estienne Chevalier
DD: Madeleine Cecille Chevalier Alain 36 & Cate 32 Chevalier
Sebastien 8, Tristan 6, Madeleine 2 Chevalier
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DW: Suzanne Sandrine Petit
DH: Luc Philippe de FaumontDD: Adriane Julienne de Faumont
DS: Rémy Quentin de Faumont
DD/DS/DS: Isabelle Madeleine de Faumont / Audrien Noël de Faumont / Mathieu Isaac de Faumont Suzanne 37 & Luc 35 de Faumont
Adriane 13, Rémy 10, Belle & Audi & Mat 6 de Faumont
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Gregori Vincens Fabre
DW: Margareta Halena Saysset Fabre DD: Juliana Astrina Fabre
DS: Ramon Hugo Fabre
DD: Angelina Yzabela FabreGreg 31 & Greta 30 Fabre
Juliana 6, Ramon 4, Angelina 1 Fabre
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Rodrigo Miguel de Alcaras
DW: Catalina Teresa Ferrandes de Alcaras DD: Ysabel Violante de Alcaras
DS: Mateo Fernando de AlcarasRigo 30 & Catalina 28 de Alcaras
Ysabel 5, Mateo 3 de Alcaras
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
DH: Dominicus Damianus Danielis
DW: Sena Vinca Bonaventure DanielisDS: Cassianinus Paulus Danielis
DD/DD: Lasia Dominica Danielis / Lucia Damiana Danielis
DD: Galiana Richa Danielis
DS: Federicus Vitalis Danielis
DD: Bella Matalia Danielis
DS: Leonardus Rubeus DanielisDom 38 & Sena 34 Danielis
Cass 12, Lasia & Lucia 10, Galiana 7, Federic 5, Bella 3, Leo 1 Danielis
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Albrecht Bernhart Amon
DW: Martha Helena (Wagner)DS: Johann Baltsar Amon
DD: Sibilla Margareth Amonin
DS: Ruprecht Augustin Amon
DS: Felix Ulrich Amon
DD: Brigita Elsbeth Amonin
DS: Wentzel Simon AmonFamily #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Alain Gerard de Sapincourt
DW: Françoise Anthoinette de Venderets DS: Guillaume Alain de Sapincourt
DS: Estienne Pierre de Sapincourt
DD: Marie Cecille de SapincourtFamily #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Ambroise Guillaume Daragon
DH: Charité Jacqueline (Vallois)DD: Sandrine Elisabeth Daragon
DS: Philippe Mathieu Daragon
DD/DS/DS: Isabeau Françoise Daragon / Raphaël Adrien Daragon / Laurent Blaise DaragonFamily #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Hugo Berthomeu Jovenros
DW: Marta Aiglina (Fabre)DD: Astrina Ysabels Jovenros
DS: Helias Vincens Jovenros
DD: Esperta Beatris JovenrosFamily #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Juan Gonçalo Villareal
DW: Blanca Constança (de Andujar)DD: Leonor Ysabel Villareal
DS: Rodrigo Manuel VillarealFamily #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Amadore Federicus Bonaventure
DW: Galiana Pellegrina (Mariscotti)DS: Andriolus Mercadante Bonaventure
DD/DD: Samaritana Aulina Bonaventure / Romengarda Cicilia Bonaventure
DD: Malgarita Lucia Bonaventure
DS: Benedictus Symon Bonaventure
DD: Thomasina Ventura Bonaventure
DS: Damianus Guido Bonaventure
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Casper Lucas (Hoffman)
DW: Clara Ella (Schefferin)DS: Gabriel Peter "Gabe"
DD: Ursula Agnes
DS: Wilhelm Zacharias
DS: Raphael Jacob "Raf"
DD: Martha Katrina
DS: Felix Johannes
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Leon Gabriel (de Fleury)
DW: Catherine Marie (Durand)DS: Thomas Paul "Tom"
DS: Abel Claude
DD: Madeleine Cecille
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Isabelle Angélique (Roussin)
DH: Rémy Pierre (le Mercier)DD: Charlotte Louise "Lottie"
DS: Isaac Abraham
DD/DS/DS: Madeleine Gabrielle / Louis Bernard / Henry Thomas
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Hugo Ramon (Chavada)
DW: Marta Juliana (Verni)DD: Angelina Margareta
DS: Johan Mathias
DD: Catarina Agnes
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Miguel Fernando (Rodrigues)
DW: Catalina Teresa (Mercader)DD: Marina Beatriz
DS: Sebastian Pedro "Seb"
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Franciscus Martinus (Bonaventure)
DW: Adalina Sibona (de Parma)DS: Nicholaus Federicus
DD/DD: Lucia Dana / Rosa Imelda
DD: Corina Juliana
DS: Andreas Phillippus
DD: Bella Cathelina
DS: Johannes Dominicus
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Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312LN: DanielisDH: Sanctus Nicolaus
DW: Aulina Ventura (MN: de Florentia)DS: Paulus Iacobus
DD/DD: Rosa Fiordelisia/ Lucia Pellegrina
DD: Iuliana Aymelina
DS: Nannes Laurencius
DD: Vinca Romengarda
DS: Çançus Bonaventure
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Peter Ulrich Engelhart
DW: Agnes Cristina (Bairin) EngelhartDS: Augustin Felix Engelhart
DD: Martha Helena Engelhart
DS: Steffan Otto Engelhart
DS: Philip Moritz Engelhart
DD: Anna Ursula Engelhart
DS: Vallentin Niclaus Engelhart---Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Thomas Victor du Roux
DW: Catherine Madeleine (Bazin) du RouxDS: Sebastian Paul du Roux
DS: Alain Pierre du Roux
DD: Marie Françoise du Roux---Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Anne Gabrielle (de la Tombe) le Mercier
DH: Louis Philippe le MercierDD: Jacqueline Marie le Mercier
DS: Melchior Thomas le Mercier
DD/DS/DS: Elisabeth Louise le Mercier / Abraham Robert le Mercier / Barthélémy Vincent le Mercier---Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Gregori Armant Richart
DW: Beatris Yzabela (Fabre) RichartDD: Philipa Halena Richart
DS: Hugo Frances Richart
DD: Agnes Juliana Richart---Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Sebastian Anton Alonso
DW: Blanca Ysabel (Dias) AlonsoDD: Ynes Maria Alonso
DS: Marcos Diego Alonso---Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Marchus Vitalis Maldetti
DW: Flora Cicilia (Ravignani) MaldettiDS: Ugo Barthollomeus Maldetti
DD/DD: Rosa Phillippa Maldetti / Bellaflore Juliana Maldetti
DD: Francisca Lucia Maldetti
DS: Dominicus Cenne Maldetti
DD: Johanna Dina Maldetti
DS: Ruffus Nicholaus Maldetti
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Bernhart Kilian Pfister
DW: Sibilla Cristina DorninDS: Ludwig Erhart
DD: Helena Kunlein
DS: Wendel Friderich
DS: Linhart Augustin
DD: Dorothea Madlen
DS: Peter Ruprecht
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Benigne Loth de Sapincourt
DW: Madeleine Marie BureauDS: Estienne Loys
DS: Sebastien Thomas
DD: Catherine Anthoinette
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Robinette Charite Vallois
DH: Blaise Lancelot de ChouyDD: Charlotte Louise
DS: Noel Benoist
DD/DS/DS: Nicole Suzanne / Thomas Marineau / Henry Claude
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Bonet Laurens Richart
DW: Raymonda Corteza DaudeDD: Angelina Yzabela
DS: Gregori Philipas
DD: Juliana Boneta
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Bartolome Lorenco Dias
DW: Teresa Catalina SanchesDD: Gracia Beatris
DS: Francisco Miguel
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
DH: Bonafides Laurencius Bonaventure
DW: Rosa Cathelina de ParmaDS: Anselmus Dominicus
DD/DD: Gardina Jacobella / Honorata Pellegrina
DD: Mirabillis Matalia
DS: Franciscus Bencevenne
DD: Corelia Adalina
DS: Johannes Allesander
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497H: Simon Caspar Gast
W: Anna Sibilla DorninS: Felix Peter Gast
D: Katerina Ursla Gastin
S: Raphael Simon Gast
S: Augustin Gabriel Gast
D: Helena Agnes Gastin
S: Kilian Lucas GastSimon & Anna; Felix, Katerina (Kat), Raphael (Raphe), Augustin (Gus), Helena (Nell), and Kilian.
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587H: Guillaume Robert d'Ancienville
W: Catherine Marie-Claude Trousillion d'AncienvilleS: Thomas Abel d'Ancienville
S: Charles Denis d'Ancienville
D: Genevieve Marie-Catherine d'AncienvilleGuillaume & Catherine; Thomas (Tom), Charles (Charlie), and Genevieve (Vieve).
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
W: Charlotte Louise Cabo le Mercier
H: Henry Nicolas le MercierD: Jacqueline Simone le Mercier
S: Laurent Barthélémy le Mercier
D/S/S: Anne Isabelle le Mercier, Abraham Luc le Mercier, Adrien Thomas le MercierCharlotte & Henry; Jacqueline (Jac), Laurent, Anne (Annie), Abraham (Bram), and Adrien.
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383H: Michel Ramon Sinada
W: Franceza Halena Beguo Sinada

D: Agnes Marta Sinada
S: Falco Andreu Sinada
D: Juliana Philipa SinadaMichel & Franceza; Agnes, Falco, and Juliana.
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495H: Mateo Sebastian Villarreal
W: Leonor Beatriz Lopes VillarrealD: Marina Ynes Villarreal
S: Anton Martin VillarrealMateo & Leonor; Marina and Anton.
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
H: Rubeus Andreas Ravignani
W: Corina Phillippa Jacobeli RavignaniS: Barthollomeus Johannes Ravignani
D/D: Cecilia Francisca Ravignani & Rosa Juliana Ravignani
D: Flora Beatrisia Ravignani
S: Andreas Vitalis Ravignani
D: Lucia Adalina Ravignani
S: Benedictus Dominicus RavignaniRubeus & Corina; Barthollomeus (Bart), Cecilia, Rosa (Rosie), Flora, Andreas, Lucia (Lucy), and Benedictus (Ned).
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I absolutely love this idea!Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Adam Erhart Haden
DW: Katerina Jeras HadenDS: Steffan Mickell Haden
DD: Madelena Elsbeth Haden
DS: Gabriel Heintz Haden
DS: Jacob Caspar Haden
DD: Cristina Kuen Haden
DS: Lucas Peter HadenFamily #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Charles Leon de Fleury
DW: Madeleine Cecille de FleuryDS: Tristan Guillaume de Fleury
DS: Alain Victor de Fleury
DD: Genevieve Symonne de FleuryFamily #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DW: Charlotte Gabrielle Vallois
DH: Luc Augustine ValloisDD: Madeleine Louise Vallois
DS: Adrien Pierre Vallois
DD/DS/DS: Martine Crespine Vallois / Blaise Toussaint Valois / Melchior Anthoine ValloisFamily #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Gerard Raimont Boscho
DW: Angelina Franceza BoschoDD: Margarida Flors Boscho
DS: Ramon Vidal Boscho
DD: Saura Garina BoschoFamily #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Anton Manuel Sanches
DW: Marina Teresa SanchesDD: Catalina Mari Sanches
DS: Esteuan Diego SanchesFamily #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
DH: Allesdander Donatus Ravignani
DW: Lucia Mathea RavignaniDS: Sanctus Bonaventura Ravignani
DD/DD: Corina Damiana Ravignani / Adalina Rosa Ravignani
DD: Misina Flora Ravignani
DS: Andreas Vitalis Ravignani
DD: Cecilia Persa Ravignani
DS: Johannes Tura Ravignani
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497LN: FischerDH: Niclaus Tiling
DW: Helena Els (MN: Baumgartnerin)DS: Jacob Gabriel
DD: Anna Margareth
DS: Michel Johann
DS: Casper Zacharias
DD: Ella Dorothea
DS: Six MarschilliusFamily #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587LN: d'AncienvilleDH: Leon Sancy
DW: Cecille Jehanne (MN: Durand)DS: Adam Gabriel
DS: Tristan Nicolas
DD: Marie FrançoiseFamily #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604LN: CaboDW: Marie Elisabeth
DH: Jean Michel (MN: de la Tombe)DD: Anne Charlotte
DS: Louis Raphaël
DD/DS/DS: Isabelle Louise/ Vincent Nicolas/ Quentin ToussaintFamily #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383LN: SayssetDH: Clemens Durand
DW: Philipa Corteza (MN: Noel)DD: Saura Cebelia
DS: Vincens Timbalt
DD: Juliana FlorsFamily #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495LN: Dias de la PueblaDH: Miguel Fernando
DW: Maria TeresaDD: Leonor Catalina
DS: Aluar Garçia
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Tiling Lucas Arnolt
DW: Madalena Elsbeth FleckinDS: Baltsar Niclaus Arnolt
DD: Sibilla Clara Arnolt
DS: Mathes Wolffhart Arnolt
DS: Linhart Ruprecht Arnolt
DD: Allet Kattera Arnolt
DS: Kilian Paulus Arnolt***Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Edme Regnauld Coressin
DW: Symonne Jehanne de LouviersDS: Robert Dreux Coressin
DS: Sancy Heyle Coressin
DD: Françoise Anthoinette Coressin***Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Basile Julienne Daragon
DH: Marineau Crespin de la TombeDD: Sandrine Blaisette de la Tombe
DS: Ignace Sébastien de la Tombe
DD/DS/DS: Guillemette Charlotte de la Tombe/Audrien Gilles de la Tombe/Raulguin Vincent de la Tombe***Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Falcon Gerard Saysset
DW: Catarina Marta DobaxDD: Garina Yzabela Saysset
DS: Raymont Blazi Saysset
DD: Jona Astrina Saysset***Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Gil Garçia de Oliuares
DW: Eluira Teresa FerrandesDD: Leonor Maior de Oliuares
DS: Sancho Bartolome de Oliuares***Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Amadore Gardus Jacobeli
DW: Aulina Dana RavignaniDS: Tura Vitalis Jacobeli
DD/DD: Dominica Cicilia Jacobeli/Imelda Mathea Jacobeli
DD: Fiordelisia Sena Jacobeli
DS: Rubeus Martinus Jacobeli
DD: Blasia Johanna Jacobeli
DS: Coradinus Allesander Jacobeli
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The Kolb Family - 1497: NürnbergDH: Endres Jobst Kolb
DW: Agnes Kungund {Paderin} KolbinDS: Jacob Ludwig Kolb
DD: Katrina Madlen Kolbin
DS: Gabriell Adam Kolb
DS: Lucas Jeronimus Kolb
DD: Apolonia Elsbeth Kolbin
DS: Casper Marx Kolb* * *The d'Ancienville Family: 1587 - ProvinsDH: Jacques Gerard d'Ancienville
DW: Jehanne Symonne {Laudin} d'AncienvilleDS: Tristan Nicolas d'Ancienville
DS: Gabriel Sebastien d'Ancienville
DD: Madeleine Cecille d'Ancienville* * *The Regnard Family: 1604 - AmblenyDH: Jean Philippe Regnard
DW: Michèle Robinette {le Clercq} RegnardDD: Gabrielle Denise Regnard
DS: Vincent Adrien Regnard
DD/DS/DS: Martine Elisabeth Regnard / Quentin Raoul Regnard / Henry Ambroise Regnard* * *The Costa Family: 1383 - Saint-FlourDH: Anthoni Bonet Costa
DW: Raymonda Beatris {Sinada} Costa DD: Jona Ysabels Costa
DS: Guilhem Azamet Costa
DD: Halena Catarina Costa * * *The Rodrigues Family: 1495 - JaénDH: Manuel Alonso Rodrigues
DW: Ageda Leonor {de Benauides} RodriguesDD: Ceçilia Teresa Rodrigues
DS: Mateo Sebastian Rodrigues

* * *The Ugolini Family: 1312 - ImolaDH: Ruffus Leonardus Ugolini
DW: Damiana Bellaflore {Maldetti} UgoliniDS: Acittus Bencevenne Ugolini
DD/DD: Cecilia Adallasia Ugolini / Matalia Carmesais Ugolini
DD: Rosa Thomasina Ugolini
DS: Johannes Guido Ugolini
DD: Lucia Romengarda Ugolini
DS: Federicus Symon Ugolini
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Wolfgang Gabriel Wagner
DW: Martha Madalena (Schneiderin) WagnerinDS: Jeronimus Adam Wagner
DD: Apolonia Katerina Wagnerin
DS: Zacharias Jacob Wagner
DS: Raphael Bernhart Wagner
DD: Clara Ella Wagnerin
DS: Cristoff Augustin Wagner
Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: François Pierre Trousillion
DW: Catherine Anthoinette (Guarin) TrousillionDS: Leon Octavian Trousillion
DS: Jacques Mathieu Trousillion
DD: Madeleine Jehanne Trousillion
Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Charlotte Julienne (Petit) Demont
DH: Jean Bernard Demont
DD: Elisabeth Sandrine Demont
DS: Robert Sébastien Demont
DD/DS/DS: Isabelle Nicole Demont / Noël Laurent Demont / Claude Luc Demont
Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Clemens Gerard Richart
DW: Agnes Catarina (Costa) RichartDD: Angelina Beatris Richart
DS: Mathias Andreu Richart
DD: Marta Juliana Richart
Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Marcos Lorenço Villarreal
DW: Catalina Leonor (de Alcaras) VillarrealDD: Florinda Beatris Villarreal
DS: Mateo Miguel Villarreal
Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Iacobus Pellegrinus Signoretti
DW: Dana Bellaflore (Bonaventure) SignorettiDS: Benedictus Damianus Signoretti
DD/DD: Flora Mirabillis Signoretti / Lucia Corina Signoretti
DD: Beatrisia Damiana Signoretti
DS: Leonardus Ugolinus Signoretti
DD: Adalina Rosa Signoretti
DS: Dominicus Allesander Signoretti
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Hermann Christoff Keßler
DW: Dorothea Allet BairinDS: Wilhelm Conrat Keßler
DD: Margareth Helena Keßlerin
DS: Niclaus Walther Keßler
DS: Augustin Heinrich Keßler
DD: Katerina Madlen Keßlerin
DS: Ludwig Caspar Keßler*****Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Claude Sebastien Trousillion
DW: Marie Anthoinette de FleuryDS: Mathieu Alain Trousillion
DS: Victor André Trousillion
DD: Cecille Geneviefve Trousillion*****Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Louise Sébastienne Cabo
DH: Rémy Adrien le ClercqDD: Julienne Martine le Clercq
DS: Melchior Laurent le Clercq
DD/DS/DS: Isabeau Madeleine le Clercq & Jean Barthélémy le Clercq & Noël Benoît le Clercq*****Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Floris Guilhelm Verni
DW: Jacma Dalphina BelinaDD: Cebelia Guilhelma Verni
DS: Johan Gregori Verni
DD: Agnes Flors Verni*****Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Luys Gonçalo de Baeça
DW: Constança Catalina la PueblaDD: Ynes Leonor de Baeça
DS: Mateo Bartolome de Baeça *****Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Petrus Iacobus Bonaventure
DW: Aymelina Corelia UgoliniDS: Giulius Cenne Bonaventure
DD/DD: Imeldina Vinca Bonaventure & Matalia Iacobina Bonaventure
DD: Adalina Flora Bonaventure
DS: Allesander Martinus Bonaventure
DD: Cicilia Persa Bonaventure
DS: Leonardus Amadore Bonaventure
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Nürnberg, 1497DH: Urban Wendel Wolff
DW: Elsbeth Ursula VogelinDS: Hans Michel Wolff
DD: Margareth Helena Wolffin
DS: Steffan Ludwig Wolff
DS: Lucas Ulrich Wolff
DD: Katerina Apolonia Wolffin
DS: Symon Conrade Wolff
Provins, 1587DH: Gerard Sebastien du Roux
DW: Catherine Symonne YverDS: Tristan Estienne du Roux
DS: Adam Hector du Roux
DD: Geneviefve Madeleine du Roux
Ambleny, 1604DW: Sandrine Gabrielle Vallois
DH: Vincent Philippe de la TombeDD: Isabelle Anthoinette de la Tombe
DS: Adrien Melchior de la Tombe
DD/DS/DS: Angélique Judith de la Tombe / Simon Jacques de la Tombe / Raphaël Hubert de la Tombe
Saint-Flour, 1383DH: Timbalt Durant Belina
DW: Saura Dalphina VerniDD: Yzabela Esperta Belina
DS: Mathias Armant Belina
DD: Astrina Juliana Belina
Jaén, 1495DH: Miguel Anton de la Puebla
DW: Florinda Beatriz DiasDD: Catalina Ysabel de la Puebla
DS: Mateo Andres de la Puebla
Imola, 1312DH: Petrus Tura Maldetti
DW: Drusia Corelia RavignaniDS: Franciscus Besius Maldetti
DD/DD: Adalina Persa Maldetti / Jacobella Mathea Maldetti
DD: Matalia Beatrisia Maldetti
DS: Damianus Vitalis Maldetti
DD: Galiana Johanna Maldetti
DS: Nicholaus Paulus Maldetti
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Jacob Adam Dorn
Anna Agnes (Gastin) Dorn Augustin Urban
Brigita Ann
Niclas Caspar
Simon Martin
Ella Katerina
Raphael Philip -Thomas Sebastien
Catherine Cecille Charles Robert
Tristan Nicolas
Madeleine Marie -Remy Michel
Isabelle Adriane Elisabeth Louise
Simon Isaac
Madeleine Charlotte / Henry Robert / Blaise Luc -Mathias Anthoni
Philipa Angelina Anthonina Halena
Andreu Durant
Agnes Juliana -Sebastian Andres
Marina Cecilia Leonor Catalina
Marcos Fernando -Symon Martinus
Adalina Damiana Andreas Nicholaus
Cecilia Lucia / Corina Rosa
Samaritana Mathea
Benedictus Dominicus
Bella Jacobina
Allesander Leonardus
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I did family #5 from Jaén, in the year 1495
DH: Alonso Marcos
DW: Constança Blanca
DD: Fernando Miguel
DS: Juana LeonorThe Sancheses
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Wolfgang Augustin "Wolf"
DW: Anna ClaraDS: Jacob Lorentz "Jake"
DD: Katerina Ella "Kate"
DS: Kilian Ulrich
DS: Zacharias Wilhelm "Zac"
DD: Madalena Crista
DS: Vallentin RaphaelSurnames: BairFamily #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Adam Mathieu
DW: Anthoinette ClaudeDS: Tristan Gabriel
DS: Octavian Thomas
DD: Catherine MarieSN: LaudinFamily #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DW: Elisabeth Michèle
DH: Adrien NicolasDD: Madeleine Charlotte
DS: Noël Vincent
DD/DS/DS: Isabeau Marie / François Laurent / Luc SébastienSN: le MercierFamily #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Vincens Peire
DW: Franceza Catarina DD: Halena Margareta
DS: Johan Michel
DD: Angelina Philipa SN: NoelFamily #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Diego Marcos
DW: Maria YsabelDD: Catalina Violante
DS: Mateo Sebastian SN: DiasFamily #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312
DH: Nicholaus Amadore
DW: Cecilia DanaDS: Leonardus Ugo "Leo"
DD/DD: Corina Anthonia / Bella Cathelina
DD: Mathea Juliana
DS: Johannes Bencevenne
DD: Lucia Adalina
DS: Allesander AndreasSN: de Florentia
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Family #1 come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497DH: Raphael Conrat Römer
DW: Apolonia Madlen FeyerleinDS: Jacob Linhart Römer
DD: Helena Sibilla Römerin
DS: Lucas Moritz Römer
DS: Philip Veit Römer
DD: Cristina Madalena Römerin
DD: Katerina Brigita Römerin----------------Family #2 come from Provins, in the year 1587DH: Gerard Octavian Coressin de Brichanteau
DW: Geneviefve Cecille YverDS: Sebastien Phelippes Coressin de Brichanteau
DS: Alain Guillaume Coressin de Brichanteau
DD: Catherine Françoise Coressin de Brichanteau----------------Family #3 come from Ambleny, in the year 1604DW: Quentin Lancelot Daragon
DH: Elisabeth Louise RegnardDD: Isabelle Charlotte Daragon
DS: Raphaël Nicaise Daragon
DD/DS/DS: Françoise Estiennette Daragon / Sébastien Rémy Daragon / Raoul Guillaume Daragon----------------Family #4 come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383DH: Falcon Raulet Verni
DW: Margarida Ysabels FabreDD: Astrina Halena Verni
DS: Gerard Vidal Verni
DD: Beatris Aldeta Verni----------------Family #5 come from Jaén, in the year 1495DH: Manuel Aluar Villarreal
DW: Ysabel Maior de AlcarasDD: Eluira Beatris Villarreal
DS: Sebastian Miguel Villarreal----------------Family #6 come from Imola, in the year 1312DH: Rubeus Vitalis Bonaventure
DW: Honorata Carmesais MaldettiDS: Leonardus Amadore Bonaventure
DD/DD: Cecilia Rosa Bonaventure / Beatrisia Certa Bonaventure
DD: Malgarita Corelia Bonaventure
DS: Allesander Nicholaus Bonaventure
DD: Francisca Cathelina Bonaventure
DS: Benedictus Johannes Bonaventure
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Mine!The Römer family come from Nürnberg, in the year 1497
DH: Ludwig Gabriel Römer
DW: Elsbeth Madalena Römerin "Els" (Czeidlerin)DS: Wolfgang Adam Römer
DD: Sibilla Allet Römerin
DS: Englehart Felix Römer
DS: Caspar Lorentz Römer
DD: Apolonia Ursula Römerin
DS: Jeronimus Wilhelm RömerThe d'Ancienville family come from Provins, in the year 1587
DH: Mathieu Charles d'Ancienville
DW: Anthoniette Claude d'Ancienville (Troussillion)DS: Octavian Jacques d'Ancienville
DS: Victor Gabriel d'Ancienville
DD: Cecille Geneviefve d'Ancienville The Charpentier family come from Ambleny, in the year 1604
DH: Raulguin Barthélémy Charpentier
DW: Suzanne Estiennette Charpentier (de la Tombe)DD: Isabeau Sandrine Charpentier
DS: Mathelin Laurent Charpentier
DD/DS/DS: Madeleine Gabrielle Charpentier / Ignace Benoît Charpentier / Augustine Melchior CharpentierThe Aimerit family come from Saint-Flour, in the year 1383
DH: Timbalt Vincens Aimerit
DW: Yzabela Dalphina Aimerit (Fabre)DD: Saura Margarida Aimerit
DS: Hugo Mathias Aimerit
DD: Astrina Marta AimeritThe de Alcaras family come from Jaén, in the year 1495
DH: Anton Bartolome de Alcaras
DW: Guiomar Beatris de Alcaras (Dias)DD: Leonor Ysabel de Alcaras
DS: Marcos Françisco de Alcaras The Signoretti family come from Imola, in the year 1312
DH: Anthonius Veneticus Signoretti
DW: Romengarda Consola Signoretti (de Florentia)DS: Benedictus Guido Signoretti
DD/DD: Lasia Bonaventura Signoretti / Corelia Mirabillis Signoretti
DD: Thomasina Cecilia Signoretti
DS: Malgritus Allesander Signoretti
DD: Dina Anfelisia Signoretti
DS: Vitalis Mercadante Signoretti
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