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[Opinions] Primrose
What do you think of Primrose? I never really noticed it but it has really grown on me. The flowers are beautiful and I like the nickname Prim. I also like Rosie and was always looking for a full name for it and Primrose really appeals to me. Will it get common because of The Hunger Games? Do you like Prim or Rosie better as a nickname?These are names I like that can be shortened to Rosie, if you had to pick one which one and why? Could you rate them?Primrose
Mary Rose
Lily Rose
RoseLily Rose and Mary Rose would be called by both names. Do you think Primrose is too cutesy? Have you known one? I heard it is used in England but it never made the top 100. What kind of person would be named Primrose?
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I personally think it's beautiful but now that The Hunger Games has been turned into a movie and is crazy popular, it has lessened the names appeal to me. I haven't read the books, guessing there's more than one? So that doesn't affect my opinion. However, I would never use Primrose as a first name because I do believe it might be too cutesy, it's one of those names I can picture on a child or a elderly person very easily but not a 30 year old woman. I personally prefer it in the mn spot. I have Juliet Primrose Briony on my list, I also like Rosemary and Rose as a fn or a mn.
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I love it, it's in my top ten - I really like Rosemary and Rosemarie as well. I'd use Prim as a nickname, Rose is a bit too bland IMO :)
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I think it sounds stuffy and horrid on a person and have no idea why it seems to be such a BtN darling. It's ugly imo. There are lots of other NICE Rose names to choose from. Like them way better.
As for the person named Primrose, I'd suspect the type of person who may grow up absolutely hating her name and wondering why her parents inflicted such a name on her... and who may have others around her wondering the same.
Rosemary is the nicest of those you've listed... followed by Rose.
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Personally I would prefer Rosemary.I do think Primrose is going to get more common because of "The Hunger Games." In the responses I got from this and two other boards to my questions about the names from Hunger Games, Primrose was the one that the most people said they might actually consider for a child. The only other Hunger Games name (that's in the first book) that many people said they might really use was Rue. It was used some during the flower name fashion of Victorian times, but was never very popular. There were 277 people named Primrose in the 1930 USA census -- 49 of those were men, by the way, probably because Primrose is also a Scottish surname and they were being given that as a first name. Though I am not a personal fan, my personal impression of Primrose isn't "cutesy" but rather straight-laced and traditionally feminine, probably because of the connotations of "prim." Though if I knew a Primrose I would rather use Prim than Rose for the short form, just because it's more distinctive.
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Hah I've always secretly liked Primrose on a boy!
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Men named Primrose? Poor guys.
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Again?I have nothing against this name, but I'm tired of seeing it discussed. And I'm also tired of hearing about Hunger Games.
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Reminds me of whenever a Harry Potter movie is about to come out. This site always gets tons of people asking if we like Bellatrix or Sirius and are they usable.
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I guess you're right.Personally, I think Primrose is more usable than Bellatrix or Sirius (especially the latter - it's pronounced just like a common English word).
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Yes, Primrose is too cutesy for me. I think it sounds twee and stuckup.
Prim is annoying. Rosie is fine. Rose is better.
I think Primula (genus name of the flower) or Primarosa would be nicer by about a factor of ten.
I think the second worst thing about Primrose (after the word prim in it and the sound of "prim rows") is the sound, the feeling of saying it - the "pr" plus "mr" is so ... pursed-lippy. Like a word a boudoir photographer would tell the subject to say, to get a big fat pout in the picture. Primrose. Mwah!Okay, so I've thought about it too hard. But it gags me. I didn't even realize it was in Hunger Games, I thought it was just a flower-name trend gone wild sort of thing.I favor just plain Rose, from your list. Rosemary is not bad either. Actually any of them are okay with me, except Primrose. Rose combines well with many short names IMO.
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I don't like it. Sounds like the name of a rabbit or a cow. Out of your names I would pick Rosemary.
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Yuck.Primrose is one of the few names that inspires that type of reaction in me. I just don't like it- it reminds me of the name of a stupid, fluffy cat who scratches the shit out of everything.I don't see it ever becoming a common name, so if you like it, you don't have to worry about popularity.Out of all the names on your list, I'd choose plain old Rose. She is often neglected, or delegated to the middle name spot. Let her shine.
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this name was covered pretty recently on here...But I'll repeat:I don't think Primrose has a future as a name. It's just too theatrical, too cutesy and too overdone. Prim is not a particularly good nn as it's going to be associated with Prissy. Prim and Prissy, there's a fine line between being prim and being a priss.I can sort of see it as a name for a cow or something, but on a person? No, I don't think we'll ever see much of that, thank goodness.As for a full name for Rosie, well, I think Rosie sounds cheap and very dated and downscale. I'd expect to see a Rosie as a big fat red-haired woman with too much makeup on, swilling beer and shooting pool in a speakeasy.I like the name Rose by itself. Lily- Rose is way too sickly-sweet and Mary Rose is not far behind it. Rosemary seems bland and dull to me. Rosa is pretty and more exotic than Rose.
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Prim and PrissyPrimrose and Priscilla would be great as sisters.
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Maybe in a GP sort of way... in a sit-com or movie or something... Would fit the "Keeping Up Appearances" show mindset.
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Rosa is kind of nice... and makes me think of Rosa Parks.
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really? Couldn't find a recent thread...
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it was maybe a week ago...iF But this board moves fast so it may have already been archived.
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I found it using the search function :) Thanks!
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I think it's going to become more common because of the hunger games. I like both Prim and Rosie as nickname although Prim is more tom-boyish to me. Primrose - 7.5/10
Rosemary - 7/10
Mary Rose - 4/10
Lily Rose - 5/10
Rose - 6/10I don't think Primrose is too cutesy but it is slightly cutesy. I don't know any.
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more stiff or frumpy than cutesyI'd think of the name as more frumpy or stiff than cutesy.
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