[Opinions] River
I support anything - up to and including you naming your daughter River - that furthers the spread of the Firefly/Serenity universe.
What about River Phoenix? After River Jude Phoenix (the brother of Joaquin Phoenix).
He was a famous bearer. I haven't seen any of his movies. If your are implying that this makes the name masculine, I will argue back that River is a word name, and therefore unisex. I prefer it for a girl because of the character.

It's just an object
It doesn't mean what you think

It's just an object
It doesn't mean what you think

I LOVE it! I admit, ever since I saw Serenity I've had the name stuck in my head. I like it for both a boy and a girl : )
River Ruth wouldn't sound very good though, haha.
River Gaia - Beautiful, very nature connected, I like it.
River Eustacia - Nms.
River Elspeth - Great! Has a nice sound.
River Iris - Nice, but sounds a bit off to me.
River Amabel - Beautiful.

River Ruth wouldn't sound very good though, haha.
River Gaia - Beautiful, very nature connected, I like it.
River Eustacia - Nms.
River Elspeth - Great! Has a nice sound.
River Iris - Nice, but sounds a bit off to me.
River Amabel - Beautiful.

River is one of those names that I wouldn't use for my own child, but I think soudns pretty neat on someone else's child. I have a real affinity to water bodies, so I think River has a somewhat mystical, ethereal sound to it. Because of that association, I'm going to say that I like River Gaia the best out of the combos you've listed. And also because the combo two of the elements: water and earth. You need a combo that has something to do with fire and air to go with it. ;)


It fits either gender in my opinion, so I don't like it. If I can't look at a name and say "That's a guy, definitely" or "That's definitely a girl", I don't like it.
River Iris sounds nice, but I would choose a more common mn to give a choice of something more people are used to.
"It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. " -Ansel Adams
--See my profile for my adopted PP's--
River Iris sounds nice, but I would choose a more common mn to give a choice of something more people are used to.
"It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. " -Ansel Adams
--See my profile for my adopted PP's--
I love River on a girl and I actually met a girl by that name so it makes it usuable for me. I Like River Amabel the best.
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
I'm much more a River-for-a-boy person because I've known a boy River, but far be it from me to fault your logic. ;D
I think River Eustacia is my favourite of the ones you listed--mostly because Eustacia's just really, really cool! Some other ideas:
River Maude
River Viorica
River Lucasta
River Antonina
River Patience
River Thalia
River Aglaya
Now I've given you some that may be more my taste than yours, heh. If all else fails, River Tam sounds really cool, and no one but other Firefly fans will get the reference.
The dogs on main street howl
`Cause they understand
If I could take one moment into my hands
Mister, I ain't a boy--no I'm a man,
And I believe in a promised land.
I think River Eustacia is my favourite of the ones you listed--mostly because Eustacia's just really, really cool! Some other ideas:
River Maude
River Viorica
River Lucasta
River Antonina
River Patience
River Thalia
River Aglaya
Now I've given you some that may be more my taste than yours, heh. If all else fails, River Tam sounds really cool, and no one but other Firefly fans will get the reference.
`Cause they understand
If I could take one moment into my hands
Mister, I ain't a boy--no I'm a man,
And I believe in a promised land.