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[Games] Superhero Dice CAF
I'm bored, so ta-da!
You create a family of superheroes!Nothing with dice in a while, so there's dice.
Steps 10, 11, and 12 are optional but encouraged!Use this 12-sided die: free to roll again, I have no way of knowing!Step 1>>> Roll for SO1's Superpower1. Two powers --- roll twice! again if you'd already rolled this.
2. Grass/Plant powers (think turning daisies into giant, constricting vines)
3. Psychic (ie reading minds)
4. Shape-shifting
5. Invisibility
6. Flight
7. Telekenisis
8. Super Speed
9. Super Strength
10. Water/Ice powers
11. Fire powers
12. None or roll again
Step 2>>> Roll for Super hero name (base it on your super power using the format)1. Color + Animal
2. Color + Occupation
3. Color + Time of day
4. Color + Food (you might want to make it really obscure)
5. Animal + (Wo)Man/Boy/Girl/Guy/etc.
6. Time of day + Animal
7. Something to do w/ power (aka S2dwP)
8. S2dwP + Animal
9. S2dwP + (Wo)Man/Boy/Girl/Guy/etc.
10-12. Roll again (for a number 1-9) and change into:
---10. French
---11. Spanish
---12. Language of your choice (NOT french, spanish, or english)
If you're lost, roll again!
Step 3>>> Roll for mild mannered alter ego's job1. News reporter
2. News photographer
3. A job? Ha! I'm too fabulously rich to work!
4. Waitress/Waiter
5. Computer Technition
6. Scientist
7. Unemployed
8. Cubicle Person (your choice of workplace)
9. Some other News person
10. Teacher, your choice of grade level/subject
11. CEO who's fabulously rich!
12. Choice or roll again
Step 4>>> Family Surname1. Smith
2. Johnson
3. Williams
4. Jones
5. Brown
6. Davis
7. Miller
8. Wilson
9. Moore
10. Taylor
11. Anderson
12. Thomas
Step 5>>>Roll for first name, then middle name1. 2000-10 Top 50
2. 1990s Top 50
3. 1980s Top 50
4. 1970s Top 50
5. 1960s Top 50
6. 1930s Top 50
7. Subtly hint at their power
8. Blantantly hint at their power
9. Unisex or surname name
10. boys: girls:
11. Something that sounds... rich.
12. Alliterary names w/ the same amount of letters (if rolling for FN, don't roll for MN, if rolling for MN, roll again)
Step 6>>> Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, and 5 for SO2, if SO1 is unemployed, they MUST have a job. If SO1 is rich, no job required.
Step 7>>> Roll for number of kids1. None (feel free to reroll if you'd rather them have kids)
2-3. One
4-5. Two
6. Three
7. Four
8. Five
9. Six
10. Seven
11. Eight
12. Nine
Twins and other multiples are your choice!
Ages are also your choice.
Step 8>>> Roll for gender of child 1Even. Girl
Odd. Boy
Step 9>>> Repeat steps 1, 2, 5, and 8 for each child (If you'd like them to have a job, you can roll for 3, too.
Step 10>>> Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the family's archenemy/ies
Step 11>>> Name their fictional city
Something overly typical ending in:
1-3. Ville
4-6. Ington
7-9. City
10-12. Starting with New
Step 12>>> Tell me about them!!! Things like: daily life, school, work, their secret lair, the archenemy or ies, etc.
Have fun!
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Superhero Dice CAF  ·  Rachael  ·  12/11/2011, 7:03 AM
Yes! Yes! (done!)  ·  La Reina  ·  12/13/2011, 6:28 AM
Re: Superhero Dice CAF  ·  Wandering Moon  ·  12/12/2011, 2:23 PM
Re: Superhero Dice CAF  ·  Wandering Moon  ·  12/12/2011, 4:08 PM
Re: Superhero Dice CAF  ·  Ranchie  ·  12/11/2011, 6:30 PM
Re: Superhero Dice CAF  ·  miakendall1075  ·  12/11/2011, 2:01 PM
Re: Superhero Dice CAF  ·  Eva Marie  ·  12/11/2011, 12:30 PM
mine #3  ·  Rachael  ·  12/11/2011, 11:06 AM
Re: Superhero Dice CAF  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  12/11/2011, 10:26 AM
mine #2 (since no one else is doing it, why not? :))  ·  Rachael  ·  12/11/2011, 9:07 AM
mine #1  ·  Rachael  ·  12/11/2011, 7:07 AM