[Opinions] Eloise
I didn't like Eloise for a long time, but recently I've started to get into it. Do you think it's nice or horrible? Or in between? Thanks.
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
I really like it now, though I used to really dislike it. It's the name of my dad's sister, an aunt whose known for being a bit uppity and judgmental, so I haven't always had the greatest association with it. Plus, it's my sister's mn, and she's always hated it, but mostly for the connection with the aunt, plus the silly reactions she's always gotten from people when she reveals her mn. But now I find it becoming quite retro-chic and it's great. :b


I think it's pretty
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
I think it's really cute!
I think Elouize looks harsh, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Thanks for the input.
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
I love it! It's beautiful and sooo underused! Yay! I also adore 'Eloise at the Plaza' so, well, you get my opinion by now...
I guess I should read/watch this "Eloise at the Plaza" since everybody loves it so much. Thanks for your opinion!
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
I think it sounds very elegant.
I agree. Thanks.
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
Thanks for the input everyone
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
Love it. Classic and underused
Eloise is absolutely gorgeous! If I didn't like Louise enough to use on a child, I'd seriously consider Eloise. Lady Helen Taylor named her daughter Eloise Olivia Katherine which I thought was spectacularly elegant. Eloise is definitely a name that transcends time. :)


This message was edited 1/23/2006, 4:30 PM
Pretty classic but rare enough to be refreshing and modern sounding at the same time

I love Eloise. It is beautiful and classy.
I'm so glad! I'm hearing nothing but good about this so far.
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
I love it. It has a quirky, retro-charm and a youthful energy to it.
I think so too. Thanks much.
I think it's just beautiful! I first started liking it when I saw the movie 'Eloise at the Plaza' and since then it's been on my favorites list! :)

Yay! Someone agrees.
I think I started liking it when I first heard it pronounced. I thought it was "Ell-oyz" instead of "Ell-oh-eez".
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
I think I started liking it when I first heard it pronounced. I thought it was "Ell-oyz" instead of "Ell-oh-eez".
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
Wow, no wonder you didn't like it! Ell-oyz is rather ugly!
I also like Eloisa which I saw in a book once, Ell-oh-ee-zah. WDYT?

I also like Eloisa which I saw in a book once, Ell-oh-ee-zah. WDYT?

I like it, but not for my daughter. The reason is that my grandmother's name is Louisa, my aunt's name is Louise (after my grandmother), my great-grandmother (on my father's side, the others were on my mother's side) was named Louisa, and my middle name is Louise.
And I know Eloise is similar to Louise, but it's also different. That extra EL sets it apart.
Yet I can't picture calling my girl Eloisa.
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
And I know Eloise is similar to Louise, but it's also different. That extra EL sets it apart.
Yet I can't picture calling my girl Eloisa.
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~