Hi, I've been wanting to do this for ages but haven't even been on in a while. Anyway, the deal with this congrats is I'll take as many ppl as want to play, your partner will be the person who signed up either before or after you. If there's an odd number of those who want to play, I'll be the last person's partner. Please don't claim the title of 'husband' or 'wife' because it'll just make things more complicated for me later on.
There'll be 7 rounds and there wont be any restrictions on names except that you will have to agree on them. I will leave each round up for quite a while. If you cannot contact your partner for that round, you and your partner will have two children to name the next round. If you still can't get in contact with them, I'll tell you that you can start naming the children on your own.
As I said, I haven't been on here in a long time so if I've left something out or if you have any questions, just ask. Have fun!