[Games] Congratulations
in reply to a message by elysa

Alejandro Gabriel and Antonio Estavan are 4 year old twins from Mexico. They have been in and out of foster homes for two years since their mother died when they were two. They are both very happy and bright boys, though Antonio is much more outgoing than Alejandro. Alejandro prefers to spend time indoors, reading, coloring, or playing with his stuffed animals. Antonio prefers to be outside, running around and playing sports.

Starla Kathleen is a 5 year old girl from the USA. Her parents were killed in a car accident about a year and a half ago. Starla sustained major injuries to both her legs in this accident and is now wheelchair bound. Though she is in a wheelchair, Starla maintains a cheerful outlook on life and is a joy to be around. She loves to paint and draw, and even at her young age aspires to be an artist when she grows up.
Please update us on how your children are adjusting to your family.
James and Areena were both so happy to welcome their three new children into their home! It has been almost a year already and the children have adjusted wonderfully. Alejandro really enjoys the playroom in the family's home and gets along really great with little Edmund. Antonio spends most of his time running around with Gabriel riding bikes and swimming. Sabrina and Starla were instant best friends and sisters as soon as they met. They love spending time in the home's art studio painting and making crafts or playing with the large doll house that James made for them!