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I read this post a little while ago but needed to let Zelma ferment in my brain for a bit. Did I like her more or the same as or less than Zelda? After some thought, I've decided I like her more than Zelda. She's warmer, less video-gamey, and just as quirky. I think I am going to add Zelma to my listI like these combos:

Zelma Coralie - this makes Zelma more exotic than homey, and I like it
Zelma Francine - Zelma visits the library in hotpants!
Zelma Jane - Zelma the cowgirl rebel!
Zelma Nancy - domestic, yet unhinged. Perfect!
Zelma Ottoline - purely fantastic
Zelma Phoebe - Phoebe is becoming my go-to middle name, I love it there so much
Zelma Roxane / Roxanne
Zelma Ruby - flappertown!
Zelma Vivian / Vivien - for sauciness
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Zelma Caroline because I love beautiful Caroline (reminds me of crinoline ball gowns) and even stolid clunky frumpish Zelma is lifted by it!
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Most "Z" names have a flapperish quality to me that I love. But this one feels a little forced. Selma is so great on her own, why alter her? Wait. Vilma Banky and Theda Bara are knocking at my brain. "Why am I such a party pooper?" they ask. I really don't know. Perhaps I should give Zelma a chance. :-)It's amazing how many combinations you've found. If I had to say which were my tippy top favorites:Zelma Beatrice
Zelma Dorothy
Zelma Frances
Zelma Gertrude
Zelma Ottoline (Calling Bloomsbury 629 . . . )
Zelma Rosalie
Zelma Roxane / Roxanne -- this could be *the* flapper / vamp name (an interesting idea for a thread)
Zelma Ruby Most of these work as mns for Zelda too. Bonus!
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