[Opinions] Re: Allegra
in reply to a message by DaphneHarridge
The book is called The Jane Austen Book Club and it's by Karen Joy Fowler. The character Allegra is the nineteen-year-old daughter of Sylvia, one of the two main characters.
What book did you read it in? I'm always curious about those sorts of things...
'New teeth. That's weird.'
The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), Doctor Who (The Parting of the Ways)
Liking: Tabitha Clare, Felicity Ayla, Dominic Peter
Proud 'mother' of 18 PPs! See my profile!
What book did you read it in? I'm always curious about those sorts of things...
'New teeth. That's weird.'
The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), Doctor Who (The Parting of the Ways)
Liking: Tabitha Clare, Felicity Ayla, Dominic Peter
Proud 'mother' of 18 PPs! See my profile!
Thanks, Tibby, for the book title. The description at Amazon sounds like something I might like, so I'll check it out.
I can't remember my Allegra book; I was stranded at a friend's house late one night, and picked up a book from her endtable in order to pass the time. It was some trashy novel about 3 teenaged friends, lol, and while the title didn't stick in my mind, Allegra certainly did!
Have a good day,
DH :-)
I can't remember my Allegra book; I was stranded at a friend's house late one night, and picked up a book from her endtable in order to pass the time. It was some trashy novel about 3 teenaged friends, lol, and while the title didn't stick in my mind, Allegra certainly did!
Have a good day,
DH :-)
OT a bit
What's that book like? I've been eyeing it up for a while.
~Louise x
Pray for mercy from Puss...In Boots!

What's that book like? I've been eyeing it up for a while.
~Louise x

Really good actually, I thought I wasn't going to like it at first, and now I'm getting quite into it. Definitely recommended. I actually started reading it as an alternative to Pride and Prejudice, which I'm waiting to get off my mum when she's finished with it.
'New teeth. That's weird.'
The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), Doctor Who (The Parting of the Ways)
Liking: Tabitha Clare, Felicity Ayla, Dominic Peter
Proud 'mother' of 18 PPs! See my profile!
The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), Doctor Who (The Parting of the Ways)
Liking: Tabitha Clare, Felicity Ayla, Dominic Peter
Proud 'mother' of 18 PPs! See my profile!