Sorry for such a long pause, I have been battling bronchitis and have only been checking in on my phone. I am finally at my computer so lets get started.
Zeus and Poseidon have been battling over who is the better fit brother to rule the sky. The battle between the two has cause monsterous effects on earth. The humans are franticly praying to any god they can for help. How does this battle affect your family? Do they have a particular side in the battle or do they remain neutral. Are you aiding a side, or accepting scarfices from humans for aid?
UN: AnnaMarie
DH: Ares
DW: Aphrodite
DH: Hades Cronus
DW: Persephone Demi
DH: Paris (25)
DW: Helen (19)
Helen'sDD: Hermione "Mione" (5)
Helen'sDS: Pleisthenes "Pleis" (1)
UN: NamesAreAwesome
DH: Aeneas
DW: Elpis Acantha*
UN: Wandering Moon
DH: Orion
DW: Artemis