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Aw, Arlo is adorable. It makes me think of a wooden porch. So homey and unpretentious and welcoming. I really love these combos:Arlo Castor
Arlo Mercer
Arlo Frederick
Arlo Franklinbut Especially Arlo Mercer. I don't know what it is about that one. It's the perfect mix of backwoods and library. I love the way Arlo feels on my tongue so I might pair it with my other most-delicious names:Arlo George
Arlo Montgomery
Arlo Emil
Arlo Julius, Arlo Julian
Arlo Aloysius
Arlo Jubal
Arlo Jove
Arlo Leopold
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I didn't know the etymology of Arlo until I clicked on it just now. Neat! I like Arlo because of Mr. Guthrie. It's gutsy and fun. Of your combinaitons I like / love:Arlo David
Arlo Francis
Arlo Frederick (!)
Arlo Philip
Arlo Constantine
Arlo William
Arlo Hannibal (!)I want to love Arlo Thomas, but I can't get Marlo Thomas ("That Girl") out of my head. But the newest generation won't have a clue who that is so I wouldn't worry about it.And how do the Irish get three meanings (between two mills) out of two syllables? No need to answer. It's just something fun to ponder.
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I've always kind of found Arlo interesting, but am not sure if I actually like it or not. I like Arlo Stephen and Arlo Philip. I think I like it best with plain things, classic but maybe a little dated, because it tones down the hipster vibe. So also stuff like Arlo Mark, Arlo Jeffrey, Arlo Paul, or Arlo Timothy. But if I can be persuaded to think of Arlo in a different way, I'd be open to that.ETA: Looking at the etymology after Bear's suggestion made me see a different side of it, so I tried some new combos:
Arlo Michael
Arlo Tuathal / Toal - I like this one a lot
Arlo Seoirse
Arlo Flannacha

This message was edited 3/6/2011, 12:14 PM

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Try clicking the link. There's a connection to Spencer's "Faerie Queen" that I didn't know before. It gives it a new perspective.

This message was edited 3/6/2011, 11:33 AM

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Oh yes, that does help some! I can kind of picture it on an Irish farmer or something now. Hmm.
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