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[Opinions] This nickname and no other!
What do you think of Beth as a nickname for Elizabeth?I'm not asking about Elizabeth, which I know is very generally well-loved, and not asking about any other nickname for it----specifically, what do you think of Beth---as a nickname for Elizabeth, not on its own? Would you ever use it?Curious because this was considered as a name for me---Elizabeth, specifically with the nickname Beth.
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I love Beth, and would choose it over Elizabeth any day.
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If I ever were to use Elizabeth, Beth would be my top nickname choice. I like it.
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I like Beth. I find it to be very soft and romantic (perhaps because of "Little Women?"). Would I use it alone or as a nn for Elizabeth? Definitely not alone but probably not as a nn since there are other nicks for Elizabeth that I like more, however, I think Mary Elizabeth (Mary Beth) is too cute and I could see myself using that.
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It's okay, but it's a bit limp and lispy-sounding. I might have felt differently about it had I ever met one, but I haven't. Bethan is really common where I'm from and I don't like that much either.
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I always hated the name Beth, I think mostly because of the "th".
Actually, I don't like any Elizabeth nicknames that start with B.that's just me
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I knew an Elizabeth once who was known as Bethy in her family: an annoyingly whiney child. And the Little Women character makes such a career of being wishy-washy ... I think I prefer Bess or Bette.
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All the Elizabeth's I've known have gone by Liz, so Beth would be rather refreshing to me. I think Beth is so sweet and unassuming. It reminds me of Little Women. I have also met a very spunky and outgoing Beth (her full name), so I think it can work for more than one personality type.
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My favorite teacher was named Elizabeth nn Beth. I never was really fond of it until I met her. I still find Beth to be to plain for my taste, but I would love to meet another.
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I love Beth! It's the nn I'd pick for Elizabeth anyday. I'm not a fan of Elizabeth myself, but the nn Beth makes me want to like it
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Shockingly I don't know any Elizabeths...except one who is about fifty and goes by Liz, so Beth seems actually quite sweet and refreshing to me. I will say though that it seems a little one-dimensional in its sweetness. It's harder to imagine a sarcastic, ballsy, sharply intelligent Beth. It's very young sounding and would be ok on a really kind, motherly, home-loving type who bakes a lot, or someone shy and literary (Little Women style), but it's not really a "go-getter" of a name.
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All the Beths I have known have been Elizabeths, so I prefer Beth as a nickname than on its own. That being said, it's intuitive and easy to remember, so that gets big points in my book.
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Beth I hear you callin', but I can't come home right now..Love that song
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I think Beth is fine as a nickname to Elizabeth.
I wouldn't use it, but that's just because I wouldn't use Elizabeth.
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I know an Elizabeth that goes by Beth but I never even thought of it before. All the other Elizabeth's I've ever heard of go by Liz, Lizzie, or Libby. I thought her name was Bethany for the longest time.
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I find Beth kind of lackluster and expected -- virtually all of the girls named Elizabeth whom I know go by Liz or Beth.
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I like it. If I met a Beth I'd assume it was either Elizabeth or Bethany. It seems like an old-fashioned nickname, but not so old-fashioned that it's out of place.Speaking of nns we almost had, my mom considered naming me Rebecca "Reba".
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I love it. If my mom had named me at my time of birth I have no doubt I would have ended up Elizabeth "Beth". I think Beth is soft and spunky and regal and all sorts of good things all at the same time.
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I like it, and I approve of it. :)
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Beth is a nice, soft, safe nn for Elizabeth.
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