One of the best things about
Mary (which I find very refreshing, by the way) is that you get to have fun with the mn. You almost have to have fun with it, to prevent
Mary sounding too nunny, if you know what I mean. Sorry for any repeats, but these are some of my favorites:
Mary Columbine /
ColumbaMary FinolaMary CassandraMary JuniperMary Celeste /
Celestine (heck with that darned ship)
Mary SiobhanMary EvelinaMary VictorinaMary Ishbel /
Isibeal ("ISH-bayl")
Mary AlexandrinaMary ElspethMary SineadMary Keziah ("keh-ZIE-uh")
Mary OlwenMary PalomaMary Chenoa ("sheh-NO-uh")(Nat. Am.)
Mary SabrinaMary Ottoline ("-leen")
Mary Emmeline ("-leen")
Mary CallistaMary JacinthaMary Tiomthea
Mary TheodoraMary KestrelMary Talulla /
TallulahMary DulcineaMary Afanen ("AV-uh-nen")
Mary LeandraMary EudoxiaMary AvalonMary Nightingale
Mary Deirdre ("DEER-druh")
Mary NolwennMary OonaghMary LiadanMary GenevieveMary Geneve /
GinevraMary Aisling Mary KerenzaMary AstraeaMary TabithaMary LilithMary DagmarMary Clotilda /
ClothildeMary Juveline
Mary Leontine ("LAY-un-teen")
Mary ColetteMary CamelliaMary SilvestraMary Laurentia /
Laurentine ("lor-EN-shuh" / "LOR-en-teen")
Mary SkyeMary Alannah (short "a" as in land, lamp)
Mary CatrionaMary LiselotteMary HanneloreMary Solace
Mary Sonnet
Mary AlidaMary DianthaMary Edelweiss
Mary PandoraMary Adelaide
Some of them are more conventional than others. But you never know so I kept them in. Please let us know if there are any that you like. Thanks!