Christmas I got a special memory game, where instead of finding pairs of identical pictures, you have to match photos of 29 pairs of identical twins (and one set of triplets). Their names are included, so of course I must share them with you. :) They're of all ages, and I think all of them are Dutch.
Luke & Joël
Olaf &
StevenMike &
DaveBart &
RoelKees &
WimIsaac &
GillesCarlijn &
NoorJens &
MatsNiki & Nosh
Ria &
LydiaThara &
ArleenLakéesha & Kyana
Sara &
BenteEdith &
SophieLise &
LotteSander & Mattijs
Emile &
StephanMorris &
BoValerie & Shimrit
To &
MarieFayaaz & Raouf & Zahier
Koos &
SanderFleur &
ClaireAnna &
HelenaMaaike & Sasja
Florence & Eline
Mies &
LienSofia &
SorayaMarc &
MaxRobin &