[Facts] Meaning and origin of my name
I'd like to know the origin and meaning of my name: Cleber.
The gender is male and it is used in Portuguese, although I guess its origin is Germanic.
Thank you!!
If it is of Germanic origin it should be spelled with a K: Kleber. As far as I can see it is not used as a given name in Germany. As a surname it may have these derivations:
- Kleiber: a bird (nuthatch, sitta europea)
- "Kleber": "sticky", "glue", "someone who works with glue"
- from a German place-name Kleba or Klebe
Especially the Brasilians are graet at making up first names, often taking them from surnames - why not Kleber …
Hope this helps
- Kleiber: a bird (nuthatch, sitta europea)
- "Kleber": "sticky", "glue", "someone who works with glue"
- from a German place-name Kleba or Klebe
Especially the Brasilians are graet at making up first names, often taking them from surnames - why not Kleber …
Hope this helps
Thanks Andy,
I think it helps for a while. It looks quite reasonable the suggestions which you gave. But I'm really curious yet, and accept new suggestions for the origin of my name from you guys!!
P.S. Yeahh! We Brazilians make up very weird names sometimes ;-)