[Opinions] Jessamy
Do you like the name Jessamy? I heard it mentioned while listening to the radio (talking about a novel).
I've heard it somewhere before, but it was a long time ago so I can't remember where I heard it. I read it in a name book recently and I remebered the name. I like it, but it's not something I'd use.

It's ok, but I like Jessamyn much better, maybe this is the name that you actually heard on the radio.
It sounds too much like sesame for me - and for some reason makes me think of someone in her pajamas.. it's not bad, though. I like Jessamine more.
- chazda

- chazda

It reminds me of the surname Bellamy, which I like so much more.
I sort of do actually, not sure why but it appeals to me on some level.