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[Games] Nyx' Choose-Your-Own-Adventure KUY CAF - Round 8 (Spouse 2 of 5)
Ok, the rules are pretty simple, I'll be providing two or more options, and you follow the "adventure" that suits you best. Each "adventure" will have it's own set of naming rules for that round. Stories are optional, but always enjoyed and encouraged :) Ages are optional, and you keep track of them yourself. I will not be killing off any family members in this game, but you may chose to do so yourself. Surnames and maiden names are not provided for in the prompts, but should be used in case they are referenced in future rounds. I'll provide links to each previous round, so you can quickly find your family.Note: Just because your chose Adventure # in one round doesn't mean that you are stuck with that # for every other round. Each round you can chose your own adventure (hence, the name).Signups:
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 5:
Round 6: (Spouse 1 of 5)
Round 7: (grandchildren)DC = Darling Child, or a first generation child. All other children are second generation.If you wish, you may have a couple divorce in any round. If they divorce in round 7, they can remarry in the next spouse round. (If they divorce this round, they would have to wait until the next spouse round I post to remarry).This is the second of 5 "Spouse" rounds. After each spouse round there will be at least one child round. You may chose to have as many as 3 children marry, or as few as 1. Each child (twins/triplets being the exception) must use a different adventure to get married in. Twins/triplets may use the same adventure to get married in, or you may chose to split them up. If twins/triplets marry in the same adventure, that counts as 1 and you may still use the other two adventures on two other children.

If you are keeping track of ages, please advance your current family's ages by one year or two years (your choice) before adding new spouses (and even if you are not adding any new spouses).Adventure 1:
Your DC has decided to marry a 40 year-old! You are shocked and a little dismayed. But you can't talk sense into them, as they are "in love". Other then the huge age difference, you have nothing against the person. In fact, you might find yourself friends with the person, if only they weren't sleeping/marrying your DC!
Spouse: (40) His/her FN has a positive increase in the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1940-1949 ( and his/her MN is in the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1930-1939 ( Re-spelling/variants are allowed.Adventure 2:
Your DC is marrying a very shy and quiet person. In fact, they don't do well with more then about 4-5 other people at a time. For this reason, they've chosen to simply go down to the courthouse and sign the paperwork rather then have a ceremony. However, the spouse is very kind, sweet, and likable. S/he is an author and spends a lot of time locked in his/her study to write. The couple plans on moving to a cabin on a nearby lake.
Spouse: (23) His/her FN/MN is from the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1970-1979 or the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1980-1989 - or Re-spelling/variants are allowed.Adventure 3:
Your DC is marrying a person they met through one of those online dating sites/5-minute blind-date places (or maybe from a reality TV show...) At first, the family gave the DC a lot of grief over trying to find a mate in this way, but it truly seems to have worked out well for the DC. The two are very compatible and very much in love.
Spouse: (29) His/her FN/MN is from the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1890-1899 or the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1880-1889 - or Re-spelling/variants are allowed.

This message was edited 9/7/2010, 9:11 AM

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Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.The couple finished high school, and then finished college. They've gotten good jobs and are pretty much settling into life. Their first daughter was a surprise, but very welcomed.Being a parent (and maybe holding down a job) was harder then the couple thought it would be. For many years they considered their child(ren) an/their only child(ren). However, almost 5 years later and they finally feel like they have their feet back under them and want another child. Wouldn't you know it, they have twins!Your spouse has just lost their only sibling, and last living adult relative. The deceased has left behind their children to your care, a 7 year-old girl and her 2 year-old little brother.With all of the changes in your family, your couple has decided that there will be no more children. Hubby is supposed to go to the doctor for the simple "snip" procedure, but always manages to find some reason to put it off. However, they are careful, and for the next 6 years there are no new additions to the family. And then, the opps happens and 7 years after the last addition, your family has a new daughter.Just two years later, and your couple is welcoming their last child into the family. It is for sure their last child, because your wife has decided to get her tubes tied after the delivery and not wait for the hubby to get the courage to do what must be done.Eight years has passed, and your DC (darling child) has gotten married. They've been best friends with each other since they were in diapers, and the friendship just naturally expanded into a loving, caring relationship. While you might wish that they were slightly older, with more life experiences behind them, you are immensely happy for the two of them as well.Your child is a free spirit, very outgoing, creative, and loving. It was a surprise to find out you were pregnant, but it has been a very good surprise and has made your life more fulfilling.

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The Oleander FamilyDH: Beauregard Quentin Patrick Oleander "Beau" (47)
DW: Celestine Fabienne (Boudreau) Oleander (46)
AD: Virginie Celeste (Tautou) Papadopoulos "Gigi" (29)
-DH: Christos Yianni Papadopoulos (34)
--DD: Maria Crysanthe Papadopoulos (7)
--DS: Leo Jeremie Constantine Papadopolous (3)
DS: George Ignatius Beauregard Oleander (28)
-DW: Roxanne Gypsy (Rose) Oleander "Roxy" (26)
--DS: Frederick Patrick George Oleander "Freddie" (5)
--DD: Avignon Rowena Joy Oleander "Avie" (1)
AS: Yves Dieudonne Tautou "Dieuy" (24)
-DW: Eve Alexandra (Sherman) Tautou (23)
--DD: Virginia Seraphine Tautou (5)
DS: Charles Jean-Pierre Oleander (23)
--DD: Galadriel Lavender Grey Oleander (4)
DS: Edmund Jean-Baptiste Oleander (23)
-Nancy Meredith Clifford (23)
DD/DD: Cecilia Juillet Victoria Oleander / Viola July Celestine Oleander (18)
DD/DD/DD: Estelle Forsythia Grace Oleaner / Diana Lillian Mercy Oleander / Luna Orchid Rememberance Oleander (15)Edmund graduated university and married the woman he had been dating there, Nancy. Nancy isn't a huge fan of large groups, in all honestly the size of her new husband's family quite frightens her. So the two went down to the courst house and sign the paperwork. They have decided to move to a cabin in Ireland.
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Adventure 2 & 3
LN: Emmerson
DH: Alphonso Driscoll Louis Emmerson "Alan" (46)
DW: Kalena Wikolia Emmerson [Kamali'i] (43)
-AS: Ezekiel Gilead Emmerson "Zeke" (27)
--DW: Ann Gabriela Emmerson [Heinz] (27)
---DS: Aldo Kaimi Emmerson (4)
-AD: Hosanna Martha Kowalski [Emmerson] "Sanna" (26)
--DH: Jeffery Steven Kowalski (23)
-DS: Kaimana Louis Emmerson "Kai" (25)
--DW: Margaret Helen "Minnie" Emmerson [Ryder] (29)
-DD: Konani Olivia Emmerson "Nani" (24)
-AD: Adalia Helah Emmerson "Adah" (24)
-DS/DD: Kapahu Januarius "Kapu" and Mele Verna Emmerson (18)
-DD/DD/DD: Kiana Nalani, Alaula Haleigha, and Mahina Lanikai Emmerson (15)
Alan and Kalena are happy to announce that Hosanna and Kai have both gotten married! Sanna's husband is named Jeffery Kowalski and although he is painfully shy and awkward in public, he is a very good man and makes their daughther very happy. The two of them bought a beautiful home next to a lake in the northern part of England. Sanna will be working as a nurse and Jeffery is an author and will be writing in his home office. Kai's new wife is named Minnie. The two of them met on an online dating site, which worried Alan and Kalena at first, but when they met her they knew their son had made the right choice. She is a very friendly and sweet girl! They bought a loft apartment in London and are enjoying a more fast paced lifestyle.
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DH: Theo Birch Mendelsson (41)
DW: Ella Tallulah Mendelsson (41)
AS: Asher Seth (23)
~DW: Jinx Ripley Smith-Mendelsson (26)
--DS: Shanahan Gage (4)
--DD: Lexington Joy "Lexie" (2)
AD: Caris Joelle (22)
~DH: Marc Edwin Foster (23)
DS: Zander Roth (21)
~DW: Rebecca Joan Parsons (40)
DD: Cacey Saffron (21)
~DH: Axel Haywood West (29)
AS: Levi Obadiah (20)
DS: Huckleberry Bryn (17)
DD/DD/DD: Danica Tallulah "Danny"/Nova Tatiana "Tate" /Monday Theodora "Theo"(14)A little less than a year after her brother's scandalous marriage to Jinx, Caris brought home a boy she was sure her parents would approve of. And she was right. For the most part. Marc is sweet, kind, generous, and respectful. And the family does like him very much. Like Jinx, however, he as a hard time fitting in, though for different reasons. Marc's extreme shyness makes him uncomfortable in large group settings (read: every Mendelsson family event). He is working hard, on this, though. And has accepted dinner invitations with the parents alone or with the siblings one or two at a time (sometimes even without his wife by his side). Marc is a very talented writer with one book out that seems about to make the New York Times bestseller list. Caris and Mark got married the summer after Caris graduated from high school and have been married for a year now. Though they are the firstborn of the parents, Zander and Cacey have never experienced being the oldest children and have feel none of the need to need-to-please-the-parents that their adoptive older siblings do. On for their 21st birthdays they treated each other to blind dates at Heart & Soul restaurant's Blind Date night. They each had to fill out a profile and were expertly matched with a dinner partners with whom they were compatible. The dinner was to be completely in the dark served by blind and VI waiters and was to be followed by a "movie experience" in the dark. By the time the event was over both twins had bonded with their respective dinner partners. Then the lights came on.

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LN: Trussell
DH: Charlie Beau Trussell (48)
DW: Olive Montana [Kelley] Trussell (47)
--DD: Evangeline "Eva" Rose [Trussell] Kava (22)
----DH: Blaze Marek Kava (24)
------DD: Delphi Faith Kava (2)
--AD: Haven Francesca [Trussell] McGee (20)
----DH: Steven Alexander McGee (40)
--DS: Lazar Sullivan Trussell (19)
--DS: Hawthorn Beau Trussell (17)
--DD/DD/DD: Lyra Olivia / Seren Charlotte / Arista "Ari" Kelley (14)
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Sign Up:
Adventure 2:
Your couple never met until he moved into the neighborhood in high school. At first, they butted heads because she felt that he was too popular and good looking to have anything else to offer. The final month of school changed all of that, and they fell madly in love with each other.Round 1:
Adventure 3:
Being a parent (and maybe holding down a job) was harder then the couple thought it would be. For many years they considered their child(ren) an/their only child(ren). However, almost 5 years later and they finally feel like they have their feet back under them and want another child. Wouldn't you know it, they have twins!Round 2:
Adventure 3:
Being a parent (and maybe holding down a job) was harder then the couple thought it would be. For many years they considered their child(ren) an/their only child(ren). However, almost 5 years later and they finally feel like they have their feet back under them and want another child. Wouldn't you know it, they have twins!Round 3:
Adventure 2:
With all of the celebrities adopting children from other countries, your couple has decided to follow suit. It took a year to get all of the paperwork done, but in the end they were able to bring home a little girl not quite 2 years-old. The whole family is excited.Round 4:
Adventure 3:
It took some time, but your couple has finally hit the ground running. They wouldn't change their family for anything, except maybe to add one more. Four years down the road they welcome (yet another?) twins into the family.Round 5:
Adventure 1:
Just two years later, and your couple is welcoming their last child into the family. It is for sure their last child, because your wife has decided to get her tubes tied after the delivery and not wait for the hubby to get the courage to do what must be done.
DS: If you have more girls then boys, then his FN is a surname/occupation and his MN is trendy. If you have more boys then girls, then his FN is Biblical name and his MN is after his father. If you have the same amount of girls as boys, you can decide which of the two rules to use.

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Yeah, the first same-gender marriage in this game that I've seen so far!!
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DH: Max Archer Kincaid (44)
DW: Summer Raine Hawthorne (43)
DS: Emmett Hunter (25)
-DW: Shannon Christine (24)
DD: Everly Logan (25)
-DH: Warren Charles (29)
DS: Killian August (23)
AD: Roxanne Shana "Roxie" (28)
-DH: Jeremy Xavier (28)
-DD: Shanelle Violet (4)
AS: Leo Everett (22)
DD: Larke Maura-Opl (14)
DS: Clayton Felix (12) Emmett and Everly have caused a bit of commotion in the last year. Emmett after dating Shannon for a while secretly got married at the court house. Summer was upset about not being invited to her sons wedding and stopped speaking to him for a few weeks. When Everly told her mother she was marrying Warren after 5 dates Summer quickly forgave Emmett and truly enjoys his new wife Shannon. However the whole family believe Ever to be rushing into marriage becuase her brother had. Everly had a beautiful and dramatic wedding with a large wedding party and a large guest list. It is clear now to the family that Everly and Warren are truely happy together.
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LN: JeffriesDH: Nicholas John (54)
DW: Helen Maria (née Bailey) (54)ADS: Zacarias John (31)
-- DW: Annabel Rosy (née Williams) (30)
-- DD: Teodora Violet (4)
-- DS: Sebastian James (3)
-- DD: Valencia Beatrice (1)LN: Lawrence
ADD: Araceli Maria (née Jeffries) (30)
-- DH: Dean Wayne (30)
-- DS: Riley Charles (3)
-- DD: Georgia Felicity (1)LN: Bishop
DD: Clementina 'Emmy' Helen (née Jeffries) (27)
-- DH: Jack Benedict (28)
-- DS: Aldo Jack (3)LN: Henderson
ADD: Dorotea Sarah (27)
-- DH: Joseph Eugene (40)DS: Matthias Arthur (25)
-- DW: Sarah Katherine (23)DS/DD: Joaquin August & Rosalinda May (19)
DD/DD/DD: Ester Violet, Marisol Jane & Juno Elisabeth (16)
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LN: Knowles
DH: Jim Tyrian Knowles (54)
DW: Paisley Indigo [née Harrison] Knowles (53)AS: Loyal Areli Knowles (30)
-- DW: Faith Sanne [née Wauters] Knowles (deceased)
---- DS: Orion Cobus Knowles (3)
---- DD: Rhine Manon Knowles (1)DD: Francesca "Frankie" Jacqueline [née Knowles] Spada (30)
-- DH: Renatus "Reny" Alessandro Spada (31)
---- DS: Aldo Giovanni Spada (3)AD: Mercy Shiphrah [née Knowles] Grigorov (29)
-- DH: Axel Shawn Grigorov (28)
---- DS: Amador White Grigorov (4)DS: Joaquin Phineas Knowles (27)
-- DW: Heather Ashley [née Finnegan] Knowles (23)AD: Grace Dorcas [née Knowles] Olivier (27)
-- DH: Henry Jones Olivier (29)DD: Marigold Annika Lorelei Knowles (18)
DS: Tolliver "Tolly" Finn Dashiell Knowles (16)
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Adventure 2/Adventure 3 LN: BenettDH: Aloysius Benedict Algernon "Al" (47)
DW: Aeronwy Aberash "Erin" (46)DS/DD: Daymeeun Aerik "Day" / Eelyzabith Graes "Lizzie" Burkhard (28)
-Day's DW: Eve Caitria (26)
--DD: Titheniel Lilac "Titsy" (4)
-Lizzie's DH: Dan Adelbert Burkhard (30)
--DS: Erion Bruno (4)AS: Adonijah Obedience "Donny" (28)
-DW: Lauren Michelle (23)AD: Damaris Mercy "Mary" (27)AD: Bathsheba Grace "Beth" (25) DS/DS: Charlemagne Aaron "Charlie" / Ptolemy Benedict "Tommy" (23)
-Charlie's DW: Kimberly Nicole (29)DD/DD: Zoe December "Zoe-Dee" / Abigail January "Abby-Jan" (19)DD/DD/DD: Danica Paisley "Dani" / Helen Pacifica "Lenny" / Eloise Pandora "Elly" (16)***Donny has found himself a wife, Lauren Michelle. She is the quiet sort of person and quite compatible with Donny. Lauren has been working on a novel for the past year or two, and she's been in her study for much of the time that Donny is at work. Both Lauren and Donny have always thought it would be nice to live in a lakeside cabin. And that's exactly what they plan to do.Charlie has also gotten married. To the dismay of his parents, he used an online dating program to find Kim. Also to the dismay of his parents, he married someone who is six years older than he is (they'd much have rather if he had gotten married to a young woman closer to his own age). Still, Charlie and Kim are made for each other, and Erin and Al have seen that and don't object too much anymore.
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DH: Jesse Dallas Bowen (43)
DW: Mary Jane Bowen [Allen] (43)DD: April Lorelei Norman [Bowen] (20)
-DH: Gregory "Greg" Patrick Norman (40)DD: Clair Jayden Bowen (19)AS: Gabriel "Gabe" Eli Bowen [Paris] (23)
-DW: Grace Brighid Bowen [Erskine] (22)AD: Abigail "Abby" Sherah Canon [Bowen] (22)
-DH: Alec Lucas Canon (29)
--DD: America "Meri" Sunshine Canon (2)AD: Eunice "Nia" Zipporah Pace [Bowen] (20)
-DH: William "Will" Douglas PaceDS: Savyon "Sav" Leo Bowen (17)DD: Astraea "Astri" Emilie Bowen (14)DD: Seren Elizabeth Bowen (14)DD: Yildiz "Diza" Margot Bowen (14)--
Gregory Patrick Norman:
Jesse and Mary's firstborn daughter, April Lorelei, has decided to marry a 40 year-old! Jesse and Mary are shocked and a little dismayed. But they can't talk sense into them, as they are "in love". Other then the huge age difference, you they nothing against the person. In fact, they might have been friends with the person, if only they weren't marrying their 20-year old daughter!
April & Greg
--Adventure 2:
Eunice is marrying a very shy and quiet person. In fact, they don't do well with more then about 4-5 other people at a time. For this reason, they've chosen to simply go down to the courthouse and sign the paperwork rather then have a ceremony. However, the spouse is very kind, sweet, and likable. He is the author of a bestselling series of fantasy novels and spends a lot of time locked in his study to write. The couple plans on moving to a cabin on a nearby lake.
Nia and Will

This message was edited 9/7/2010, 8:12 AM

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UN: LadyBug
LN: Copely
DH: Samson Joseph "Sam"
DW: Katherine Lauren [Martin] "Katie"DD: Felicity Isabella [Copely] Hopewell "Fliss"
-DH: Simon Alexander Hopewell
--DS: Callum Gareth HopewellDD: Kendall Avery Copely "Kenna"
-DH: Donovan Russell TrentAD: Maeve Josephine Harmon
AS: Kian Alexander Harmon
DS: Basil Hamilton Copely
DD/DD/DD: Soleil Andromeda / Stella Bellatrix / Seren Cassiopeia Adventure 2:
Your DC is marrying a very shy and quiet person. In fact, they don't do well with more then about 4-5 other people at a time. For this reason, they've chosen to simply go down to the courthouse and sign the paperwork rather then have a ceremony. However, the spouse is very kind, sweet, and likable. S/he is an author and spends a lot of time locked in his/her study to write. The couple plans on moving to a cabin on a nearby lake.
Spouse: (23) His/her FN/MN is from the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1970-1979 or the Most Popular Names for Births in the United States 1980-1989 - or Re-spelling/variants are allowed.
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DH: Archibald Raymond Charles Everhart "Archie"
DW: Irina Gavriila (Vasilyeva) Everhart DS: Nathaniel Vasily Everhart "Nate"
-DW: Maeve Raghnailt (Donohoe) Everheart
--DD: Jordan Hope Everheart
--DS: Brady Grant EverheartDS: Elijah Aleksei Everheart "Eli" [Twin to JP]
-DW: Nicole Jessica (Kayson) Everheart
--DD: Alexandria True EverheartDS: Joel Pyotr Everheart "JP" [Twin to Eli]
-DW: Melissa Faith (Jule) Everheart
--DS: Finlay Joel Everheart
--DS: Ronan Blue EverheartAD: Tatum Fen (Everheart) Kneller [China]
-DS: Preston Ward Kneller
--DD: Sela Ruby KnellerDD: Melinda June (Everheart) Carver "Mindy" [Twin to Molly]
-DH: Trent Russell CarverDD: Molly May Everheart [Twin to Mindy]
DS: Jedidiah Archibald Everheart
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DH: Frank William Jamison (46)
DW: Annie Sarah {Evans} Jamison (45)AD: Kira Frances {Holt} Kader (26)
-DH: Jai Gopala Kader (29)
-DS: Tristan Chiranjivi (3)DS: Evander Franklin Jamison 'Evan' (23)
-DW: Elisabeth Candace {Powers} Jamison 'Lisa' (23)AS: Zane Alexander Holt (21)
-DW: Melissa Charlotte {Willis} Holt (29)DS: Florian Jeremiah (20)
DS: Basil Gideon (18)
DD/DD/DD: Chandra Miriam, Stella Winifred & Eloise Amelia (15)
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DH: [47] Chris Bay Emerson
DW: [47] Raine Sophia EllisDS: [29] Jaden Mark Emerson
-DW: [29] Yvonne Lois Hamilton
--DS: [3] Hugh Cedric EmersonDD: [29] Kalyn Tatianna Emerson
-DH: [30] Sebastian Nicholas Rainier
--DD: [4] Quenya Mauve RainierDS: [26] Alexei Hugh Emerson
-DW: [27] Noor Sofia Antypa
--DS: [3] Rhys Kieran EmersonAD: [27] Sloane Elaheh Emerson (from Iran)
-DH: [40] Stephen Phillip ElwoodDD: [19] Wren Cecilia Avis Emerson
DD/DD/DD: [15] Lyra Alexandra Emerson / Bellatrix Vega Emerson / Alcyone Roxana Emerson
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DH: Jack Alexander Sullivan (49)
DW: Isabella Rose (Drake) Sullivan (47)
AS: Zion Abimelech Sullivan (27)
--DW: Emma Harriet (Clarke) Sullivan (29)

AD: Believe Mary (Sullivan) Delvin (26)
--DH: Jett Kyle Denver Delvin (30)
---DS: Peregrin Black Delvin (4)
DS: Drake Oliver Sullivan (25)
DD: Haley Nevaeh (Sullivan) Dalton (24)
--DH: Philip Michael Dalton (40)

AD: Julia Persis Sullivan (24)
DS/DD: Jude August Sullivan / Isabel Winter Sullivan (18)
DD/DD/DD: Lyra Alice Sullivan / Stella Melina Sullivan / Vega Theodora Sullivan (15)
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LN: McCarthy
DH: Arthur William "Art" (56)
DW: Sadie Elizabeth [Roman] (55)
DD: Margaret Gabriella [McCarthy] Brooks "Maggie" (32)
--DH: Ryan Nathaniel Brooks (34)
--DS: Oliver George (3)
--DD: Arizona Hope "Ari" (1)
AS: Treasure Abraham "Ted" (29)
--DW: Zoey Sparkle [Jones] McCarthy (29)
--DD: Dallas Aurora (1)
AD: Verity Elizabeth [McCarthy] Ibanez "Vera" (28)
--DH: John Miguel Ibanez (29)
--DS: Shane Christopher (3)
DS/DS: Matthew Arthur and Micah William (27)
--Matt's DW: Sarah Darcy Robbins-McCarthy (23)
--Micah's DW: Alice Claudine [Martin] McCarthy (29)

AD: Patience Susannah [McCarthy] Hutchinson "Pattie" (26)
--DH: Mark Stanley Hutchinson (40)
DD: Hazel AmyMarie (17)
DS: Jacob Wilson (15)The past year has yielded the addition of three new brothers/sisters-in-law! Matt married a shy young lady who writes historical fiction. She's a very bookish woman, but seems happy--she and Matt are a good complement for each other. Micah is marrying a girl he met online at a dating site. The two of them "dated" online for about three months before they met face-to-face, and after that it was just three weeks before they were engaged. It was a whirlwind romance, but they too fit well together. Pattie's husband, on the other hand, is a little different. For starters, he's forty years old! They met while Pattie was on a business trip last summer, and they hit it off. Her husband is very nice, but it is a little awkward sometimes.
The rest of the family is doing well. Hazel and Jacob are well into high school now, and starting their own little romantic adventures. Maggie and Ryan's family is doing well. Ted and Zoey fight about things, but try to keep it happy for their little girl, Dallas. Vera and John are very happy together, and they are thinking about expanding the family again.
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Nellie is marrying a 40 year-old! Jamie and Clementine are shocked and a little dismayed. But they can't talk since into them, as they are "in love". Other then the huge age difference, they have nothing against the person. In fact, they might find themselves friends with the person, if only they weren't sleeping/marrying Nellie!DH: Jamie Chase Harlow (56)
DW: Clementine Peace [Owen] Harlow (56)AD: Molly Clementine Owen (28)
--exDH: Darryl Kevin Jefferson (30)
--DD: Sydney Hope Jefferson (1)
DD: Eleonora Hadassah "Nellie" (Harlow) Willoughby (26)
--DH: Edward Frank Willoughby (40)
DS: Axel Walter Harlow (23)
AS: Jude Malachi Owen (23)
DD: Amity Miranda-Noelle Harlow (14)
DS: Ezra Chase Harlow (12)
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LN: CordellDH: Nick Dusty
DW: Serenity Jade [Camden]-DD: Isabella Charlotte Cordell 'Sabelle'
-DH: Cole Desmond McKenna
--DD: India Hope McKenna-DS: Wyatt Justin Cordell [Twin to Conrad]
-DW: Mary Nicole Cordell (Jenkins)-DS: Conrad Patrick Cordell [Twin to Wyatt]
-DW: Judith Norma Cordell (Tanner)-AD: Isla Nicole English-AS: Jack Alexander English
-DW: Rose Alice Louise English (Johns)-DS: Nathan August Cordell [Twin to Chloe]-DD: Chloe April Cordell [Twin to Nathan]
--DD: Nym Scarlett Cordell
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