This is what I managed to find:
Vaclav is a Czech male name, that is a short form of Vaceslav.
Venceslav is a male name derived from Venceslaus (which in itself is a Latinate form derived from Slavic Veceslavb).
Meaning: from 'vace/vece' meaning big, bigger and 'slav' meaning glory.
So in short, Old Slavic name Veceslavb was turned into Latinate Venceslaus and all other forms derived from one of these two or a combination of them and we get -
Vaclav, Vaceslav, Vjenceslav, Vjenćeslav,
Vyacheslav, Wenceslaus,
Wenceslas... (pretty much every Slavic language has it's own form).
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CallieCarysCatalinaCila CressidaThis message was edited 7/16/2010, 8:55 PM