by vigdis (guest)
7/15/2010, 9:30 PM
It's not really a biblical thing. It's very odd considering that I was raised Baptist and am now Catholic but I have a thing for Jewish names and Jewish naming traditions. I have no idea why, although I suppose it's due to my dad and brother. They're both biblical scholars so when I bring up a old testament name they can give me the meaning and history behind it - and history is important to me in a name. I like names that have been used for thousands of years and have a weight to them. For every name on my list I can give you at least one historical and/or literary reference. I think that is why I liked Joseph for so long but I'm beginning to agree with you on it being marshmallowy.
Thanks for your thoughts on Conrad. I'll do some research, see what I can bring up to make the name more "weighty" to me.