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Unusable in Australia.Nigel is a slang term meaning 'loner' used to tease kids with no friends.It's basically the same as naming your child Loser.
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wowI'm so sorry... but I really dislike it. To me it sounds whiny and weak... These are the combos that strike me.Nigel Amadeus
Nigel Ambrose
Nigel Antony
Nigel Benedict
Nigel Constantine
Nigel Cyprian
Nigel Dorian
Nigel Edmund - very British, but they go together and I kind of like Edmund.
Nigel Ferdinand
Nigel Hector - wow, these names are so... different from each other. I don't know if I like it or not, but it's definitely striking.
Nigel Icarus
Nigel Ichabod
Nigel Konstantin
Nigel Marius
Nigel Peter
Nigel Porfirio
Nigel Roscoe - I've had a soft spot for Roscoe the past day or two.
Nigel Siegfried
Nigel Sigmund
Nigel Theodore
Nigel Thomas
Nigel Timothy - the names themselves I really dislike, but the flow is nice
Nigel Valentino
Nigel Victor
Nigel Vladimir - *love* the MN!!
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It does seem very British - I've never met a foreign Nigel. I like it a lot, probably because every Nigel I've ever met has been nice. These are all pretty good combos. Nigel Rupert and Nigel Mortimer especially appeal.
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Are South Africans foreign? I've known two Nigels well: one was the head boy of a very exclusive school (given names Nigel Guy Grenville, which tells you all you need to know) and the other was engaged to my SIL for a long time but it fizzled out in the end. Pleasant enough bloke. And Nigel the head boy was handsome, charismatic, bright and a total bounder!
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I ADORE Nigel. I swoon over Nigel. It is gloriously, radiantly handesome and stately and so rare (to me at any rate). It puts me in mind of a richly coloured jewel. Nigel Abraham
Nigel Ambrose
Nigel Arthur - I prefer the flow of Arthur Nigel but this is lovely all the same
Nigel Augustus
Nigel Barnaby
Nigel Benedict
Nigel Bruno
Nigel Caspar
Nigel Dorian
Nigel Edgar - Again I prefer Edgar Nigel but still enjoy Nigel Edgar
Nigel Edmund
Nigel Edward - to die for
Nigel Etienne - Someone else who likes Etienne! be still my heart
Nigel Ferdinand
Nigel Fergus
Nigel Francis
Nigel Gaspard
Nigel Henry - oh how delicious
Nigel Hugo
Nigel Ichabod- three cheers for Ichabod!

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This message was edited 6/7/2010, 8:59 AM

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It's always struck me as being quite effeminate.
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I love it.I like...Nigel Arthur
Nigel Barnabas
Nigel Barnaby
Nigel Benedict
Nigel Caspar
Nigel Constantine
Nigel Edward
Nigel Ernest
Nigel Humphrey
Nigel Konstantin
Nigel Rupert
Nigel Theodore
Nigel Thomas
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It is slang here in Australia for "loner"...absolutely and complete unusable here IMO and it colours my judgement of the name. To me being "nigel" is a synonym for being alone and to refer to someone as a nigel means they are a bit of a loner. ETA: I actually have a lecturer at uni who is American and her little son is named Nigel- the reason I know his name is that she actually raised the point that she really kicks herself for naming him that now because he will be starting school etc in Australia and he is going to have a hard time. When she named him she had never heard the term and she had never been to Australia but it really has made me realise the importance of taking note of associations names can have in other countries. You never know where you will end up living or where your kid will end up living.

This message was edited 6/6/2010, 9:28 PM

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Makes me think of a tall English guy...
It's ok.
Keeper combos of your set:
Nigel Abraham
Nigel Antoine
Nigel Barnabas
Nigel Etienne
Nigel Francis
Nigel Peter
Nigel Quentin
Nigel Theodore
Nigel Timothy
Nigel Victor
Nigel Zebedee -I don't think I'd normally keep Zebedee, but it has a cool ring to it in this combo
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