[Facts] real name of Snowwhite?!?
Hi,Today i was talking to Wes about names, and he pointed out that he had read the 'real name' of "Snowwhite" a long time ago. He said that he loved the name a lot and wanted to use it for his daughter..Now ofcourse i'm curious what the name is/was, but he doesn't remember..i asked my mum (because i was doubting if there was such thing like 'the real name of Snowwhite') and she said that it was true, but she couldn't remember it either....Now..can anyone help me? I've tried to Google it up, but i get nothing...
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I do not remember her name, but...I did read that there was a actual "snowwhite".
The Grimm bros heard a story about a girl that was kidnapped by a group of cave dwelling men.Cant remember rest, but I will try to find it again for you.
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In French, she is "Blanche-Neige"...
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Thanks everyone...(m)I really like Devon's suggeston of Eirlys, but Wes says he doesn't recognise it...I think that there isn't one...or that he may have seen it in a movie or something...Thanks anyway!
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It's Little Snow White (or Snow-White or Snowwhite, depending on the translation). The original name was Snowdrop. The German translation is Schneeweißchen ("Little Snow White").SurLaLune has an excellent page on Snow-White's history: http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/sevendwarfs/history.html. It also links the formative Snow-White page on the tale on the web: http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~kvander/snowwhite.html.Miranda
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Bah, forgot somethingI should've added that Snowdrop's the original name according to some sources only.Miranda
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In other translated versions she's called Snowdrop, in Italian she's Giricoccola and there's a Greek tale of Myrsina. I never knew of any 'real name' as it's her mother who names her in the tale. Perhaps there's a Welsh version out there that translates 'Snowdrop' as Eirlys? That's all I can think of really.Devon
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Hi Larissa,I just reread the fairy tale of Snowwhite and the text goes:"Bald darauf bekam sie ein Töchterlein, das war so weiß wie Schnee, so rot wie Blut und so schwarzhaarig wie Ebenholz und ward darum SCHNEEWITTCHEN genannt."There's no other name mentioned (at least in the text written by the Grimm brothers). In English, Schneewittchen means "little Snowwhite".Regards, Satu
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If referencing a real Princess Royal, then Teresa Emily would be part of it. And they understand why Marie wouldn't be...In The Love Of Christ,
Kathryn Aurora Boruff
I can take the heat because I'M fireproof...
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