[Surname] meaning of surname LAMON in USA
Some of them are italians. the origin of this italian surname is from a place called LAMON, not far from VENICE. The rest are namely british I ignore the meaning of this british surname. Irish?
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I found a "Lamont" who are found mostly in Ulster and N. Leinster. They were a Scottish family of Argyle, said to be descended from the O'Neills. The name is of Norse origin.

In Irish, it is written Mac Laghmainn ...the closest I could find on McBain's dictionary is:

landing place, harbour: from Norse hlað-hamarr, pier or loading rock, Shet. Laamar. Also lamraig.
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And the venetian name o the village LAMON means "pool",
"muddy place, something which is connected to water too.

Dizionario Di Toponomastica /Utet Torino
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