[Games] Re: NTNB Round 1
in reply to a message by Ekho
The Ackerman FamilyDH (28): George Henry Ackerman
DW (24): Liesel Marina AckermanDS/DS: Johann Rudolf Ackerman / Jonathan Wolfgang AckermanGeorge and Liesel are expecting for the first time, and its twin boys. They would like the FNs to begin with J and the MN to be German***The Baines Family DH (22): Tyler Joseph Baines
DW (22): Mercedes Kiara BainesDD: Natalia Maeve BainesTyler and Mercedes had only just got married when Mercedes discovered she was pregnant, and its a girl. They want the FN to be after a supermodel (try http://nameberry.com/list/230/Supermodel-Names for inspiration) and the MN to be one syllable.***The Harel FamilyDH (31): Shai Yehiel Harel
DW (28): Rebecca Avia HarelDD: Ziva IsabelleAfter years of trying Shai and Rebecca are finally having a baby, and its a girl. They would like her FN to be Hebrew and MN to be between 90-100 popular names USA.***The Lupei FamilyDH (26): Nicholas Cezar Lupei
DW (24): Violet Rose LupeiDS: Pax Timotei LupeiNicholas and Violet are having a son, they want his FN to be modern and MN to be Romanian***The Nielson FamilyDH (34): Oliver Gregory Nielson
DW (30): Lydia Beatrice NielsonDS (8): Carson Lee Nielson
DS (6): Parker James NielsonDD: Adriana Belle NielsonOliver and Lydia have just married and decided to start a family. Oliver has 2 sons from his previous marriage. They are expecting a girl!
They would like her FN to be between 100-125 popular names in USA in 2000, and they would like her MN to mean beautiful.***The Saunders-West FamilyDbf (17): Christopher Jake Saunders
Dgf (16): Zandra Alyssa WestDD: Zinnia Angelie WestChristopher and Zandra have just found out they are having a baby, and its a girl. Zandra wants her FN to come from http://nameberry.com/userlist/view/10077 and MN to begin with A. ***The Wyatt FamilyDH (29) : Finley Harper Wyatt
DW (30): Georgina Eve WyattDS: Phoenix Bartholomew WyattFinley and Georgina have decided to start a family, and expecting a son. They want his FN to be unisex and his MN to be long
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NTNB Round 1  ·  Ekho  ·  2/8/2010, 10:28 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  blue_belle  ·  2/8/2010, 9:58 PM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  michal1234  ·  2/8/2010, 5:29 PM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  molly  ·  2/8/2010, 3:19 PM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  yelena  ·  2/8/2010, 1:44 PM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  E.Tracy  ·  2/8/2010, 1:18 PM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  Jade Diana  ·  2/8/2010, 12:50 PM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  saskia  ·  2/8/2010, 11:33 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  Evie.  ·  2/8/2010, 11:14 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  LadyJenna  ·  2/8/2010, 10:44 AM