I don't think I did this last month!
Lately I've been trying to create combos-to-end-all-combos; all-in-one names that cover all my bases in terms of honouring and meaning. Let's see:
Marigold Jamesina /
Jamesina MarigoldMarian Sylvia PearlPearl Mary Joan (no matter how I fuss over
Pearl, I cannot find a combo I like for it. Boo)
Fern MarianneSylvia VioletDaisy NorahZelda JeanneBeatrix Mary "Bix"
Wallace James Crispin "
Wally" - I actually like
Wally James Crispin better, with
Wally the full name, but I dunno...
Errol Crispin MariusJamesArthur Will
I'm dreadfully stuck on boy's names. Harumph. I don't have enough meaningful names to work with for my boys.