they're from german art songs
ruh means "quiet, calm, still" and there is no english word quite like it; "ruhestelle" means resting place, basically, which is a euphemism for grave. It's from a Goethe poem called Am
Den Mond (to the moon) that schubert set which is sublimely sweet and simple and beautiful and haunting. I think it's a lovely word
Purpurblättchen means, basically, small purple leaf, and it is from a Beethoven song called Adélaïde, which is sung by a dude who is apparently in love with Adélaïde, and the last verse says: some day I'm gonna die, and a flower from the ashes of my heart will bloom on my grave, and on every purple leaf will clearly shine the name: Adélaïde. !!! i'm SO CRUNK!
one of my favorite songs ever. there's nicer images in it (zauberlicht "magic light" abendlüfte "evening breezes") but I like the beauty and morbidity of the purple leaves from the ashes of his heart
so yeah this is a morbid pair of twinsters but they're also not my top names and I'm not married