Well, we met for the fist time just over 2 years ago at the Smithsonian Muesuem, strangely enough in the Anceint Egypt exhibit. I was there to do some research for my thesis on
Hatshepsut , and I walked into the room lost in my own world. I rounded a corner, and there you were, just sitting on a bench looking at a display of some hieroglyphics about my subject... You had this look of intense concentration on you face, and you just took my breath away. I probably just stood there and stared at you for about 5 minutes before I could get my feet to move again, and I remember leaning over to look at the hieroglyphics over your shoulder, and when you turned around and I looked into your beautiful jade eyes, I was head over heels. Once my brain started functioning again, I asked you to dinner, and I knew that you would be the woman I would marry by the end of that very day.
You are even more beautiful now than you were then
Lily, and you know that I would do anything to keep you happy - so if you would like to live in Maryland, then that would be perfectly fine with me. Hmmm... a pet... well, I think a dog would be great, perhaps a lab?