New_Chloe suggested
Salome as a MN in my
Bernadette thread, and I love it! It is pretty, recognizable but not overused, and it has a wonderful meaning, which I tend to like. It is just the sort of thing I look for in a MN.
I do have a question about prn, though. According to BtN here, it is sa-LOH-mee (which kind of reminds me of salami, and I don't really care for it). I've actually never heard it prn this way, though. Whenever I've heard it (never on a "real" person, just in reference to the Biblical characters), I have always heard something more like SAH-loh-may. It seems in the comments that others are familiar with the -may ending. Have you heard it that way? How do you prn it?
Also... any combo suggestions with it as a MN?
+ Sorry I posted back to back, but the topics are sufficiently diverse, I think, for each to warrant its own space.
This message was edited 12/11/2009, 11:40 AM