I did this one last time and I had a great time doing it so I thought I would make one for all to do now.
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
The Mountains-- FN Greek Mythology, MN starts with O
Beachhouse on the West Coast-- FN popular, MN Scottish
South of the Equator-- FN Use the Name Generator and choose Icelandic MN 2 of them start with J E
The Flat Plains-- 2 FN start with C A MN
German that starts with A
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
Teacher-- FN is Dutch MN starts with B
Nurse-- FN starts with K MN is from Irish Mythology
Congress-- FN is Biblical MN is French
HouseWife-- FN is from the 1900's you have 2 MN's that are HillBilly
3)Your first child(s)
What do you prefer:
A strong, silent male role model-- Twin Boys FN start with G MN's are from Greek and start with E
An in your face man willing to fight anyone at anytime in your honor-- Girl FN start with J and MN start with E
The hardly home workaholic-- Triplet Boys Their names should all mean strong for FNs MNs should mean Leader
Laid back nothing makes me mad-- Twin Girls FN meaning Soft and MN meaning a type of
4)Second child
Are you a
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
Veggies all the way-- Girl FN should be vibrant MN start with M
Do you
Like hiking Cat
Jogging Dog
Dancing Exotic
Contact Sports Bird
6)Third Child
Do you like
Horror movies-- Twin Girls you pick the names
Romance -- Boy FN must be Swedish MN must be English
Sci-Fi-- Girl FN must mean water MN must mean Royalty
Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names
7)Adopted Boy from
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick
Germany-- FN must be Old
German MN start with N
Russia-- FN must be Russian and MN must be Russian start with I
China-- FN must be oriental in origin and MN you pick
8)Next Child
If you could be any one of these which would it be
George W Bush-- Triplet Girls you pick the names but MN must tie together
Jeff Gordon-- Boy FN must come from one of the
Harry Potter Books MN must start with B
Emeril Lagasse-- Girl FN must be from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and MN must mean Light
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
Your level of education-- Horses you pick the # and gender and names
The number of people you have been involved with-- Snake name means Evil
Your first date--Dog small breed Name must mean firey
Your medical conditions if any--cat you pick how many and give them magical names
10)Family member that lives with you
What is your favorite food
Home cooked meal --Granny you name her
Fast Food-- lazy bum uncle FN is Finnish MN is Greek
Asian-- Cousin home from jail His name means lazy MN start with Y
Greek-- Granny's ashes in an urn... you name her
11)Homeless from the Church
What do you claim as a Religion
Baptist-- the name should be Biblical and popular
Catholic-- FN should be classic
Roman MN should mean Lonely or
LoveMethodist--FN should be classic 1950's MN should mean "Peril"
Wiccan/Natural/Other-- FN should be Earthy and strong MN Astrological
12)Adoption from the city orphan home
You are usually
Quiet and laid back-- adopt a boy and girl not twins their names should be ethnic
rowdy and loud-- adopt a girl FN is American and popular with the kids now MN means Green
13Adopt a pet week at the local shelter
You tend to anger easily
Yes adopt a cat
No adopt a dot
name them what you like
14)Newborn in the house
You feel lucky most days
Yes -- triplets you pick name and gender
Sometimes--quads you pick name and genders
No lucky-- boy
15)Moving into another house
if you could pick one of these which would it be
Boston Brownstone-- save a cat from drowning get name in paper
Texas Ranch--son gets science fair award
Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
16)Make room for husbands family member
which car would you rather drive
Ford Mustang 05-- estranged sister who thinks the Aliens are chasing her... FN means Sun MN starts with R
Dodge Durango-- your cousin from up north you name him
17)Funeral to go to
If you could choose one thing to eat all the time and never gain weight from it ....
Srawberry Cheesecake---Uncle you name
Hot Fudge Sundae--crazy Aunt in the loony bin you name her
18)Kids bring home lost animal
if you could write a novel which kind would it be
Christian Fiction--- puppy
Horror-- rodent
Romance-- Cat and her kittens all 7 of them
Non-Fiction-- spider--eeeewww
you name them
19 Town awards you mom of the year
what do you think you would choose
A day at a spa--
treated like a queen for a day--
year supply of groceries from local market
20)Last child born
if you found a bag of money on the ground would you turn it in
Yes-- G/G/B--- FN all start with H
No-- B/B-- FN must all start with C MN must be L
Have Fun