This is going to be an 12 round congrats (11 births), but there will be a few additional rules. Each family may only use a name that starts with a letter of the alphabet once. A name can be used by as many people as want it, but between rounds, I will eliminate names that have been used three or more times. A new name will then be added for that letter. Use the namebanks for all names.
Copy your family from this link:
If your first name has more than five letters, you have given birth to a girl.
If it has five or fewer, you have a boy.
Use the namebank, but remember to avoid the names that start with letters you've already used.
Girls: Amanda, Bianca, Christina, Danica, Ebony, Farrah, Greta, Hillary, Isis, Jasmine, Kayla, Lara, Maureen, Noreen, Ora, Pansy, Queenie, Reagan, Stephanie, Theresa, Ulla, Vivienne, Wallis, Xena, Yesinia, Zinnia
Boys: Abraham, Bronson, Carter, Dorian, Eliazer, Franklin, Grover, Horace, Igor, Jamen, Keith, Leander, Martin, Noah, Orville, Paul, Quinn, Rylan, Slater, Tony, Ulrich, Vladimir, Warren, Xerxes, Yorick, Zebidiah