[Facts] Where did the name Sophia, originate from?
I've never thought about it. Sofia is so commonly used in Europe, that's it's become normal to me but I have no idea where 'Sophia' (this spelling) came from? I thought it was Greek, but Sofia is also said to be Greek, so I'm confused.does anyone know?Thanks :).
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Sophia in Greek was spelt sigma-omicron-phi-iota-alpha. Phi corresponds to 'ph' in English, there being no equivalent to 'f'. The sound of phi was actually originally like that of 'p' (so-pee-a, not as attractive is it) but over time morphed to 'ph'. The use of F instead is characteristic of Low German, Norwigian, Swedish, Dutch and most of middle and Eastern Europe because their language equivalent of Phi is f.The cult of St. Sophia sprang up from a misinterpretation of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) to mean Saint Sophia. To the Greeks, sophia meant cleverness, skill; prudence; craft; knowledge; wisdom; philosophy.Devon
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> To the Greeks, sophia meant cleverness, skill; prudence; craft; knowledge; wisdom; philosophy.
It still does ;)
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Sofia is greek for wisdom. That much I know. Is Sophia an alternative spelling for Sofia?
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