[Games] Re: You Say, You Think
This is my daughter, Echo.
You Say: Hi, Echo! What a nice name.
You Think: I'd be afraid to use it as a first name, but I really like it.This is my son, Calypso.
You Say: Hello, Calypso.
You Think: I'm indifferent.This is my son, Hyacinth.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Hyacinth.
You Think: Sounds more feminine to me, but okay.This is my daughter, Konstantine.
You Say: Hi, Konstantine.
You Think: I prefer Konstantina, actually, but it's nice either way.This is my daughter, December.
You Say: Hi, December. I love your name.
You Think: I do. I knew a girl named December; she got teased a little, but it was good-naturedly and she didn't really seem to mind. It's a nice, unique name.This is my daughter, China.
You Say: Hello, China.
You Think: I think I have a cousin named Chyna - horrendous. China is much better.This is my son, January.
You Say: Nice to meet you, January.
You Think: I'd prefer it on a girl, then Jan would be a lovely nickname. I wonder if they call him that?This is my daughter, Strawberry.
You Say: Hi, Strawberry.
You Think: Sounds like a prostitute to me. I hope she comes up with a good nickname for herself before she gets older.This is my daughter, Prudence.
You Say: Hello there, Prudence.
You Think: Not my style.This is my daughter, Ever.
You Say: Hi, Ever!
You Think: I love this name, as well as Everly. How nice to see it used!

This message was edited 8/8/2009, 10:34 AM

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You Say, You Think  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  8/6/2009, 4:23 PM
Re: You Say, You Think  ·  Sarah  ·  8/8/2009, 10:34 AM
Re: You Say, You Think  ·  IndigoSorceress  ·  8/7/2009, 9:36 AM