[Facts] Kira= "of light?"
I'm curious to know the meaning of my name...could you please help.
It Persian for The Sun or Greek for ladylike depending on how you pronounce it.
Persian - khour 'sun' (some have argued for 'throne', ignore them ;o)
Greek - kyrios 'lord', kuria 'lady', also kira 'fox'
My friend with a redhead Kira named her with the Russian connection and Greek 'lord/lady' in mind but was thrilled with the 'fox' sideline. The Greeks would never have used it as a personal name but it's a nice 'trivia' sort of meaning/association ;o)
Greek - kyrios 'lord', kuria 'lady', also kira 'fox'
My friend with a redhead Kira named her with the Russian connection and Greek 'lord/lady' in mind but was thrilled with the 'fox' sideline. The Greeks would never have used it as a personal name but it's a nice 'trivia' sort of meaning/association ;o)