[Facts] ATTN: Skrotom, Ayrial, Levana, Claurial
The "name" field indicates your username, not the name you're inquiring about. The "message" section is the appropriate place to bring up the new name and ask a question about it. You should know that Behind the Name rules does not allow the same person to have more than one username. Please pick one and stick to it.
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another name to add  ·  skrotom  ·  11/8/2005, 6:56 PM
ATTN: Skrotom, Ayrial, Levana, Claurial  ·  Jenna  ·  11/9/2005, 12:02 PM
Re: ATTN: Skrotom, Ayrial, Levana, Claurial  ·  IAmGuntherPlease  ·  11/22/2005, 8:58 PM