[Games] Mar's family tree congrats: fam 1 round 1
The question for next round is: Which element?: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN:Smith (SnoGurl)
DH: Carter
DW: Stacey
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Day (Eilis)
DH: Jeremy
DW: Eilis
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Emerson (LadyBug 18)
DH: David Charles
DW: Lucy Amelia
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Jolson (Miss Natla)
DH: Andrew Scott
DW: Rosemary Faith
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Taite (Melanie Rose)
DH: Leonard "Leo"
DW: Evelyn "Evie"
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Brown (Raindancing)
DH: Julius David
DW: Madrigal Annessa
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Vindle (Array)
DH: Matthew James "Matt"
DW: Alison Ann "Ali"
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Schneider (Auria)
DH: Amos Victor
DW: Froney Alberta
DD: (She’s adopted, she’s from China, her name is Mei Lin, you can change her name if you like, but either her mn or fn must remain the same)
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Brooke (Tabby)
DH: Shane
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Cottrell (Ellie321)
DW: Elisabeth May
DH: James Alexander
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Guliani (Elegantly Wasted)
DH: Richard Morris
DW: Samara Lily
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Foster (Jenni)
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Horvath (Bex)
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: (he’s adopted, he’s from Russia, his name is Nika Radomir, you can change his name if you like but either his mn or fn must remain the same)
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Aurelius (Seda*)
DH: Caradoc Fairfax
DW: Katrin Freda
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Thomas (Dreamer22)
DH: Nicholas Matthew "Nic"
DW: Arianna Jade "Ari"
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Silva (Diamante04)
DH: Travis Preston "Trav"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Hamilton (Nirvanna)
DH: Josias Michael
DW: Eva Catherine
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Levine (Cera)
DW: Margaret Abigail "Maggie"
DW: Tara Sophie
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: The Hillard's (SwtNikki87)
DH: Hamilton Gregory "Harry"
DW: Ashlyn Brooke
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Orion (Chelsea)
DH: Charles Thomas "Charlie"
DW: Emiliana Rose "Emmy"
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Isley-Quinzel (Amy)
DW: Harleen Elizabeth
DW: Pamela Lillian
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Jamison (Anani)
DH: Darius Michael
DW: Mary Elena
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Vincent (Summer)
DH: Scott Andrew
DW: Kimiko Emi "Kimi"
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN:Sanchez (Cristy)
DH: Kevin
DW: Cristina
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Linden (Flute)
DH: Brandon Joshua
DW: Megan Michele
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Hill (Estel)
DH: William Alexander 'Will'
DW: Lydia Grace
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Watson (Kelly)
DH: Michael Andrew
DW: Jenni Elise
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Winter (Claire H)
DH: Alexander Scott
DW: Ezra Deryn
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Oliver (Bea109)
DH: David
DW: Samantha
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN:Herring (Ariel19)
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Price (MichelleG)
DH: Edward Jacob
DW: Joanne Maria
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Sinclair (Anthony)
DH: Wallace Michael
DW: June Elizabeth
DS: (he’s adopted from Spain, his name is Alejandro Pepito, you can change his name if you like, but at least his initials, fn or mn must remain the same)
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Jennings (Fablesbyaesop)
DH: Charlotte
DW: William "Will"
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Dempsey (Avalon)
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
For people who got pets: This round pets have to be named after something you eat or drink, you can change the spelling so something like Peetsa is fine too :)
Note for people with adopted children: These conditions were the wishes of their mother, it's up to you if you heed them, you don't have to, but it would be nice.
Pink (theme: acting): -no spelling changes-
GIRLS: Alexis, Amanda, Angelina, Ashley, Cameron, Courteney, Dakota, Drew, Famke, Goldie, Halle, Hilary, Jennifer, Jessica, Julia, Keira, Kim, Lisa, Meg, Meryl, Milla, Natalie, Nicole, Patricia, Penélope, Rebecca, Reese, Renée, Sarah, Selma, Sharon, Sissy, Uma
BOYS: Anthony, Ashton, Benicio, Bruce, Casey, Colin, Elijah, Ewan, Gabriel, George, Harvey, Hugh, Joaquin, Johnny, Keanu, Kevin, Liam, Leonardo, Matt, Mel, Miko, Oliver, Patrick, Pierce, Quentin, Robert, Russell, Samuel, Sean, Val, Ving
Orange (theme: as long as it can fly): -spelling changes allowed, the sound has to stay the same-
Anan, Andor, Angel, Aquila, Aras, Ari, Astor, Bee, Birdie, Bran, Brennus, Bulut, Butterfly, Circe, Condor, Corvus, Crow, Deryn, Draco, Dragonfly, Eagle, Faiga, Firefly, Gawain, Guntram, Hada, Hibou, Hodei, Jet, Lark, Mariposa, Mazin, Merel, Mirlo, Mus, Neil, Nimbus, Papillon, Phoenix, Pilvi, Raban, Raven, Robin, Rocket, Sparrow, Turgay, Van, Vega, Yun, Zipporah
Green (theme: flora): -no spelling changes-
GIRLS: Acacia, Apple, Anemone, Azalea, Calla, Catalpa, Cherry, Daisy, Eulalia, Flora, Ginger, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Hyacinth, Jasmin, Juniper, Lilac, Lily, Maple, Marigold, Meadow, Mimosa, Olive, Orchid, Palm, Peach, Poppy, Primrose, Rose, Rosemary, Sequoia, Sunflower, Tulip, Violet, Willow, Windflower
BOYS: Ash, Aspen, Basil, Berry, Birch, Cedar, Clover, Crocus, Elder, Forrest, Germander, Hickory, Lemon, Linden, Locust, Lotus, Lupine, Mandarin, Mango, Melon, Narcissus, Oak, Quince, Palmetto, Pecan, Romaine, Sage, Saffron, Tamarisk, Thorn, Tree, Valerian, Woodrow
Black (theme: geography): -spelling changes allowed, as long as the sound stays the same-
Adelaide, Andorra, Amsterdam, Asia, Athena, Barbados, Breda, Brooklyn, Berlin, Burundi, Carolina, Chad, China, Cuba, Dakota, Denmark, Denver, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Holland, India, Indiana, Indus, Ireland, Israel, Juneau, Jordan, Kenya, Lena, Lisboa, London, Macao, Malta, Mauritius, Memphis, Miami, Monaco, Nancy, Nile, Paris, Perth, Phoenix, Ravenna, Rhine, Riga, Roma, Romania, Samara, Sidney, Sienna, Tigris, Timor, Togo, Tonga, Verona, Vienna, Virginia, Wales, York, Yukon, Zambia, Zealand
Edit: added note
LN:Smith (SnoGurl)
DH: Carter
DW: Stacey
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Day (Eilis)
DH: Jeremy
DW: Eilis
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Emerson (LadyBug 18)
DH: David Charles
DW: Lucy Amelia
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Jolson (Miss Natla)
DH: Andrew Scott
DW: Rosemary Faith
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Taite (Melanie Rose)
DH: Leonard "Leo"
DW: Evelyn "Evie"
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Brown (Raindancing)
DH: Julius David
DW: Madrigal Annessa
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Vindle (Array)
DH: Matthew James "Matt"
DW: Alison Ann "Ali"
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Schneider (Auria)
DH: Amos Victor
DW: Froney Alberta
DD: (She’s adopted, she’s from China, her name is Mei Lin, you can change her name if you like, but either her mn or fn must remain the same)
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Brooke (Tabby)
DH: Shane
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Cottrell (Ellie321)
DW: Elisabeth May
DH: James Alexander
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Guliani (Elegantly Wasted)
DH: Richard Morris
DW: Samara Lily
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Foster (Jenni)
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Horvath (Bex)
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: (he’s adopted, he’s from Russia, his name is Nika Radomir, you can change his name if you like but either his mn or fn must remain the same)
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Aurelius (Seda*)
DH: Caradoc Fairfax
DW: Katrin Freda
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Thomas (Dreamer22)
DH: Nicholas Matthew "Nic"
DW: Arianna Jade "Ari"
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Silva (Diamante04)
DH: Travis Preston "Trav"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Hamilton (Nirvanna)
DH: Josias Michael
DW: Eva Catherine
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Levine (Cera)
DW: Margaret Abigail "Maggie"
DW: Tara Sophie
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: The Hillard's (SwtNikki87)
DH: Hamilton Gregory "Harry"
DW: Ashlyn Brooke
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Orion (Chelsea)
DH: Charles Thomas "Charlie"
DW: Emiliana Rose "Emmy"
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Isley-Quinzel (Amy)
DW: Harleen Elizabeth
DW: Pamela Lillian
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Jamison (Anani)
DH: Darius Michael
DW: Mary Elena
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Vincent (Summer)
DH: Scott Andrew
DW: Kimiko Emi "Kimi"
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN:Sanchez (Cristy)
DH: Kevin
DW: Cristina
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Linden (Flute)
DH: Brandon Joshua
DW: Megan Michele
Choose from: Black
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Hill (Estel)
DH: William Alexander 'Will'
DW: Lydia Grace
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Watson (Kelly)
DH: Michael Andrew
DW: Jenni Elise
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Winter (Claire H)
DH: Alexander Scott
DW: Ezra Deryn
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Oliver (Bea109)
DH: David
DW: Samantha
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN:Herring (Ariel19)
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Price (MichelleG)
DH: Edward Jacob
DW: Joanne Maria
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Sinclair (Anthony)
DH: Wallace Michael
DW: June Elizabeth
DS: (he’s adopted from Spain, his name is Alejandro Pepito, you can change his name if you like, but at least his initials, fn or mn must remain the same)
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Jennings (Fablesbyaesop)
DH: Charlotte
DW: William "Will"
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
LN: Dempsey (Avalon)
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water/Fire/Earth/Air
For people who got pets: This round pets have to be named after something you eat or drink, you can change the spelling so something like Peetsa is fine too :)
Note for people with adopted children: These conditions were the wishes of their mother, it's up to you if you heed them, you don't have to, but it would be nice.
Pink (theme: acting): -no spelling changes-
GIRLS: Alexis, Amanda, Angelina, Ashley, Cameron, Courteney, Dakota, Drew, Famke, Goldie, Halle, Hilary, Jennifer, Jessica, Julia, Keira, Kim, Lisa, Meg, Meryl, Milla, Natalie, Nicole, Patricia, Penélope, Rebecca, Reese, Renée, Sarah, Selma, Sharon, Sissy, Uma
BOYS: Anthony, Ashton, Benicio, Bruce, Casey, Colin, Elijah, Ewan, Gabriel, George, Harvey, Hugh, Joaquin, Johnny, Keanu, Kevin, Liam, Leonardo, Matt, Mel, Miko, Oliver, Patrick, Pierce, Quentin, Robert, Russell, Samuel, Sean, Val, Ving
Orange (theme: as long as it can fly): -spelling changes allowed, the sound has to stay the same-
Anan, Andor, Angel, Aquila, Aras, Ari, Astor, Bee, Birdie, Bran, Brennus, Bulut, Butterfly, Circe, Condor, Corvus, Crow, Deryn, Draco, Dragonfly, Eagle, Faiga, Firefly, Gawain, Guntram, Hada, Hibou, Hodei, Jet, Lark, Mariposa, Mazin, Merel, Mirlo, Mus, Neil, Nimbus, Papillon, Phoenix, Pilvi, Raban, Raven, Robin, Rocket, Sparrow, Turgay, Van, Vega, Yun, Zipporah
Green (theme: flora): -no spelling changes-
GIRLS: Acacia, Apple, Anemone, Azalea, Calla, Catalpa, Cherry, Daisy, Eulalia, Flora, Ginger, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Hyacinth, Jasmin, Juniper, Lilac, Lily, Maple, Marigold, Meadow, Mimosa, Olive, Orchid, Palm, Peach, Poppy, Primrose, Rose, Rosemary, Sequoia, Sunflower, Tulip, Violet, Willow, Windflower
BOYS: Ash, Aspen, Basil, Berry, Birch, Cedar, Clover, Crocus, Elder, Forrest, Germander, Hickory, Lemon, Linden, Locust, Lotus, Lupine, Mandarin, Mango, Melon, Narcissus, Oak, Quince, Palmetto, Pecan, Romaine, Sage, Saffron, Tamarisk, Thorn, Tree, Valerian, Woodrow
Black (theme: geography): -spelling changes allowed, as long as the sound stays the same-
Adelaide, Andorra, Amsterdam, Asia, Athena, Barbados, Breda, Brooklyn, Berlin, Burundi, Carolina, Chad, China, Cuba, Dakota, Denmark, Denver, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Holland, India, Indiana, Indus, Ireland, Israel, Juneau, Jordan, Kenya, Lena, Lisboa, London, Macao, Malta, Mauritius, Memphis, Miami, Monaco, Nancy, Nile, Paris, Perth, Phoenix, Ravenna, Rhine, Riga, Roma, Romania, Samara, Sidney, Sienna, Tigris, Timor, Togo, Tonga, Verona, Vienna, Virginia, Wales, York, Yukon, Zambia, Zealand
Edit: added note
This message was edited 11/8/2005, 10:48 AM
LN: Silva (Diamante04)
DH: Travis Preston "Trav"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DS: Quentin Samuel "Quent"
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Fire
Travis and I are happy to announce the birth of our first child, a healthy baby boy! Quentin Samuel was born October 10th at 12:31 AM, weighing 7 pounds, 1 ounce; 19 1/2 inches long. He is a happy, healthy baby boy and looks a lot like his daddy. We are delighted to have him at home with us. Welcome to the world Quentin...Daddy and Mommy love you very much!

~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie
Grant William, Jude Hamilton
DH: Travis Preston "Trav"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DS: Quentin Samuel "Quent"
Choose from: Pink
Which element: Fire
Travis and I are happy to announce the birth of our first child, a healthy baby boy! Quentin Samuel was born October 10th at 12:31 AM, weighing 7 pounds, 1 ounce; 19 1/2 inches long. He is a happy, healthy baby boy and looks a lot like his daddy. We are delighted to have him at home with us. Welcome to the world Quentin...Daddy and Mommy love you very much!
~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie
Grant William, Jude Hamilton
LN: Horvath (Bex)
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Arkady Radomir
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water
I loved picking out a matching name for our adopted son, i would love another!
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Arkady Radomir
Choose from: Green
Which element: Water
I loved picking out a matching name for our adopted son, i would love another!
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
LN: Vindle (Array)
DH: Matthew James "Matt"
DW: Alison Ann "Ali"
DS: Barbados Jordan "Bade"
DGoldfish: Yukon Goldie
Choose from: Black
Which element: Fire
Matt, Ali, and Bade Vindle
Get into the car
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
See the city's ripped insides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight
DH: Matthew James "Matt"
DW: Alison Ann "Ali"
DS: Barbados Jordan "Bade"
DGoldfish: Yukon Goldie
Choose from: Black
Which element: Fire
Matt, Ali, and Bade Vindle
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
See the city's ripped insides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight
LN: Sinclair (Anthony)
DH: Wallace Michael
DW: June Elizabeth
DS: Alejandro Robin
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Air
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
DH: Wallace Michael
DW: June Elizabeth
DS: Alejandro Robin
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Air
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
LN:Herring (Ariel19)
DD:Lark Mariposa
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water
DD:Lark Mariposa
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Water
LN: Price (MichelleG)
DH: Edward Jacob
DW: Joanne Maria
DD/DS: Butterfly Faiga / Phoenix Jet
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Air
I went with names I wouldn't normally choose.
"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
DH: Edward Jacob
DW: Joanne Maria
DD/DS: Butterfly Faiga / Phoenix Jet
Choose from: Orange
Which element: Air
I went with names I wouldn't normally choose.
"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
LN: Jolson (Miss Natla)
DH: Andrew Scott
DW: Rosemary Faith
DS: Anthony George
Which element: Air
- Maria
DH: Andrew Scott
DW: Rosemary Faith
DS: Anthony George
Which element: Air
This message was edited 11/8/2005, 11:26 AM