[Facts] Other links
I saw that the link opens many pop-ups that difficult the reading.I have found two more(in Spanish, too) without pop-ups. The first is very clear and easy to read; the second is a bit difficult because of letter size, but it has complementary information:
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Saintly Names Info, Anyone???  ·  AndrewJKD  ·  11/3/2005, 2:39 PM
Re: Saintly Names Info, Anyone???  ·  Jenna  ·  11/5/2005, 6:41 AM
Error with Alvaro/Alvarez  ·  Lumia  ·  11/5/2005, 7:17 AM
Re: Saintly Names Info, Anyone???  ·  Ivayla  ·  11/4/2005, 7:55 PM
Other links  ·  Lumia  ·  11/5/2005, 2:37 AM
Oooh, thank you for those  ·  Ivayla  ·  11/5/2005, 10:28 AM
Who was St.Annemund?  ·  Andy ;—)  ·  11/4/2005, 5:41 AM
He, he... (he was a man) :)  ·  Lumia  ·  11/4/2005, 7:49 AM
Thanks for this one! nt  ·  Andy —) (blind)  ·  11/4/2005, 8:07 AM
Re: Saintly Names Info, Anyone???  ·  blackapple  ·  11/4/2005, 4:22 AM
Anysia  ·  Lumia  ·  11/4/2005, 7:45 AM
Re: Saintly Names Info, Anyone???  ·  Chrisell  ·  11/3/2005, 6:20 PM
Autor, not Artor  ·  Lumia  ·  11/4/2005, 7:33 AM
Re: Saintly Names Info, Anyone???  ·  raindancing  ·  11/3/2005, 2:57 PM
also Ascelina  ·  raindancing  ·  11/3/2005, 3:26 PM