Hey everyone, since I never seem to have the right timing to get in on Congrats games, I figured I'd start up my own :). I have massive namebanks, but to keep things interesting, I'm going to keep track of how often names are used and change things about accordingly. Some of the names in the bank are popular/classic, some are kind of edgy, and some are tryndee or just weird. They are fairly diverse ethnically.
So, here's how I'm going to do it:
1. Once a name has been used 10 times, I retire it temporarily starting the next round and add a new name. If it passes the 10-uses threshold mid-round, everyone who picked it that round still gets to use it.
2. For each popular name I retire, I will also retire one name that no one has used and add another name in its place.
1. I'm going to keep track of ages.
2. No spelling changes allowed. You may pick a nickname though if you wish.
3. Middle names are optional. No more than two middle names may be used.
4. This is going to be pretty low-key, so:
5. I probably will only update every other day or so. I may not be able to update on weekends.
6. If you're busy, you may skip up to a week of real-time play (probably 3-4 rounds) and catch up later. If you miss more than a week I will stop keeping track of you.
7. I don't know how long this will keep going. Until most people are bored with it I guess. I will probably do multiple generations.
8. I'm taking the first 15 sign-ups.
To sign up, select a LN for the children (it can be hyphenated if you want), the names of the two parents, and specify:
1. Genders
2. Ages
3. Marital status - are they married, engaged, significant others, or just friends who happened to hook up and get pregnant? You can change this later on at any point if you want.
4. If they are unmarried, pick an LN for each parent. Maiden names are optional if they are married.
How are the DParents related?
LNs: Aiello, Ashcraft, Axelsson, Bannister, Bethea, Bianchi, Bickford, Bowie, Branch, Britton, Castañeda, Celik, Chia, Christensen, Clark, Corona, Dalton, Dasari, Davidson, Dinu, Endo, Fenech, Fletcher, Flora, Folsom, Freitas, Galarza, Gallagher, Gelashvili, Gilliland, Goff, Grabowski, Harb, Hiatt, Hickson, Horvath, Huang, Hummel, Ivory, Jansen, Jeon, Karlsen, Kelly, Klein, Kruger, Leatherman, Lefebvre, Levesque, Lindberg, Ma, Macaraeg, Madigan, Majors, Makela, Malloy, Marek, McNeill, Mobley, Navarro, Necaise, Norfleet, Novak, Ozols, Pantoja, Pape, Pappas, Peeters, Perez, Phan, Phillips, Power, Rider, Ruiz, Saar, Sallee, Sanchez, Schwarz, Settles, Silva, Sokolov, Spear, Spencer, Starkey, Streeter, Takacs, Tharp, Thigpen, Thomas, Toliver, Trimble, Valenti, Wahl, Whatley, Whittington, Wilson, Wright, Zukauskas
Male FNs: Aaron, Adam, Adonis, Agamemnon, Ajax, Aladdin, Alban, Aleksander, Alexander, Alexis, Alfred, Amir, Andor, Andreas, Anton, Arthur, Asher, Asim, Aviv, Benjamin, Bentley, Bernard, Björn, Bronte, Cadoc, Caelestis, Cain, Caradog, Casey, Castor, Chaim, Clay, Connor, Crescentius, Daichi, Daniel, David, Deniz, Diarmad, Dorin, Duleep, Duncan, Edward, Eli, Eerikki, Eric, Evan, Evander, Fahim, Faris, Farouk, Feodor, Floriano, Franz, Frederik, Gabriel, Ganesha, Garnet, Garth, Georges, Germain, Gianmarco, Giovanni, Goran, Gordian, Gordon, Grant, Gregor, Guglielmo, Guiomar, Halldor, Haru, Havel, Hayden, Hendrik, Henri, Holden, Horus, Hugo, Ibrahim, Icarus, Igor, Inigo, Ira, Isidore, Iyov, Jacob, Jakob, Jan, Jarl, Jess, Jonathan, Jove, Joseph, Judas, Julius, Jupiter, Juraj, Jure, Kai, Karl, Keir, Keshawn, Kiran, Kody, Korbin, Kurtis, Leopold, Liam, Lindsay, Lucius, Luka, Lukas, Maksim, Malvolio, Marcel, Marcellus, Martin, Mattan, Mendel, Merlin, Michael, Mikael, Mikala, Miksa, Miraj, Miroslav, Mohana, Montana, Morley, Navid, Neville, Ndidi, Nicholas, Nicolau, Nikhil, Nobuyuki, Olaf, Olivier, Orlando, Oskar, Ouranos, Patrice, Patricio, Pavel, Peyton, Philip, Pieter, Pietro, Porter, Pythagoras, Qadir, Quinlan, Radko, Raymond, Robert, Rogier, Rohit, Rurik, Ryan, Sebastian, Sergio, Sigmund, Simon, Spiros, Stanford, Stefanus, Stephen, Suraj, Thane, Theodore, Tiras, Torin, Trace, Tracey, Tristan, Tycho, Valentine, Vaughn, Vicente, Viktor, Vladimir, Warren, Wayne, Whitney, Wolfe, Xavier, Yvon, Yusuf, Zachariah, Zacharias, Zephyr, Ziya, Zoran
Female FNs: Ada, Adilet, Adriana, Agatha, Alcyone, Alethea, Alexandra, Alexia, Alida, Alisha, Allison, Amelia, Ami, Ananta, Anastasia, Angelina, Angeline, Anica, Annabel, Anne, Anneka, Anouk, Antonija, Antonina, Arden, Augusta, Avital, Ayesha, Bettina, Brittania, Caleigh, Camelia, Camilla, Cara, Carey, Carmella, Carolina, Celeste, Celestine, Ceridwen, Charlize, Christine, Connie, Constantina, Corina, Dalia, Damaris, Daphne, Dina, Dorothy, Dragana, Dulcinea, Ella, Elena, Eleonora, Eliana, Elin, Emer, Emilie, Erika, Esperanza, Fabiola, Felicia, Flora, Filippa, Freja, Georgina, Giselle, Grazia, Gwyneth, Haruna, Hayley, Heather, Helena, Heng, Indiana, Ingrid, Iolanda, Ivana, Isabelle, Isidora, Izabelle, Jacqueline, Jade, Jael, Jana, Jayanti, Jaylee, Jemima, Jinan, Jovana, Juliana, Julija, Jyoti, Kala, Kali, Kalyna, Karima, Karla, Kasey, Katarin, Katharine, Katya, Kaylynn, Kazia, Klara, Klaudie, Krista, Kristine, Ksenia, Kyung, Lena, Leonore, Letitia, Liliya, Lolicia, Lorena, Lucia, Luigina, Luna, Macie, Madalena, Magda, Manon, Margarita, Maria, Mary, Matilda, Matilde, Melania, Meryl, Michaela, Michelle, Michi, Milagros, Milena, Milla, Mirjana, Mona, Monika, Mykhaila, Nadezhda, Nessa, Nike, Nkechi, Noa, Nicolasa, Nicole, Ofelia, Phoebe, Pierina, Proserpine, Rachelle, Rafaela, Raisel, Rajani, Rajiya, Ramona, Rei, Renate, Renee, Rosalina, Rosanna, Saibh, Samia, Sarai, Serena, Severina, Shae, Sharon, Shekinah, Sieglinde, Silvia, Sofia, Stacey, Stevie, Sunshine, Sylvie, Tariro, Tatiana, Teresa, Thuy, Tuija, Valentina, Valerija, Victoria, Virginia, Vita, Whitney, Wilhelmina, Yarden, Yulia, Zenovia, Zola