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[Facts] I found
The emperor Emmanuel/Immanuel/Manuel I Comnenus (? ~1123 - Constantinople, 1180), son of the Byzantine Emperor John II, and emperor of the Byzantine Empire between 1143 and 1180.
It is the oldest reference that I found. Another is Emmanuel/Immanuel/Manuel I of Trebisond (XIII c.) the Warrior, son of Alexis I of Trebisond.At home, I will check the RAC (Repertori d'Antropònims Catalans).Lumia
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Thanks a lot!
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More documentsRAC (Repertori d'Antropònims Catalans) lists three cases of Manuel in Mediaeval Catalan documents:1) year 903, Vic : "diplomatari" of cathedral of Vic. Manuel (cited by Eduard Junyent at Diplomatari de la catedral de Vic. Segles IX-X, Vic, 1980-1987)2) year 978, Barcelona : arxiu comtal de Barcelona. Manuel (cited by Frederic Udina at El Archivo Condal de Barcelona en los siglos IX-X. Estudio crítico de sus fondos, CSIC, Barcelona, 1984)3) year 978, Besalú. Manuel (cited by Santiago Sobrequés in some documents for Catalunya carolíngia)

This message was edited 11/2/2005, 2:14 PM

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Lumia, you are fantastic!!! Thank you so much!
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