[Facts] Re: Southern names
in reply to a message by Mary
True! I've seen some great creativity about honouring family and being original in the South though. One friend, Sue Jane (her grandma Susannah and aunt Jane being the honourees) named her only daughter after her grandmothers Sarah and Elaine - Salaine. This gave room in the mn spot for her mother-in-laws name which Salaine's daddy very much wanted in there. LOLAnd I've seen older Southerners stubbornly cling to the idea of family connection even when younger generations make a break for it. My parents named my sister Kerri in 1977, my grandfather assumed this was for his sister Carlotta nn Carrie and told everyone he met about the connection. Fortunately, my father's brother had had a baby girl on the very same day, 3 states away, and had named *her* Kerri (see what happens when you don't discuss names with other pregnant couples? LOL) and so, since my aunt and uncle had no other name in mind, my parents did a quick switch to Kersey, my grandmother's maiden name.In spite of moving to another continent and being born in the New Mexico, my Appalachian roots show: My children carry Nathaniel, Kai, Isaac, Iosefo/Joseph, Elisapeta, Rose, Olivia, Phoebe and Mariska, all plucked straight off the family tree. I even insist that each child must carry one name from the lineage of my grandmother Sowards whose family immigrated from Devon and gave me my name....though the pickins' are getting slim at this point ;o)Devon
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Southern names  ·  Meghan  ·  3/20/2004, 9:19 PM
Re: Southern names  ·  Mary  ·  3/21/2004, 5:00 PM
Re: Southern names  ·  Devonelisa  ·  3/22/2004, 4:02 AM
Re: Southern names  ·  Mary  ·  3/22/2004, 11:02 AM
Re: Southern names  ·  Devonelisa  ·  3/21/2004, 2:31 AM
Try the opinion board please . . .  ·  Chrisell  ·  3/21/2004, 1:01 AM