[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats - Round 7
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3484093&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3485052&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3487104&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3489031&board=game
Round 5: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3489926&board=game
Round 6: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3490496&board=gameThe year is now 1930. Have you had any more grandchildren? You can have as many or as few as you want. Genders are your choice.Events:
The first talkie was made in 1927.
The Great Depression begins in 1929.If you need help with names, use this link:http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/1000ud1920.phpHere are some events to help you:
1. Your family moves. Where do they move to?
2. One of your children has fallen in love with an immigrant from a very different culture. How did the parents respond? Does the relationship last?
3. The family lost money due to the depression. How did they deal with it?
4. One or more of the members of the family get really ill. Do they survive?
5. One of the spouses dies or gets hurt. How?Please update on the family!Can you also give me ideas for events if you want to?
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LN: Riether
DH: Isaiah Bertram 2/6/1878
DW: Shannon Eve (O'Michaels) 5/27/1882
DD: Kitty Aurora 12/31/1900
DH: Jack Luther Bronan 4/26/1900
DS: Taylor Theodore
DD: Jessie Annabelle 4/25/1903
DH: Izaak Mertody Marceli 5/15/1895
DD: Magdalena Allison 9/9/1924
DS: Jeremy Jeruselam 4/25/25/1903
DD: Jenevieve Constance 4/25/1903
DS: Mckinley Forest 12/18/1909
Location: West Morgan, NYJessie and Izaak had their baby and named it after his father.
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Mine.LN: Trapani
DH: Orlando Trapani (b. 14 Sep 1880)
DW: Penelope D'Onofrio (b. 2 Dec 1882)DD: Maria Florida (b. 23 Dec 1899)
-DH: John Vincent Mancuso (b. 14 Jul 1895)
--DS: Nicholas Ray (b. 6 Dec 1918)
--DD: Shirley Angela (b. 23 Jan 1920)
--DD: Virginia Rose (b. 24 Sep 1921)
--DS: Andrew Thomas (b. 17 Jun 1923)DS: Edward John (b. 7 Apr 1901)
-DW: Ophelia Kate Taggart (b. 4 Mar 1902)
--DS: Isaiah Kenneth (b. 30 Jan 1924)
--DD: Eunice Bella (b. 1 Oct 1925)
--DD: Gloria Martha (b. 5 Apr 1927)
--DS: Theodore Michael (b. 19 Apr 1928)DD: Rose Lucretia (b. 18 Oct 1902)
-DH: Michael Richard Antonelli (b. 30 Jun 1900)
--DD: Beatrice Cassie (b. 11 Nov 1923)
--DS: Joseph Richard (b. 2 Jan 1928)DD: Diana Philomena (b. 3 May 1904)
-DH: Horace Anthony Williams (b. 20 Apr 1894)
--DstepS: Horace Anthony Williams, Jr. (b. 9 Oct 1921)
--DS: Orlando James (b. 22 Mar 1926)
--DD: Isabella Cleo (b. 16 Jan 1929)DS: Frank William (b. 29 Jul 1906)
-DW: Cornelia Ruth Ball (b. 15 Aug 1906)
--DD: Penelope Judith (b. 4 May 1930)DS: Anthony Peter (8 May 1908 - 11 Feb 1909)DD/DD: Rachel Anna / Esther Julia (b. 5 Nov 1909)
-Esther's DH: Timur Kemal (b. 1 Jul 1909)

DD: Victoria Irene (b. 13 Jun 1911)
-DH: John Leopold Gill (b. 4 Mar 1907)
--DS: Barbara Joyce (b. 18 Dec 1929)DS: Aaron Stephen (b. 17 Sep 1913)DD: Mildred Helen (29 Nov 1916 - 5 Mar 1917)Esther has fallen in love with Timur, an immigrant from Turkey. Orlando and Penelope were upset about it at first, but then they got a chance to meet Timur and found that he was really nice. Esther and Timur were married by the end of the decade. They are soon to have their first child.Update: I gave Gloria the wrong DOB. Sorry.

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 12:08 PM

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LN: AbbottDH: Frederick Lawrence Floyd (1876)
DW: Mary-Louise Elizabeth Margaret(1878)DS: William Charles Thomas (1900)
- DW: Amelia Antoinette (1901)
-- DS: Sylvester Jerome Warren Lester (1919-1920)
-- DD: Thelma Dolores Gertrude Elizabeth (1920)
-- DD: Veronica Priscilla Laverne Margaret (1922)
DS: Raymond Theodore Michael (1902-1922)
DD: Josephine Katherine Eleanor (1905)
- DH: Clifton Matthew (1904)
-- DS: Duane Jerome Homer (1924)
DD: Charlotte Geraldine Harriet (1907)
- DH: Aditya Jitender Kalsi (1907)
DS: Nathaniel Edmund Orville (1910)
DD/DD: Marjorie Georgia Olive & Christine Rachel Anita (1912)
DS: Franklin Maurice Chester (1913)
DD: Adelheid Rosemarie Kriemhilde (1915)
DD: Barbara Madeline Henrietta (1916)Location: Philadelphia, PAWilliam and Amelia had another daughter named Veronica.
Josephine married Clifton Smith and they a son named Duane.
Daughter Charlotte fell in love with an indian man named Aditya. When the family first heared about it they weren't very happy, but after they met him for the first time and really liked him as well, they approved of their relationship. Recently the two got married.
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LN: Halloway
DH: Edward James (12/3/1877)(53)
DW: Louise Virginia [Cambridge] "Lou" (4/17/1877-8/16/1929)
DS: Adam Edward (6/14/00)(30)
--DW: Samantha Camille (Harrington)(8/14/00)(30)
--DD: Mary Louisa Camille (6/1/18)(12)
--DS: Adam Edward Jr. "Eddy" (9/14/19)(11)
--AS: Joseph Foster-Halloway "Joey" (born 1919)(11)
--DS: Stephen James (8/11/20)(10)
--DS/DD: Jacob Clarence and Lena Charlotte (4/15/23)(7)
--DD: Virginia Louise "Ginny" (9/27/29)(1)
DD: Elizabeth June (8/11/02-10/17/02)
DS: Benjamin James "Ben" (11/1/05)(25)
--DW: Rebecca Marie (Smith)(12/10/05)(25)
--DD: Charlotte Marie "Lottie" (3/18/26)(4)
--DD: Caroline Virginia "Carrie" (1/24/29)(1)

DS: Michael Jonathan "Mike" (10/17/06)(24)
DS: Henry Josiah (3/28/08)(22)
--DW: Summer Emma-Joy (Groves)(5/17/08)(22)
--DS: Henry Edward (7/8/30)

DD: Hope Isabella (7/12/09)(21)
--DS: Charles David "Charlie" (2/27/25)(5)
DS: Stephen Caleb (6/2/15)(15)Location: Ash Hill, CO, USA
It is now 1930. What happened in 1926:
Adam and Samantha adopt a young orphan boy who comes through their neighborhood looking for food. His name is Joey, and he can't remember ever not being an orphan. Eddy and Stephen like having another boy in the house their age to play with. Adam and Samantha are helping Joey adjust to life with a family, but he is doing okay. Ben and Rebecca's first child, a daughter named Charlotte Marie, was born on March 18th. She is healthy, and Rebecca loves taking care of her daughter. Lou likes having another grandchild so close to spoil. Mike is in his third year of medical school, and he is learning so much. He can't wait to start practicing. Henry and Summer Groves got married in the summer after a whirlwind romance. Hopefully they're right for each other. Henry works at the police department, and Summer is waitressing at the Ash Hill Diner to make some extra money. Henry isn't sure that he likes Summer working, but she promises to stay home once they have children. Hope is busy taking care of Charlie and going to school. Despite her best efforts, she has fallen a bit behind her classmates. Stephen is growing up quickly. He hasn't decided what he'd like to do yet.

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LN: Blakeston
DH (7.28.1880) Walter James
DW (4.23.1881) Clara Alice
DD (1.30.1900) Lena Josephine
- DH (4.22.1899) Thomas Robert
-- DS (2.14.1922) Jesse Leo
-- DD (7.7.1925) Grace Charlotte

DS (12.23.1902) Joseph William
DS (8.15.1905) Jack Alexander
DS (4.20.1908) Harry George
DD (10.17.1910) Ruby Evelyn
DD (6.1.1913) Anna Rose
DS (1.1.1914) Theodore Charlie
Location: LA, California(WW1) The Blakeston family have moved to the countryside in California(WW1) The Blakeston family have just inherited a load of money due to the unfortunate bombing of Clara's parents
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LN: O'Shaughnessy
DH: Clarence Walter O'Shaughnessy (7/25/1864)
DW: Miriam Eliza Isabelle [Lambert] O'Shaughnessy (1/23/1882)
DS: Preston John David O'Shaughnessy (8/13/1900)
-DW: Doris Ruth [Jones] O'Shaughnessy (3/24/1909)
--DS: David John Preston O'Shaughnessy (9/9/1919)
--DD/DS: Richard Eugene Edward O'Shaughnessy / Virginia Evelyn Ruby O'Shaughnessy (3/23/1928)
DD/DD: Alice Lillian Grace [O'Shaughnessy] Allen / Anna Louise Gladys [O'Shaughnessy] Ray (6/12/1902)
-Alice's DH: Robert William Allen (4/21/1900)
--DS: Robert William Allen Jr. (10/19/1926)
--DD: Clara Elaine Allen (6/17/1930)
-Anna's DH: Kenneth Arthur Ray (7/18/1898)
--DD: Elizabeth Alice Ray (2/12/1923)
--DD: Charlotte Annie Ray (8/30/1926)
--DD: Katherine Anita Ray (5/14/1928)
--DS: Kenneth Arthur Ray II (12/12/1930)
DS: Harold Walter Louis O'Shaughnessy (3/24/1905)
-DW: Barbara Gloria [George] O'Shaughnessy (8/5/1912)
DD: Dorothy Florence Marie [O'Shaughnessy] Andrews (4/7/1907)
-DH: Warren Russell Andrews (6/9/1900)
--DS/DS: Edwin Gerald Andrews / Calvin Harvey Andrews (12/23/1925)
--DS: Franklin Irving Andrews (1/14/1927)
--DS: Nathan Seymour Andrews (8/29/1930)
DD: Stella Agnes Eleanor [O'Shaughnessy] Winford (9/18/1910)
-DH: Sherwood Carson Winford IV (7/24/1900)
DD: Myrtle Julia Helen O'Shaughnessy (5/25/1913)
DS: Theodore Benjamin Lee O'Shaughnessy (7/30/1915)

This message was edited 3/2/2009, 11:43 AM

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LN: Stahl
DH: William John (48) (b. 1882)
DW: Elizabeth Anne (47) (b. 1883)
DS: William David "Will" (deceased) (b. 1900, d. 1918)
--DW: Evelyn Louise, née Pelham (29) (b. 1901)
----DS: William David, Jr. "David" (12) (b. 1918)
DS: Jack Benjamin (28) (b. 1902)
--DW: Charlotte May née Dorrin (28) (1902)
----DD: Emma Caroline (7) (b. 1923)
----DS: Leo Nathaniel (5) (b. 1925)
----DS: Max Robert (3) (b. 1927)
DS: Charlie Alexander (26) (b. 1904)
--DW: Ruby Margaret, née Fitch (22) (b. 1908)
----DS/DS: Abel Calvin / Levi Martin (nb) (b. 1930)
DS: Michael Joseph (24) (b. 1906)
--DW: Nola Frances, née Cortlandt (29) (b. 1901)
----DStepD: Stella Adeline Cortlandt (11) (b. 1919)
----DStephS: Julian Stuart Cortlandt (10) (b. 1920)
----DD: Rebecca Helene (2) (b. 1928)
DD: Grace Elizabeth (20) (b. 1910)
DD: Katherine Anne (18) (b. 1912)
DD: Eleanor Marie "Nora" (16) (b. 1914)Location: Boston, MA
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LN: Karlsson
DH: August Sven [54] (5 July 1876)
DW: Kristina Johanna [52] (21 March 1878)
DS: Wilhelm August "Will" [31] (14 May 1899)
-DW: Alice Josefine nee Nilsson [30] (26 April 1900)
-DS: Wilhelm August Jr [9] (3 February 1921)
-DS: Gustav Johannes [7] (31 October 1923)
-DD: Gunilla Alice [3] (7 September 1927)
DS: Johan Kristian "John" [29] (13 June 1901)
-DW: Mary Elisabeth nee Smith [29] (6 January 1901)
-DD: Karolina Antoinette [6] (21 October 1924)
-DD: Elinor Sofia [2] (18 October 1928)
-DS: Greta Marianne [nb] (30 September 1930)
DS: Karl Henrik "Henry" [27] (24 March 1903)
-DW: Kerstin Rose nee Althaus [24] (9 September 1906)
-DS: Victor Henrik [5] (17 December 1925)
-DS: Hugo Eskil [3] (13 June 1927)
DD: Sara Cecilia Walker nee Karlsson [26] (7 December 1904)
-DH: James Joseph Walker [30] (12 April 1900)
-DD/DS: Lillian Theresa [7] (4 April 1923) and Lee (4 April 1923 - 20 April 1923)
-DS: Esaias James Lee [1] (12 January 1929)
DS: Nils Martin "Neil" [24] (30 July 1906)
-DW: Emma Johanna nee Sjögren [20] (16 July 1910)
DD: Anna (1 February 1908- 3 February 1908)
DD: Ingrid Katarina [21] (19 October 1909)
-DD: Lovisa Katarina[4] (23 May 1926)
DS/DS: Oscar Magnus and Gustav Alfred [18] (12 September 1912)
AS: Erik Olof [17] (7 August 1913)
DD: Maria Elinor [14] (11 November 1916)
DD: Margareta Kristina [11] (20 May 1918)
Wilhelm and Alice are struggling to keep their farm. The depression has hit the whole Karlsson family hard but as long as they have the land and their animals at least they will be able to feed themselves. Wilhelm and Alice have also welcomed their first daughter, Gunilla and now have three children; Wilhelm, Gustav and Gunilla.Johan and Mary are now the parents to three beautiful girls; Karolina, Elinor and Greta. Karl and Kerstin live in the city with Victor and Hugo and the Great Depression has been devastating for Karl's work. It is no longer possible to find work as a carpenter. The family is seriously considering returning to the Karlsson family farm.

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LN: Perl
DH: Robert Edward Perl (1875)
DW: Laura Maude Kelly-Perl (1879)
DS: Henry Albert Perl (1900)
---DW: Vera Rosa Garcia-Perl (1905)
-----DD: Shirley Catherine Perl (1925)
-----DD: Gloria Edith Perl (1927)
DD: Catherine Dorothy "Kate" Perl-Holmes (1902)
---DH: John Arthur Holmes (1896)
-----DS: Jack Eugene Holmes (1923)
-----DD: Pauline Gladys Holmes (1924)
-----DD: Patricia Barbara Holmes [1930]
DD/DD: Annie Evelyn Perl-Miller and Stella Agnes Perl-Taylor (1905)
-A-DH: Donald Kenneth Miller (1901)
-----DD: Sarah Ann Miller [1929]
-S-DH: Peter Lewis Taylor (1900)
-----DS: Fred Samuel Taylor [1928]
DS: Ralph Clarence Perl (1906)
DS: Daniel Alfred Perl (1909)
---DW: Viola Myrtle Jackson-Perl (1911)
DD/DD/DD: Frances Louise Perl, Ruby Thelma Perl and Julia Beatrice Perl (1911)
DS: Martin Woodrow Perl (1919)
DS: Thomas Charles Perl (1920)
ADD: Elizabeth Mildred Powell-Perl (1924)Robert and Laura Perl with:
Henry, Kate, Annie, Stella, Ralph, Daniel, Frances, Ruby, Julia, Martin, Thomas and ElizabethHenry and Vera Garcia-Perl with:
Shirley and GloriaJohn and Kate Perl-Holmes with:
Jack, Pauline and PatriciaDonald and Annie Perl-Miller with:
SarahPeter and Stella Perl-Taylor with:
FredDaniel and Viola Jackson-Perl
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