This is pretty much a regular Congrats, but with one slight difference. I really liked the Game of Life game by Skye Morgan and thought the dice was cool. I have wanted to do a Congrats for a while but wanted to change it up a bit and thought why not add the dice. I’ll be using the same names throughout, but change little things each round. So basically it’s the same but you’ll have to roll the dice each round. The rolling of the dice determines the gender and how many, or if you get a pet. This is my first time doing this, so if I’ve messed up somewhere or I make a mistake let me know. Thanks!
***Here is the link to the dice and use the one with 10 faces*** will have this at the top of each round for easy use.
Rounds (1-6):
Multiples? (twins and triplets): Yes or No (if no then I choose which gender)
Pets?: Yes or No (if no and you roll a 10, roll again)
What number did the dice roll?:
This message was edited 10/29/2005, 10:27 PM