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[Facts] the origin and pronounication of the name
I have posted a name " fonna" to ask how it is pronounced. A friend replied that it may be the variant of " Fiona" . But I can't find it to be in any language. So could any one tell me which country uses " Fonna" and how it is pronounced. Is it really another form of Fiona?
Please help!
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It actually sound like Fauna the name of a Roman goddess of fertility. It's pronounced fawn-ah and Fonna is propably just a mispelling of that name. The term "Flora and Fauna" is used as a term for plants and flowers especially in English poetry. Flora meaning flowers and Fauna meaning forest or plants.So Fonna probably means the same thing as Fauna.
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It's great. Thank you very much for the information. That's why I cannot find it in any language cause I made a misspelling mistake. But I just add one question, is the pronounciation of "ah" equal to "na" or ......great thanks!
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Fauna is pronounced "FAH-nuh."
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