Username: mayflower
LN: McHenry
Nathaniel Brian "
Age: 41
Interests: Hockey, Photography/Art, Cooking
Disabilities: none
Claudia CathleenAge: 42
Interests: Cooking, Gardening, Photography/Art,
Disabilities: none
Children (biological or adopted):
Alexandria Paige, 12 (biologial) Likes shopping, shoes, and talking on the phone.
Oliver Nathaniel, 7 (biological) Likes: Hockey, drawing, and video games
Damon Patrick, 3 (biological) Likes: Trucks and animals
Others living with you: none
Pets (species, other information): none
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Languages spoken: English
Maximum number of children (max. 7): 3-5
Genders: any
Ages (nb-18): any
Nationality/Country of origin: any
Language preference: English
Religion preference: any, but kids will be raised as Christians
Will you accept:
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): yes, mild
-Multiples?: yes
-Pregnant teen?: no
-Teen mom, dad, or both?: no
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives?: if they want
-Other: none