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[Opinions] Do you like using nicknames?
Just wondering whether you're a nickname person or not. I have friends named Elisabeth and Alexandra who always go by Betty and Alex and have never been called by their full names since they were born. Until they met me :P I always call them Elisabeth and Alexandra. I guess I'm not a big nickname person. They hated it at first but Alex actually likes being called Alexandra better now. She got used to it. I still have to convince Elisabeth :P I also knew an Agathe who went by Aggie but I always called her Agathe and a Daniela who went by Dany but I always called her Daniela. I also know a Jenny. It's her full name but I call her Jennifer when I'm angry with her.I guess I like long names and not using a nickname for them. I plan on using Alexandria in its full form.There are some nicknames I like, though. I like Zippy for Zipporah and Ada for Adelaida (which is because I love both names and want to use both of them). I also like Jessie for Jessamine and on its own.1. Do you have a nickname? Do you use nicknames for your kids? What are they?2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)?3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names?4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike (e.g. you love Alexandria but are worried she'll become Alex)?5. What do you think of nickname names as full names, e.g. Alfie, Sam, Joey, Jake, Jack, Billie, Janie, Katie, Kate? Does it depend on the name e.g. Kate is ok on its own, so is Jack but Katie and Joey are too cutesy?
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1. Do you have a nickname? Do you use nicknames for your kids? What are they?I'm Annie, AnnaBanana, and Ananabanna at times, I don't have kids. My brother Kurt sometimes gets called Kurt S. as that is his middle initial, but he hates it cos it sounds like Curtis. I don't have kids, but my neice Kyla is sometimes called Kyky (Keye-keye) or Kyladoo.2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)?I'm not a fan of any of my nns. I don't have a problem with them coming from my close friends, but my family is only allowed to call me Anna, and no one outside of my friends can call me AnnaBanana.3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names?I would want a nn to be available, because I've never liked my name, but have never found a satisfactory nn for it so I have to go by it.4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike (e.g. you love Alexandria but are worried she'll become Alex)?It would bother me, but you can't really stop it, I would just give my child rare alternative nns. In the case of Alexandria "Andy" and "Andria"5. What do you think of nickname names as full names, e.g. Alfie, Sam, Joey, Jake, Jack, Billie, Janie, Katie, Kate? Does it depend on the name e.g. Kate is ok on its own, so is Jack but Katie and Joey are too cutesy?

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So for the most part I really like nicknames and often call people by either nicknames or other names that they don't always go by. For a Jenny (Jennifer), I call her Jay, but for an Abby (Abigail) I often call her Abigail. It goes on and on at different names like I prefer Jacob over Jake but Donnie rather than Donald. 1. I don't introduce myself by any nicknames but I friends like to call me different things occasionally. But mostly i just go by my full first name.2. I always wanted a nickname but when you grow up using just your first name and everyone knows you as such- its hard to change. Though some I do really dislike.3. I would like to have a nickname for the name but also intend to call them by their full names too. Ie: I would love a son named Damian (which I will use mainly) but also call him D.4. That is a possibility that I don't like but if he or she prefers that name, I would just stick to calling him or her by what I always have or by their full name. One example is that I love the name Matthew and the nickname Matty but I'm not fond of Matt because it is so common- but it seems inevitable that if I named a son this he would be referred to as Matt.5. With the ones you gave I would only be okay with naming a child Jack or Billie (only a girl) as full first names. I like the longer and/or more traditional names for first names and they can have a nickname on top of that. In the long run, the child would much prefer the more "adult-like" names to the kiddie names in the professional world when they grow up.
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1. Do you have a nickname?
I am called Mandy by family and close friends2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)?
I like my nickname, since I have had it since I was born.3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names?
I would prefer to use a name where I like the possible nicknames. The names don't have to have nicknames.4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike?
Slightly5. What do you think of nickname names as full names? Does it depend on the name?
I generally don't like them, but some that have been well established as full names like Nadia are ok.

This message was edited 12/21/2008, 10:00 PM

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1. I do not have a nickname. I'm grateful.2. I scowl at people who try to give me nicknames, because my name doesn't have a proper one, so usually I'll hear something cutesy or mocking.3. Most of the names I like do not have nicknames, but those that do tend to have one that's commonly used on its own, like Luke, Jake, or Kate.4. The only nicknames that don't bother me as full names are: Kate/Katie, Zach, Jake, Luke, and Jack.
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1. Do you have a nickname? Do you use nicknames for your kids? What are they?
I have a lot of nicknames. More people call me Dot than Dorothy, which I like because it's nice to have a lighter nickname for a heavier name. (Of course I love both or I wouldn't've chosen Dorothy…) My friends who call me Vivian (long story) call me Viv more frequently. Of course, for my birth name, Sarah, there are no generally used nicknames and no one ever called me Sadie or Sally. I don't have any kids.2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)?
I like all things people call me (Dorothy, Dot, Vivian, Viv, Vivi, Moony, my surname) other than Sarah. I like Dot best of all, so yeah, I like my nickname.3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names?
I prefer names that either are short enough not to need a nickname or where I like the nickname, because I know I would nickname him/her. I wasn't willing to use Constance or Constanza because I hated Connie, until someone suggested Tansy instead, and I find them usable now.4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike (e.g. you love Alexandria but are worried she'll become Alex)?
I don't fret too much over it, but I do worry that Alice would be Allie or Constance would be Connie (or Prudence would be Prudy– I can't think of anything nice for Prudence! Denny maybe? Nancy in a pinch?).5. What do you think of nickname names as full names, e.g. Alfie, Sam, Joey, Jake, Jack, Billie, Janie, Katie, Kate? Does it depend on the name e.g. Kate is ok on its own, so is Jack but Katie and Joey are too cutesy?
Don't like them, especially diminutives, because I'd rather give the kid options. Diminutives just sound quite childish (who wants to be Joey for their whole life?). (I'm a hypocrite, though, and there are a few foreign nicknames that sound OK to my ear as full names because they're often used that way, like Sasha.)
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1. Do you have a nickname? Do you use nicknames for your kids? What are they? - I don't have a NN, nor do I have kids, but I always use NN's for my pets and my cousins.2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)? - I don't have a NN, but I don't think I would mind that much, unless it was something teasing-like.3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names? - Yes, I prefer names that have a short form that I like also. Like, I love Samantha, but I wouldn't use it as a FN because I dislike Sam on a girl.4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike (e.g. you love Alexandria but are worried she'll become Alex)? - see above, this is why I only use some names as MN's.5. What do you think of nickname names as full names, e.g. Alfie, Sam, Joey, Jake, Jack, Billie, Janie, Katie, Kate? Does it depend on the name e.g. Kate is ok on its own, so is Jack but Katie and Joey are too cutesy? - No, I really dislike NN's as full names. Even if the NN is what is going to be used most, I still think it's best to have a more formal name.
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1. I often get called Nick, Nicki or even "Knickers" :)
2. I can't say tit bothers me amongst my friends, it seems more casual. But I can't say I'm fond of strangers calling me "Nicki" - I've always found it a casual/affectionate thing to do.
3. I can't say I really mind too much, although I would prefer the possibility of nicknames because they're terms of endearment in a way.
4. Not really, if I ever had kids I'd have any problem with any nickname if my child was happy with it.
5. It doesn't really appeal to me, it doesn't seem very formal to fill in an application form as "Jake" or "Sammy". I don't mind established nicknames such as Molly and Sadie as much though, but I'd still rather have a full name.
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1. I do not have a nickname. (I don't have kids.)
2. It really annoys me when people try to call me Julie or Jules.3. In general I prefer the full name, but there are some nicknames I like.4. Sometimes, but if a name I love has an obvious nickname I can't stand, I won't use it.5. Gah! I loathe them all--even Kate / Jack and foreign nicknames like Katya and Anya. They drive me batty.
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1 My full name is Giovanna and I am either called Gianna (two syllables with a j sound) or Gia.
As for the names that I think I would like to give to future children, they all have nicknames: Charles nn Charlie, Wesley nn Wes, Angela nn Angie, Barbara nn Babs, Francesco nn Frankie, Massimo nn Mo, Raffaella nn Relle, Bernadetta nn Betty.
2 I like my nicknames because they're what I tell people to call me. I chose them. It is annoying when people say Gianna with three syllables and no j sound, but it generally helps when I tell people that it's John with an -ah at the end.
3 I try to go for names where I like both the full name and the nickname.
4 I think that as long as they are introduced by their nickname, they'll be fine. I wouldn't like it if Charles was Chaz, Barbara was Barbie and Bernadetta was Bernie, but I don't think that it would be too big of an issue to solve.
5 To me, giving nicknames as full names counts as being a stupid parent.
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1. Do you have a nickname? Do you use nicknames for your kids? What are they?
- I have neither a nickname or a kid on which to bestow one. I always wanted one, though. :[ Unfortunately, there isn't much you can get out of Sarah, and few who feel like doing so anyway.2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)?
- N/A3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names?
- It doesn't matter. I imagine it would be nice to have the option of going by a nickname, but I hardly see it as necessary. A few names though, like Margaret, I like more because of the nickname possibilities. But that doesn't mean I would use it just for that.4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike (e.g. you love Alexandria but are worried she'll become Alex)?
Nope. You can always correct them, until the child is old enough to decide on their own what they want to be called.5. What do you think of nickname names as full names, e.g. Alfie, Sam, Joey, Jake, Jack, Billie, Janie, Katie, Kate? Does it depend on the name e.g. Kate is ok on its own, so is Jack but Katie and Joey are too cutesy?
- I don't really like it too much. For some reason I always want to use Kate and Beth as middle names, though.... I'd never actually use them, though. Kate and Beth and such names, while not being cutesy, seem a little incomplete as stand alones. The others, Katie, janie, Billy, Joey, etc., are entirely too cutesy. :\
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1. Do you have a nickname? Do you use nicknames for your kids? What are they? I don't have a nickname because there isn't one for my name (Shannon). But my son's name is Benjamin, and we call him Ben. And my husband, Nicholas, goes by Nick.2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)? NA :P3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names? I prefer nicknames because I was always a bit jealous of the kids who had nicknames for their names since I never did.4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike (e.g. you love Alexandria but are worried she'll become Alex)? No, it doesn't matter to me. My family is always like, "Do you call him Ben? Can I call him Ben?" Even if we didn't call him Ben, I wouldn't really care. Sometimes my family calls him Benji too.5. What do you think of nickname names as full names, e.g. Alfie, Sam, Joey, Jake, Jack, Billie, Janie, Katie, Kate? Does it depend on the name e.g. Kate is ok on its own, so is Jack but Katie and Joey are too cutesy? I think nicknames that have been established as full names are generally okay (such as Molly, Jack, Sally, Colin, Alison), but otherwise I dislike them (like Sam, Bobby, Tom, Maggie, Ellie).
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I'm not really a nickname person. Sometimes I toy with nicknames, but I'm not one of those people who plan nns in advance or are worried that a name they like doesn't have any nns. I don't know how it works where you are, but I have the impression nns are used much more in English-speaking countries than elsewhere. In Italy they're mainly for young kids, or if you have a long name, or to call someone from the other side of the house.1. Do you have a nickname? Do you use nicknames for your kids? What are they?
The only nn I really used on a regular basis is (don't laugh) Fanny, pronounced the French way when I was in my early teens. Neither me or anyone else had the faintest idea of what it means in English slang. It was because in my class there were 3 other Francesca's so we all had nns. Some of my friends from back then still call me that, though I kinda discourage it.
These days, sometimes people call me Fra, Fran or Franci, but it's mainly if they're calling me or if they can't pronounce my name.2. Do you like your nickname or does it annoy you when people call you Nicky though you prefer to go by Nicole (random example)?
I don't mind. Though there some nns I dislike, like Checca or Franca.3. Is it important to you that the name you give your child has a nice nickname or do you prefer no nickname names?
not really.4. Or are you scared that people might call your kid a nickname you dislike (e.g. you love Alexandria but are worried she'll become Alex)?
not really. I guess once the kid's old enough to decide for him/herself, s/he 'll pick whatever form of his/her name s/he wants.
Though I'd avoid picking a name that has a very obvious nn I don't care for.5. What do you think of nickname names as full names, e.g. Alfie, Sam, Joey, Jake, Jack, Billie, Janie, Katie, Kate? Does it depend on the name e.g. Kate is ok on its own, so is Jack but Katie and Joey are too cutesy?

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Nicknames are actually very common here. I know 40 girls named Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle and ALL of them go by either Isi or Isa. I also know 10 girls named Stefanie or Stephanie and they all go by Steffi. All Alexandras I've known went by Alex and all Jennifers by Jenny.
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I'm not overly fond of nicknames; I don't choose a longer name with the expectation that s/he will be referred to by a nickname for even just part of the time. I might make an exception for Elizabeth (because I really like Bess, Betsy, and Eliza), but if I wanted to refer to Veronica as Vera, I'd name her Vera. ;-) I think I'm just the kind of person who needs one option only, otherwise I won't be able to make up my mind. (Exception: my cats have always been Leonardo and Gabriella, but I usually just call them Leo and Gabby. But I've had them long enough that my thoughts on the matter were probably different when I was eight.)I don't consider Zippy for Zipporah in the same league, personally, as that's more of an affectionate nickname only to be used in certain situations. I like Zelda Lenore, nicknamed Poe, but Poe isn't something her friends would, presumably, call her. It's just a nickname that a parent would occasionally call their kid. It's like Stinkerbelle, which was my mom's nickname for me when I was little. :DI am sometimes called Caity/Caitie/I don't even know how it's spelled because it's only used in conversation, heh. But that's really just one person who calls me that, so I'm fine with it. I go by my last name and other nicknames like Stinkerbelle, too, but for the most part I'm just Caitlin.I don't avoid longer names if I fear they'll get nicknamed something stupid. The possibility of Edward getting called Ed doesn't bother me. But I'm not naming kids here, let's remember that. :BI like some nicknames as full names; I have yet to find a long name for Alfie that I like, so Alfie is awesome on its own. Something like Janie would bother me, though.
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1. No. I don't like any of the nicknames my name has. I don't have kids, but some of them might have nicknames (mostly the boys.)2. I really dislike when people call me Rach, Rachie, or... Rachello :[. 3. I prefer names without nicknames, generally. However, Mordecai I -would- call Cai. Ashley could go by Ash or AJ if he wants. Lucian could be Luc. 4. I'm worried Edward might end up being Ed or Eddie, neither of which I like. Jacob I won't even use as a FN because I don't want a Jake.5. Generally, I don't like NNs as full names. Kate and Jack are okay, but I'd still prefer a full name for Jack. I don't like any of the others on their own.
Oh but I like Noll and I think that can work on it's own.
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1) My nicknames are Bells, Belle, Bella, Bellzie and Bella Boo
2)I don't mind. My mum has always called me Annabel (she doesnt believe in nicknames)
3)Its nice if there is a nickname to go by (for e.g. when they are with their mates)
4)Well its up for my kid to decide whether s/he wants a nickname.
5)I agree with you about Kate and Jack. Katie is used far too much and it doesnt come across as a very strong name. Hope i helped!
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