JuliaLN: Johanssen
Your name:
Lucy CamilleAge: 34
Occupation: Stay at home mother to our two daughters
Interests: Traveling, swimming, reading, singing, painting
Disabilities: None
Aleksandr YuriyAge: 35
Occupation: Research scientist
Interests: Music, traveling, running, swimming, biking
Disabilities: Wears glasses
Children (name, age, disabilities, interests):
Sofia Anastasiya is 7. We adopted her from Ukraine when she was two. She loves reading, coloring, dancing and climbing trees. She has asthma, which is well controlled by her medications.
Charlotte Nasrin is 5. We adopted her from Iran when she was 18 months old. She loves coloring, dolls, running around our backyard, and anything
Sofia is doing.
Others living with you: None
Pets (name, gender, and species): One kitten named
Languages spoken: English, Ukranian, Russian
Religion: We are not very religious.
Number of children you’d like to adopt (max 4): 2
Genders: Girls, please
Ages (newborn-19): 4 or younger
Nationality/Country of origin: Eastern Europe or
AsiaLanguage preference: None
Religion preference: None
Will you accept:
-Children with pets (what kind?): Yes, cats
-Siblings?: Yes, but twins only
-Best friends: No
-Neighbors: No
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): Yes, mild to moderate physical or emotional disabilities. We are also happy to accept children with chronic medical issues that are not considered disabilities (diabetes, athsma, etc.)
-Multiples (twins, triplets, quads): Yes, twins only
-Pregnant teen: No
-Teen mother/father (which or both): No
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive sibs and parents?: Sure
Other: Thanks!