Username: Loxandra
LN: North-McKay
Clementine IngridAge: 30
Occupation: intelligence analyst
Interests: books cinema theater
Disabilities: none
LucasAge: 39
Occupation: Intelligence officer
Interests: books sports cinema fishing
Disabilities: none
Lucas Frederick Karl North jr, 9, books sport fishing, none
Others living with you (who and what is their relation?): none
Pets (name, species, ect.): no
LondonHouse type: townhouse
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 5
Do you travel often? If yes, where to?: no
Languages spoken: English
Religion: Methodist-atheist
Adoptee(s): (see below for choices)
Number of children: [max 3 choices, number of kids may vary]
Nationality/Country of origin:
Ireland Scotland uk
Language preference: English
Religion preference: none
First choice(s): girl and girl (newborn to 2 months old)
Second choice(s): boy and girl (newborn to 2 months old)
Third choice(s): boy and boy (newborn to 2 months old)